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RAR (WinRAR) password recovery


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Ekana to lathos na min grapsw ton kwdiko enos RAR arxeiou pou dimiourigisa.


Vrika pola programmata gia RAR password recovery, all kanena den ekane doulia.


To arxeio simpiestike me WinRAR 3.x (nomizw 3.10 alla den thymamai kala) kai einai "solid". Eftixws den exw kanei apokripsi onomatwn twn simpiesmenwn arxeiwn mesa sto RAR archive.


Ean kapoios exei kapoio programma pou doulevei (i toulaxiston na miso doulevei) as mou pei na to dokimasw.


Thanks :)


Το Passware Kit είναι ένα πακέτο που περιέχει τα εξής:


1-2-3 Key, Acrobat Key, ACT Key, Backup Key, FileMaker Key, Internet Explorer Key, Mail Key, Money Key, MYOB Key, OneNote Key, Organizer Key, Outlook Express Key, Paradox Key, Peachtree Key, PowerPoint Key, Quattro Pro Key, QuickBooks Key, Quicken Key, RAR Key, Schedule Key, WordPerfect Key, WordPro Key, Zip Key.


Το βρίσκεις στη διεύθυνση http://www.lostpassword.com

RAR Key recovers passwords for RAR archives.




Recovers passwords for RAR 3.x archives using combination of Brute-Force, Xieve™ or Dictionary attacks

Additional user dictionaries support, case changes, multiple mistypes and other modifications for each dictionary word

Program automatically saves password search state and can resume after a stop or a crash

Patterns can be used to minimize search time if any part of the password is known

Non-English characters in passwords are supported

RAR Key recovers passwords for RAR archives.




Recovers passwords for RAR 3.x archives using combination of Brute-Force' date=' Xieve™ or Dictionary attacks

Additional user dictionaries support, case changes, multiple mistypes and other modifications for each dictionary word

Program automatically saves password search state and can resume after a stop or a crash

Patterns can be used to minimize search time if any part of the password is known

Non-English characters in passwords are supported


Poly kalo akougetai!!!! :D :D :D


Αν θυμάμαι καλά το WinRAR χρησιμοποιεί τον AES, άρα για κρυπτανάλυση το κόβω χλωμό. Με μικρό κωδικό κάτι γίνεται....


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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