sotris99 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2004 Σε ένα δίκτυο πέντε υπολογιστών μοιράζω την σύνδεση μέσω switch στο οποίο είναι συνδεδεμένο ένα dsl router (alcatel speedtouch 530i) Στο έναν υπολογιστή αποφάσισα να εγκαταστήσω το spybot search and destroy για να τον καθαρίσω από τα βακτηρίδια... Έλα που δεν μπόρεσε να τα καθαρίσει όλα... έπρεπε να κάνει restart όταν μπήκε σε περιβάλλον windows άρχισε... μόλις τελείωσε κόλλησε... Από τότε δεν μπορώ να μπώ στο internet παρόλο που έχω δίκτυο... Ο υπολογιστής τρέχει win 98.
poulinos Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Σωτήρη... Betadine δοκίμασες; :* humor i cristina.exe xari pou agapo tin boo apokato.xexe.sotris99 ides tcp ip oti ta ip einai ok?b:)sto interface tou modem exeis prosvasi meta apo auto pou basiko einai na deis pou einai to problima.ine to problima metaxi epikoinonias modem kai ipologisti i den blepei internet.epidi exei tixei na exo katharisei kati pc kapoion pelaton pou einai pixtra dialers kai blakies kai eida oti meta den eblepan internet.einai merika programmata opos to web hancer pou ama ta sbiseis meta den pezei internet.ekei i epanafereis auta pou esbises apo to backup pou kanei to programma i allios xanapernas auto pou katharises.allios i alli lisi einai sbineis olo to dun (dial up networking apo tin prosthaferesi programaton gia na sbistoun ta protokola)kai meta to xanapernas .kalo einai ta protokola na sbistoun xirokinita apo to network.auta gia arxi.cristina pare betadine gia gargares.einai kalo.xexe.
Giorikas Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Eixa to idio provlima tin proigoumeni ebdomada. Me leitourgiko XP. Apodeixthike oti o ypologistis eixe io, kai molis ebaine sto dyktio, kollouse oli tin DSL grammi. Kanto format kai teleionei i istoria. Ayto ekana ego kai tora eimai ok.
poulinos Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Ιανουαρίου 2005 to format einai panta i kaliteri lisi apla poloi to apofeugoun.apla ego egrapsa kai tis pio pano liseis se periptosi pou den theleis format.apla to leo dioti mou exei tixei kati paromoio
sotris99 Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Eixa to idio provlima tin proigoumeni ebdomada.Me leitourgiko XP. Apodeixthike oti o ypologistis eixe io' date=' kai molis ebaine sto dyktio, kollouse oli tin DSL grammi. Kanto format kai teleionei i istoria. Ayto ekana ego kai tora eimai ok.[/quote'] Έκανα restore τα σφάλματα που βρήκε το spybot και ο υπολογιστής επανήλθε... Δεν κάνω φορμάτ γιατί απλά δεν είναι ο υπολογιστής που χρησιμοποιώ... :twisted: Το πρόβλημα το προκαλεί το πρόγραμμα webhancer.
poulinos Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2005 auto pou sou egrapsa file sotris99.epanefere to backup apo to spybot kai tha programma to webhancer to ixa kai ego sta windows xp.otan epsaxa gia info gia auto (to programma itan kanonika stin prosthaferesi programmaton) brika oti ama to bgaleis auto to programma den exeis meta internet.ama to xanabaleis ite epanaferontas to backup ite to xanabaleis san programma pezei.
sotris99 Δημοσ. 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2005 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2005 Λοιπόν εχθές αποφάσισα να τελειώνω μια και καλή!!! WebHancer:How you can get rid of it' date=' and how you can't This is a report of my first experience with WebHancer, and my quest on how to get rid of it. If you don't care about the steps I tried that didn't work, you can skip ahead to the step that did work. Note: Ad-Aware has been updated many times since this article was written. The bug in Ad-Aware described here applied to an old 5.x build, which has been fixed in Ad-Aware 6. I suggest you try Ad-Aware 6 first before trying this stuff. Note 2: The method used to restore the Winsock stack is for Win95/98/ME only! It cannot be used in Windows 2000/XP! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days ago a friend of my dad got infected with the SirCam virus, and Norton AntiVirus left him with an inoperative computer. When he asked me to come over and fix it (which took me about 5 minutes), I also noticed his computer was infested with spyware. I downloaded Ad-Aware and installed it. It found Aureate, CyDoor, Doubleclick, OnFlow, SaveNow, New.NET and WebHancer. Without bothering to check which one did what to your system, I selected everything and hit 'Clean'. A reboot later all was fine. The next day, the friend called again, saying he couldn't get to the internet. His ISDN line connected OK, but no pages could display. I knew WebHancer altered Windows' Winsock settings and that incorrectly removing it could leave a computer 'netless. It seemed Ad-Aware hadn't done its job right. So I came over again and started prodding. First, I ran Ad-Aware again to check if I had missed something. It just found some Doubleclick cookies (again). I added and to the HOSTS file and went on. Maybe it was just WSOCK32.dll that was still WebHanced. I started System File Checker (SFC.EXE) and restored that file from the Windows cabinets. Reboot, no go. Next was Removing Everything From The Network Properties List, Rebooting And Re-adding It Again?. Since the computer used ISDN, it emulated a COM port so Windows could access it, blah blah blah. Following was an endless road of agony reinstalling the damn ISDN adapter, protocol and settings. Remind me to never do that again before checking what drivers I need and getting them ready beforehand. Anyway, this didn't improve things. I'm sure I screwed up several features in the process as well, since I don't know that much about ISDN technology. But still no webpages displayed. So, the solutions getting more radical and radical, I now went into the Device Manager and removed everything listed under 'Network Adapters' (the machine was a stand-alone machine so I didn't need to worry about the home network). A reboot later and the entire process of reinstalling the hardware and the ISDN card started over. Luckily, this time it went faster because I knew what to do. But still no Internet. OK, I was about all out of options, so I started the second-to-last thing I could think of, which was Reinstalling Windows on top of the existing installation. The current Windows version was Win98 Gold, but only a Win98 SE CD was available. Luckily the entire Win98 Gold install was still in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS. One SETUP /IS /IE /IM /IV and 40 minutes later I was back at the desktop (I'm skipping the Search For A Windows Product Key? which wasn't even needed because Setup decided this was a simple reinstall and not an upgrade), still without Internet connectivity. And I was getting pissed. Before resorting to my last option (which ALWAYS works in these kind of things), I asked if there was any other computer in this house that had an Internet connection. I was planted behind a small laptop and the same ISDN line that had tortured me for nearly two hours now. I Googled '+webhancer +uninstalling' and low and behold, the first match was to a site on the WebHancer site itself, titled 'After uninstalling WebHancer, my computer won't display pages anymore. How come?'. Surprisingly, the answer from WebHancer & Co. was 'You uninstalled WebHancer incorrectly, re-install it and remove it using the Add/Remove applet from Control Panel'. So I did what I never expected to consciously do: I downloaded the WebHancer OfferCompanion and installed it on the connectionless computer. About three minutes later I was doing a victory dance in the computer room, because reinstalling WebHancer had restored the Internet connection!! After considering leaving the system like this (NOT), I fired up Google and re-entered the query. This time, I noticed a link to Cexx, which has been in my bookmarks for a few months now (most excellent site, dude!)... I slapped myself for not thinking of this before: of course Cexx would have the answer! Not surprisingly, Cexx noted (in red font) that just removing the WebHancer files would screw up the Winsock stack. Several remedies for this screwup were given, including the fix WebHancer itself gave. I copied several solutions to Notepad for later reference. Going from simple to hard, I tried the WebHancer solution first: uninstall it from the Add/Remove applet. After a reboot (which appeared to be mandatory) WebHancer was 'uninstalled'. Two funny things to mention: 1) WebHancer was far from uninstalled, as shown by Ad-Aware, and 2) The internet was broken again! Checking with the other methods I saved to Notepad earlier, both said to remove everything from the 'Communications' section in Windows Setup and delete the 'Winsock2' key from the Registry. One went a little further and said you also needed to remove everything from the Network properties list except for the adapters. As I knew this last bit wouldn't work (I tried it myself), I just did the Windows Setup bit and deleted the Registry key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2. I rebooted, reinstalled what had been unchecked from Windows Setup and behold, everything was working again! So finally, the surprising conclusion about what works and what doesn't is as following: What does remove WebHancer: Use Ad-Aware to remove WebHancer, remove everything from the 'Communications' section in Windows Setup (Control Panel, Add/Remove software, Windows Setup), delete the Registry key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2, reboot, put removed items from 'Communications' section in Windows Setup back. What doesn't remove WebHancer Use the WebHancer uninstaller Use Ad-Aware to remove WebHancer Use Ad-Aware to remove WebHancer and restore WSOCK32.dll from the Windows CD Use Ad-Aware to remove WebHancer and remove everything from the Network properties list, reboot and reinstall then Use Ad-Aware to remove WebHancer and remove all Network Adapters from Device Manager, reboot and reinstall them again Use Ad-Aware to remove WebHancer and reinstall Windows So I guess I can safely say that WebHancer & Co. have successfully created the most persistent virus, er.. 'monitoring software' ever. Thanks, but no thanks. You ask what was my 'final solution that always works'? Well, reformat the drive and reinstall Windows of course! Klont, [email'][email protected][/email] Και κάτι καινούριο που το διαπίστωσα αφού είχα κάνει όλη την διαδικασία... Τα καινούρια definitions του spybot search and destroy (28.01.05) απομακρύνουν πλέον σωστά το webhancer...
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