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Deuteros Sklhros...?!


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Skeftomai na agorasw deutero sklhro gia ton ypologisth mou!Exw hdh enan WD 120GB 7200rpm kai skeftomai na parw auton!




Einai SATA sta 10000rpm kai thelw na kanw thn akolouthi erotisi: Agorazontas ton sigekrimeno hdd tha ton valw master kai tha patisei to leitourgiko panw tou!Exete na proteinete kati allo?...p.x. na valw to leitourgiko ston allo sklhro?h na ton valw slave?


Telionontas na pw pws to kinhtro mou sthn agora kainouriou hdd den einai i xoritikotita alla i taxitita!

  • Απαντ. 32
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Aptin alli exeis mia vasi oste sto mellon pairnontas enan akoma idio disko na ton kaneis raid0 oste na eisai akoma pio grigoros..


Sti thesi sou tha koitaza ti lusi ton 2 diakosaridon Sata (sta idia lefta me enan 74ari pou thes) ALLA thusiazeis 2 sata kanalia (ego exo mono 2 opote den tha ithela na ta thusiaso) kai episis stin periptosi pou xtupa ksulo enas diskos xtupisi, tha xalasei oli i sistixia...


Oxi oti xtupane efkola oi diskoi, apla tora exeis 2plasies pithanotites gia zimia...


Loipon koitaksa to palaiotero topic to psaksa ligo kai monos mou kai kateliksa se auto pou eixate kataliksei kai seis!Sto oti to kalytero apo pleura timi kai apodosi einai 2 sata se raid0!Koitaksa to manual ths mobo kai eida pws to energopoieis opote ola ok!Kateliksa se 2 120rides ths WD sta 7200 rpm kai me 8mb cache!Se autous opws eipes kai sy predator tha trexw OS kai efarmoges kai ston IDE (auton pou exw twra) ta arxeia mou (mp3,video,images,movies ktl)!Elpizw na katalaba swsta!To kako omws einai pws an xtipisei o enas hdd xanontai teleiws ta arxeia!Vevaia dyskola xtypaei enas sklhros alla leme twra!Yparxei kamia epipleon lysh gia asfalia gia auto?


epishs gia na mhn to ksexasw!Mporeite na mou peite me pio apla logia giati einai pio grigoroi 2 hdd me raid0 apo oti enas?afou ipotithetai otan paei na diavasei ena arxeio tha prepei na to diavazei apo 2 sklirous!i kanw lathos?


Re sy predator!Eilikrina na sai kala pou me anexesai edw mesa! :) KAti akoma...(mi me vriseis) Vazontas tous 2 sata den epilego master kai slave etsi?Kai ton allo ton Ide ton afino opws itan...primary ide channel kai master?


kai episis stin periptosi pou xtupa ksulo enas diskos xtupisi, tha xalasei oli i sistixia...


Εγώ έχω ήδη έναν Raptor και σκέφτομαι πολύ σοβαρά να πάρω άλλον έναν για raid0 (καλά το λέω?). Αυτό που λες αν χτυπήσει ο ένας χαλάει η συστοιχία τί εννοείς? Ότι αν μου χαλάσει ο ένας από τους 2 χάνω τα δεδομένα και των 2??? Επίσης ποιός είναι ο λόγος να ενώσω και τους 2 σε raid? (εκτός της ταχύτητας φυσικά). Κάπου άκουσα ότι λέει μοιράζονται τα δεδομένα και στους 2 σκληρούς όταν πχ. κάνω install μια εφαρμογή/παιχνίδι. Ισχύει?


Den katalaba ta parakatw:


1)If too large of a stripe size is used, then the performance advantages of RAID-0 can be lost, while too small of a stripe size could result in excess overhead, reducing the performance improvement of the striped array.


2)We have seen in the past that for most desktop applications, the largest stripe size that a desktop RAID controller will offer is usually the best choice for performance. With Intel's ICH5/6, that translates into a 128KB stripe size, which for our comparison is what we decided to go with. The other stripe size options didn't offer any better performance for our desktop test suite.


3)The size of a RAID-0 array is the sum of all of its members; so, two 100GB drives in a RAID-0 array will give you one array with a 200GB total capacity.


Egw eixa katalabei pws me 2 100gb hdd exeis 100gb oxi 20gb...?!?!


4)Since two drives are working in tandem and are both necessary to hold your data, you effectively halve the mean time between failure by moving to a two-drive RAID-0 array.


5)Ksexasa na rotiso gia ta "stripes" ta opoia ta rithmizeis esy kai einai apo 8 mexri 128mb nomizw!Ta stripes einai to pws tha dianemei ta arxeia stous 2 sklirous?Poso einai to idaniko na valei kapoios?


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