Erazer_ Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2002 ti xriazomai gia na metatrepsw roms tis amiga se arxia pou na diavazondai apo tin palia amiga mou (500)ti progs xriazondai kai ti disketes kanoun oi 1.44? thanks ek ton proterwn
imported_melody Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2002 Mmmm, an katalaba kala, 0eleis na ftia3eis disketes gia AMiga. EXEIS tis ROM sto pc soy kai 0eleis na leitoyrghsoyn se real-amiga...<p>Dyskolo alla ginetai.<p>1on BASIKO! H doyleia 0a ginei STHN AMIGA kai OXI sto PC... To PC DEN mporei na ftia3ei disketes 880KB poy na diabazei h Amiga.<p>2on: Yparxei ena utility, to adf2disk (h kapws etsi, dhladh .adf se amiga disk) poy 0a parei ta .adf arxeia kai 0a ta kanei real-disks.<p>3on: PWS 0a metafereis ta arxeia ayta sthn Amiga? ME cross-dos. Dhladh 0a ta grapseis se disketes 720KB (!!!) poy mporei na tis diabasei h Amiga.<p> Axxx, an moy to eleges prin 6 mhnes 0a soy edina tzampa 500+ disketes poy peta3a... Alh0eia tis peta3a, tis eixa antigrapsei oles se PC (.adf). Den eixa allwste Amiga na tis xrhsimopoihsw...<p>Elpizw na boh0hsa. (mallon oxi e?)
Nemo Δημοσ. 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2002 metafresmeno apo galliko -how to- me to systrans ------------------------------------------------- How to recreate an Amiga diskette starting from a file ADF? <p>1ere Solution: (the major part of work éffectue on AMIGA) <p>With software ADF2DISK, it is possible to find the files contained in files ADF. <p>Attention this software only functions on AMIGA! <p>Therefore, to be able to recompose an Amiga diskette, it will thus be necessary to transfer ADF2Disk on Amiga, then: <p>1) Comprésser file ADF in Lha (or another compression readable by Amiga). 2) Copier the Lha file from a diskette PC formatted in 720 KB 3) Inserer this same diskette in the reader of Amiga 1200 (or another AMIGA equipped with the Cross-country race-Back). 4) Décomprésser the Lha file towards the hard disk of AMIGA. 5) On Amiga, to use ADF2Disk (it is an Amiga software!). 6) Recopier contents of the repertory obtained on a diskette with the AMIGA format. <p>Software ADF2DISK is downloadable on my site, at the heading "Downloads". <p>2nd Solution: (the major part of work éffectue on PC) To use " ADFopus " bus C E software (fonctionant on Windows) is a manipulator of files ADF. Indeed, it makes it possible to charge a file ADF and to show the original contents of it. Thus, it is possible to recover the AMIGA files contained in an ADF and to copy the latter from the hard disk of the PC (by Glisser/Copier). Then, it is enough to copy the files recovered from thehard one towards a formatted diskette PC in 720 KB. To then introduce this diskette into AMIGA 1200 (or another AMIGA equipped with the Cross-country race-Back which makes it possible to read format PC) and to copy, initially, all these files on thehard one of AMIGA for then finally recopying them on a genuine AMIGA diskette. 3 3rd Solution: (the major part of work éffectue on PC): <p>To use " ADFView " . In same optics that ADFOpus, ADFView allows the handling of files ADF functioning on Windows. Indeed, after its installation, it integre automatically has the Browser of Windows and, thereafter, allows by simple clicks direct on a file ADF to charge its contents and to handle the Amiga files which are there!!!. <p>Thus, it is possible to recover the AMIGA files contained in an ADF and to copy the latter from the hard disk of the PC (by Copier/Coller). Then, it is enough to copy the files recovered from thehard one towards a formatted diskette PC in 720 KB. To then introduce this diskette into AMIGA 1200 (or another AMIGA equipped with the Cross-country race-Back which makes it possible to read format PC) and to copy, initially, all these files on thehard one of AMIGA for then finally recopying them on a genuine AMIGA diskette. I find this method much more effective and user-friendly that that with ADFOpus. <p>CAUTION: it may be that, at the time of the installation of ADFView, an error message appears explaining why the help file was written in a language not taken into account by your version of Windows: Do not hold of it account, the installation of the component principal, in any case, is already carried out. Leave simply the process of installation (sometimes by an end of spot) and start again your PC to finish the installation. <p>ême Solution: (the major part of work éffectue on AMIGA) <p>Quite simply to transfer the ADF on Amiga (by compressing it in LHA, for example or by using Splijo) and to use the software "DiskWiz" (for workbench 2x or supperior) or "ADF Blitzer" (for Workbench 1.3) to recreate a true Amiga diskette directly starting from this ADF. <p>ëme Solution: for Amiga 500 without disc-hard (the major part of work éffectue on AMIGA) <p>If one possede Amiga 500, 500+ or 600, the problem is that they do not know, at the origin, lira diskettes with format MSDOS (PC of 720 KB). It is thus necessary to find a means to oblige them. For that 2 methods exist: 1) One needs éxécuter on Amiga the software "Dos2Dos". And there, y' has a light problem: this software will thus be downloaded on PC. It is thus necessary to put this "Dos2Dos" on an Amiga diskette. With this intention, there is only one method method: To find somebody who possede Amiga 1200 (which can thus read diskettes MSDOS thanks to its Cross-country race-Back) and which could put this "Dos2Dos" on an Amiga diskette (or better, on the diskette of Workbench of Amiga). 2) To use Workbench 2.1 or supperior. From this version of Workbench the "Cross-country race-Doss" was integrated and thus makes it possible Amiga to read a diskette MSDOS (PC) of 720 KB But attention, it arrives rather fréquement that Amiga 500 rejects too recent Workbench and that thus makes its use impossible... It is a little a stroke of luck... Therefore, when one has reussi one of the two methods to make ingurgiter format MSDOS 720 KB in Amiga, the procedure is as follows: 1) Compacter the ADF in DMS on PC (it is enough to emulate Amiga + Workbench under WinUAE and to use DMSWin to make the compression of the ADF). This will permetra to make hold the file on a diskette PC with format MSDOS of 720 KB And copy this ADF compressed in DMS from this diskette with format PC. 2) Inserer this diskette in Amiga (which will be able to read it thanks to "Dos2Dos" or thanks to Workbench 2.1 or supperior) and to copy the ADF in RAM then (or better, if one possede one 2nd diskette drive on Amiga, to leave this diskette there inside: that will liberera the totality of the RAM since it will not be used!). 3) Utiliser the software "DMSWin" (this time, on Amiga) to recompose an Amiga diskette starting from a file DMS. 6eme Solution: (by cable) <p>There is a method which consite to connect Amiga to the PC by a Série cable and by using the WarTrans software on Amiga and the PC. 2 versions (Amiga and PC) of WarTrans are downloadable in the page "Downloads" of this site. And all the details (in English) of this techniques are available HERE
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