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Tool gia thn dhmiourgia active desktop???


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Καλημέρα, θέλω να φτιάξω μια επιφάνεια εργασίας, στην οποία θα έχω φακελακια, για προγράμματα, που όμως θα μπορώ να παραμετροποιήσω.


π.χ. πάνω σε μία ήδη υπάρχουσα εικόνα, ένα κομμάτι της να το κάνω link για κάποιον φάκελο κλπ κλπ κλπ


το έχω δεί σε net cafe και μ'έχει φάει η περιέργεια... :D :D


Μηπως το εχεις δει στα WEB??? :)

Και εγω παντως ψαχνομαι να κανω κατι αντιστοιχο.... οποτε για να δοκιμασω το εργαλειακι.....


isws kati san kai auto kanei douleia pantws...


Talisman Desktop is a desktop manager and shell-replacement for Windows 9x/ME and NT/2000/XP. The program lets users design their own desktops and interfaces or choose from hundreds of downloadable themes, which work either atop or as complete replacements for the default Windows shell.

Unlike Windows XP themes, Talisman Desktop lets you completely customize the Windows interface. Its power extends from adding new toolbars to designing a brand-new desktop with any combination of drop-down menus, buttons and panels.

The program allows any number of fixed or free-moving icons, buttons, or other objects that launch programs, Web sites, or internal shell commands; HTML and Flash objects; a customizable taskbar, system tray, calendar, clock; and customizable Start, folder, and task menus, as well as a powerful script language and plugins. Originally created for home users who enjoy outdoing the Mac OS or "Longhorn" designers, Talisman has also been adopted as a front-end interface for public and corporate PCs and kiosks.

Currently, there are over 1000 customizable themes (interfaces) that can be used for personal PCs, standardized corporate desktops, car PCs, Home Theater and MediaCenter interfaces, touch-screen computers, protected interfaces for museums, libraries and other organization.


Link: http://www.handyarchive.com/download/8667/talisman.zip


h etairia Stardock




exei dio tetoia ergaliakia pou legontai to ena DesktopX kai to allo WindowBlinds. exei kai alla ergalia gia full desktop optimization. phgaine kai des ti paizei me ayta. nomizw oti den einai freeware, alla ok.


alla na 3ereis oti to pc 8a metamorfw8ei se sernetron ektos kai an exeis teleytaias texnologias :roll:


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