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A Runtime Error has occured


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otan anoigw orismenes selides me ton internet explorer opws to http://www.avopolis.gr 'h to http://www.flash.gr kai polles alles mou emfanizetai to parakatw mhnyma sthn o8onh:



* A Runtime Error has occured.

* Do you wish to Debug?


* Line:223

* Error:Expected Identifier


* YES or NO


otan pataw yes mou anoigei ena script editor...???


giati ginetai auto?

palia den ginotan...mporw na to dior8wsw kapws?

yparxei problhma?


let me know please...


thanks a lot!!!


tha pas sta internet option sto advanced tab kai tha chekareis to disable script debugging (internet explorer)


na to diorthoseis den boreis ,aplos autos pou eftiaxse tin selida den ixsere kai polla... ,

kanontas disable to script dubag tha ise ok !


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