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the 5 best adventures ever


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h dikh mou lista xwris sygkekrimenh seira:<p>Gabriel Knight (Sins of the Fathers)

Monkey Island I & II & III

Quest for the Glory 1,4

Kings Quest 4

Alone in the Dark 1

The Lost files of Sherlock Holmes I & II

Larry x<p>my 2 euro cents

  • Απαντ. 55
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

to zork grand inquisitor itan poli kalo..kai eixe kai oreo humour akoma thimame ton afgncap an thimame kala smile.gif" border="0

my 5 games

1: shivers 1 (me eixe porosei apeira)

2: the longest journey

3: Monkey island 3 (el poulo diablo)

4: Rama (tromero game)

5: lighthouse<p>

alithia thimate kaneis to treasure quest?otan to teliones elege i eteria tha sou dine 1mirio dolaria... an thimame kala

opou kai na patages eixe ena grifo


hello man. ego opos hdh ksereis exo minei kapos piso sta adventures giati protimo ta cartoon adventures kai oxi toso ta photorealistic click ones.

gia mena apsoga htan ta Larry 1,Dig,little big adventure..kai fysika to Fate of atlantis wink.gif" border="0 <p>cu sth sxoli re smile.gif" border="0

  • 3 μήνες μετά...

1. The Dig

2. Riven (Myst & Myst 3)

3. Monkey Island 2 (1,3 & 4)

4. Legend of Kyrandia 3 (1&2)

5. Indy 4 Fate of Atlantis


Thelo na patho amnisia,gia na spaso pali to kafkalo mou ,linontas autes tis istorikes oneirokseis !


Εδω εχουμε προβλημα....


Λοιπον, σε τυχαια σειρα και πανω απο 5(αφηνω πολλα απ' εξω):

Pandora Directive

Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within

Indiana Jones and the Fate Of Atlantis

Monkey Island 2

Grim Fandago


Hero Quest 1

The Longest Journey (κορυφη αλλα λιγο πανευκολο)

Rex Nebular


1) Broken Sword 1&2 (opoios exei ena apo ta 2 pm me ASAP <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> )

2) Pandora Directive

3) Phantasmagoria 2

4) Monkey Island 2

5) Myst


ektos pentadas: police quest SWAT, kai SWAT2, larry, tex murphy overseer.

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

re paidia psaxno merika adventures tha me boithisete? plhrono ama laxei!


thelo ta:



indiana jones and the fate of atlantis

myst (nai nai to proto)

kai ta lary series opoios ta exei as mou pei re paides


tora gia ta kalytera adventures xoris sigekrimenh seira




indiana jones ATFOA (to proto point and klick!)

day of the tentacle

sam & max

kai to fovero the longest jurney


kai h april htan mia xara!


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Spi Nik:



3.Day of The Tentacle


5.Monkey4 (logw entimou proterou biou)</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Συμφωνώ αλλά θα αλλάξω λίγο τη σειρά:


1. Day Of The Tentacle

2. Monkey 2

3. Monkey 1

4. Monkey 3

5. Monkey 4




6. Indiana Jones ATFOA


<small>[ 28-05-2002, 14:59: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: termi21 ]</small>


Katarxh tha xwrisw ta Adventures se 2 periodous(opws egw ta epaixa)


AMIGA Period


1. Loom (makran to kalytero)

2. The Dig

3. Monkey Island II (to kalytero ths seiras)

4. Police Quest 5


PC Period


1. Sam & Max

2. The Longest Journey (Axx April...)

3. Grim Fantago (Viva la revolution Comrades!)

4. Day of the Tentacle (tromero xioumor)

5. Broken Sword I (to II den htan toso kalo. Xereis kaneis an tha bgei 3? Kati tetoio eixa diabasei).


Bebaia afinw polla exw, alla auta mou exoun minei. Oso gia ta Myst, pote den kataferan na mou kentrisoun to endiaferon. Gousta einai auta omws...


epote exw kai to the dig alla kai to fovero fate of atlantis se cd me dialogous opos kai polla alla korifea palia adventures se cd (px loom stin ekdosi me dialogous).an endiaferese pes mou


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