-nick- Δημοσ. 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2004 to dine i Rockstar 4 free... gia mena paramenei apo ta kalytera gta... mporei na mhn exei ta grafika ton kainourion, alla me auto eixa faei poly megalytero kollhma kai ethismo apo oti me to 3 kai to Vice, den ksero giati... It's time to revisit Grand Theft Auto's roots as Rockstar releases the third in its Classics range, in this case GTA 2, as a free download. Grand Theft Auto 2 appeared in 1999 and built on the top-down, open-ended gameplay set out in the original title, embellishing the crime-world gameplay with plenty of new features that included the arrival of multiple rival gangs. Able to earn respect with each gang, players could re-indulge in the now classic experience of reaping benefits of work in the criminal underworld and climbing the ladder to top dog-dom. Rockstar's released free version of Grand Theft Auto 2 has been fully optimised to run on today's PCs and "is available gratis for all registrants to the Rockstar Games mailing list". For more information and to download the game itself, So for anyone wanting Grand Theft Auto 2, also GTA1 has been added to along with a game called wild metal http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/gta.html
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