kostacurtas Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2008 Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2008 Knights Of The Old Republic MMO EA boss John Riccitiello confirmed at E3 today that BioWareʼs working on a new Knights of the old Republic game with an MMO “component” to it. The project has been heavily rumoured for some time. “Weʼve got two of the most compelling MMOs in the industry in development,” said Riccitiello. “The first title, based on the Warhammer property, will launch soon. “And the one that people are dying for us to talk to them about - in partnership with Lucas, coming out of BioWare, which is, I think, quite possibly the most anticipated game, full stop, for the industry at the point when we get closer to telling you about it.” He was then asked if the game was Knights of the old Republic and his response was a resounding, “Yes.” Thatʼs the kind of megaton weʼve been waiting for. Thanks, Portfolio.
chill Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2008 Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2008 Πολύ ευχάριστη είδηση. Για να δούμε τι θα δούμε....
Super Moderators Thresh Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2008 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2008 Star Wars Galaxies wannabe...
aliakas Δημοσ. 19 Ιουλίου 2008 Δημοσ. 19 Ιουλίου 2008 αφού δεν το κατέχουν το άθλημα εκεί στην ΕΑ γιατί δεν αφήνουν τα MMO σε αυτούς που ξέρουν και πάνε και τρώνε τα μούτρα τους ας επικεντρωθούν στα single player games φαγώθηκαν να φτιάξουν MMO μήπως και πιάσουν και αυτοί την κότα με τα χρυσά αυγά
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 19 Ιουλίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 19 Ιουλίου 2008 Δεν το φτιαχνει το παιχνιδι η ΕΑ, publisher ειναι. Το παιχνιδι το δουλευουν οι BiοWare και LucasArts. Ε, αυτες οι τρεις εταιριες μαζι σιγουρα κατι αξιολογο θα δημιουργησουν...
LuxJaja Δημοσ. 19 Ιουλίου 2008 Δημοσ. 19 Ιουλίου 2008 θα ενθουσιαστώ όταν ανακοινώσουν features και time of publish. γιατί μέχρι το 2012-2014 ποιος ζει ποιος πεθαίνει.
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Top 10 Things We Want in a KOTOR MMO The IGN PC Team lists what it would love to see in the rumored BioWare MMORPG. While it hasn't been officially announced yet, there's wide speculation that BioWare, the famed developer of many single-player role-playing games, is working on a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based on the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic universe. EA CEO John Riccitello confirmed as much at E3, but there had been no shortage of whispers and rumors prior to that. If you're not familiar with the KOTOR universe, it's set thousands of years before the events seen in the Star Wars movies. This is basically the ancient history of Star Wars, but it still features Jedi Knights, Sith Lords, and lightsabers. We're huge fans of the first two KOTOR games, which were single-player role-playing games. So we decided to put together a list of the 10 things that we'd like to see in a KOTOR MMO...
littlelouievegos Δημοσ. 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Αν θα επαιζα την δεδομενη στιγμη καποιο MMO αυτο σιγουρα θα ηταν ή ενας κοσμος του Starcraft ή κατι σε KOTOR.. Πολυ ενδιαφερουσα ειδηση περιμενω περισσοτερα νεα..
Sadman Δημοσ. 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 τα kotor σαν games τα σπαγανε απλα,ε ελπιζω και το mmo να γαμαει.
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 3 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Οκτωβρίου 2008 KOTOR MMO to be revealed soon BioWare's online Star Wars game to be unveiled in a matter of weeks. BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic MMO game is set to be 'officially' unveiled later this month, CVG has learnt. The long-awaited online Star Wars - perhaps the games industry's worst kept secret - is being developed by BioWare Austin, which has been tinkering away behind the scenes on the title for over two years. Officially the company hasn't admitted to any sort of Star Wars link with its MMO, but EA boss John Riccitiello let slip earlier this year that the RPG developer was in fact working on the online KOTOR, claiming that it is "quite possibly the most anticipated game, full stop, for the industry." But it looks like the game won't (officially at least) be a secret for long. LucasArts and BioWare look set to lift the lid on a KOTOR MMO within the next 30 days. Backing up all this is the strongest confirmation yet (other than EA's boss saying it's in the works, of course) from UK newspaper, The Daily Star, of all places. A column that appeared last Saturday reports that the rag is soon off to San Francisco to "file an exclusive report on the game", after stating that BioWare is working on "a MMO of Knights of the Old Republic". Look for more in the coming weeks then.
Xorxhs! Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 http://www.gamespot.com/news/6199726.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=topstory&tag=topstory;more !!ΑΥΤΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΝΕΑ!!
Panahs Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Σκατά. Το αγαπημένο μου παιχνίδι θα γίνει ένα καμένο MMO.
{TDi}Dj2k..infc Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Σκατά. Το αγαπημένο μου παιχνίδι θα γίνει ένα καμένο MMO. Τα λόγια μου ακριβώς dude...
Yperaspisths Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Σκατά. Το αγαπημένο μου παιχνίδι θα γίνει ένα καμένο MMO. Συγγνωμη φιλε μου ,αλλα το παιχνιδι δεν το φτιαχνει η funcom ή ακομα και η mythic που ειναι αξιολογη εταιρεια. Το game το φτιαχνει η bioware(mass effect κ.τ.λ). Η συγκεκριμενη εταιρια ειδικευεται σε τετοιου ειδους παιχνιδια. Επισης θα εχει την υποστηριξη της ΕΑ(αφου η ΕΑ την αγορασε) και της Lucas arts. Eιμαι 1000% σιγουρος οτι το παιχνιδι θα τα σπαει. Επισης μην κρινουμε απο τα πρωτα screenshots. Το παιχνιδι φτιαχνεται με την μηχανη που φτιαχνεται και το Dragon Age: Origins,οποτε μην περιμενετε μαπα γραφικα. Για MMO θα ειναι εξαιρετικα. Λογικα δεν θα βγει το 2009 που ελεγαν ,αλλα μαλλον προς τελος 2010 ,αρχες 2011(υποθετω)
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 22 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Star Wars: The Old Republic - Announced, Details, Trailer, Screens It has been rumored ever since Bioware revealed it was working on a new game with LucasArts, with licensing various MMO technology over the years, and even EA CEO Ricitello giving it a mention not so long ago, but today it is official. At a press event, going on as we speak, LucasArts and Bioware announced Star Wars: The Old Republic, a new MMORPG featuring immersive storytelling, dynamic combat and intelligent companion characters. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, players will explore an age thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire divides the galaxy. Players can choose to play as Jedi, Sith, or a variety of other classic Star Wars roles, defining their personal story and determining their path down the light or dark side of the Force. Along the way, players will befriend courageous companions who will fight at their side or possibly betray them, based on the playersʼ actions. Players can also choose to team up with friends to battle enemies and overcome incredible challenges using dynamic Star Wars combat. Additional details on Star Wars: The Old Republic features, gameplay and release date will be announced at a later time.
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