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Episode III full story-προφανως τρελα SPOILERS


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Episode III Trailer: Online, On Screens and On TV

February 28, 2005


The much anticipated full release trailer for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith is on its way. Consisting of over two minutes of new footage from the movie, the full trailer will soon appear on television, on starwars.com and in theaters.


First, on Thursday, March 10th at 8 p.m., be sure to tune in to FOX to catch an all new episode of "The O.C." During the broadcast, FOX will air the Episode III trailer.


The trailer will debut online for members of starwars.com Hyperspace after the broadcast (around 9:00 p.m. Pacific time). Lucas Online is pleased to have partnered with AOL and Moviefone.com to provide starwars.com readers with fast and reliable access to Episode III video content. Subscribers to AOL will be able to see the trailer at this time as well.


To see the Episode III trailer on the big screen, head out to movie theaters starting March 11th, with the debut of the new animated comedy, Robots. Featuring the voices of Ewan McGregor, Halle Berry, Greg Kinnear, Mel Brooks and Robin Williams, Robots is an animated family film from the people who brought you Ice Age, the film that debuted the Episode II trailer in theaters.


Regular visitors to starwars.com will be able to see the trailer online starting on March 14th. A large size version of the trailer will soon be made available only to Hyperspace members after that date.


So make a date to watch "The O.C.", make sure you're subscribed to starwars.com Hyperspace, and head on out to see Robots at a theater near you to make sure you catch as much of the Episode III trailer as you can.


Πηγή: http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/release/theater/news20050228.html

  • Απαντ. 353
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Summary of the second Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith teaser trailer coming out in early March:


Lucasfilm Logo, 20th Century Fox Logo


A Theta-Class shuttle and three fighters fly by the camera towards Coruscant.


Coruscant, late afternoon, the Republic Executive Office appears for a brief moment.


Palpatine (close-up, speaking very slowly, deliberately, looking straight ahead, watching the ballet)



...The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.


Anakin close up (extremely focused on Palpatine's words)



Is this possible to learn those powers?"


Palpatine (close-up, matter-of-factly, facing Anakin)



Not from a Jedi.


A civilian shuttle turns over the Coruscant cityscape towards the Senate building.


Obi-Wan and Anakin are inside the Temple, walking down stairs.



The Council wants you to report on all the Chancellors dealings.


Magna Droids stand with two Battle Droids.



That's treason.


Palpatine standing up from his chair in his private office.



We are at war, Anakin.


The space battle and some explosion where clone-troopers die.


Anakin moves to take a seat in the Chancellor's private viewing box in Galaxies Opera. We see huge spheres of water levitating over stage with dancers inside them.


Mace (voice over, in a grim voice)



...Very dangerous putting them together...


Palpatine in his office, patting Anakin's shoulder.



I don't think the boy can handle it...


Mace & Obi-Wan in the gunship over Coruscant.



I don't trust him.


Tri droids blazing guns, Republic fighter exploding, debris flying by.


Palpatine in his office (concerned).



I need your help, son.


Palpatine walks away from Anakin:



I'm appointing you to be my personal representative on the Jedi Council.


Anakin standing in the middle of the Jedi Council room. We see him from behind. Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo-Koon appear holographic with other Jedi Masters present.



You're on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master.


Kenobi looks away from Anakin's reaction.


ANAKIN (close-up, shocked)



In Padme's apartment - Bedroom.


ANAKIN (to Padme, bitterly)

Obi-Wan and the Council don't trust me.


Huge gun with clone crew, large explosion aboard ship.


Palpatine (V.O)

Learn to know the dark side of the Force...


Anakin grim and focused, listening; then with Padme, at night on the balcony.


PALPATINE in his office (forcefully)

... And you'll achieve power greater than any Jedi.


Anakin briefly fighting Dooku and then the posse entering private office.


Music stops.


The Jedi ignite light sabers.



You're under arrest, Chancellor.


Palpatine in his chair carefully controlling his anger.



Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"


Close up: light-saber hilt snaps to Palpatine's hand with audible click.


From now on, 10 drum beats and no other sound - one for each short (second or two) scene


- Posse enter, but this time Sidious jumps in its direction from behind (over) the camera, we only see his back; then Mace in defensive pose;


- Ship (Grievous' fighter) flying away from a planet;


- Obi-Wan in huge control room on Utapau, totally surrounded by battle droids, Magna Guards and Grievous;


- Capital ships fighting in close quarters, one of them falling down smoking heavily;


- Bail shouting in his speeder, with blaster shots flying by;


- Obi-Wan's fighter flying over Utapau;


- Anakin hanging in the elevator (turbo lift) shaft;


- Camera flying down to Mustafar surface;


- Grievous versus Obi-Wan Kenobi duel; we see Grievous from behind only; his fighter and some rocks in the background.


- One-tracked vehicle (tank) speeding on and closing to the camera; Wookiees jump off it, one of them straight on the camera.


Long shot: pillar of smoke over Jedi Temple.


Music returns.


Emperor's voice from the Original Trilogy.



Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic...


During this line, brief scenes are shown: Sidious' not so pretty face, Obi-Wan looking anxiously at droids closing on him, then Mace with saber and Palpatine's back (his hair indicates strong wind), then Yoda with clones behind his back - aiming blasters at him.


Chewbacca (close-up), roars.


Tantive IV flies by, towards a planet.



Do what must be done.


During this line: Anakin Skywalker looks very dark and dangerous, hooded in robe, then leading ranks of troops (shot first from high above and then from ground level, closing to the camera).



Do not hesitate...


During this line: Aayla Secura surrounded by clones who aim blasters at her....



Show no mercy..."


Ki-Adi-Mundi also surrounded by clones; they open fire and he tries to block shots with light saber.


Then, Anakin Skywalker approaches the camera, probably in a Mustafar bunker, then cuts down two separatists.


OBI-WAN KENOBI (to Yoda inside the Temple):

Who could have done this?


Anakin Skywalker cutting a Neimoidian.


A very Sith-like Anakin Skywalker, standing on the pillared balcony on Mustafar, in dark cloak and hood.


YODA (to Obi-Wan)

Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become.


Anakin Skywalker cutting into another Neimoidian.


See Threepio, leaving Padme on the balcony, Coruscant at night: "I feel so helpless...".


Then a montage:


* Battle over Coruscant.

* Jedi star fighter incoming.

* Padme crying.

* Anakin and Obi-Wan duel in large hall.

* Coruscant battle again.

* Kashyyyk battle.

* Obi-Wan and Anakin exchange light saber blows in a narrow corridor, with sparks flying off the walls.

* Sidious shooting force lightning at a surprised Yoda.

* Obi-Wan with hands outstretched for a force push, determined and tight, like in a contest "who's stronger in The Force".

* A 10-wheeled Juggernatu tank shoots rockets straight ahead.

* Space battle with R2 close-up.

* Obi-wan jumps back, down to the circuit/ pipe hanging over a lava river.

* Anakin Skywalker with lava in the background.

* Obi-Wan Kenobi with lava in the background, shouting very dramatically, almost through the tears:



You were the chosen one!


* Space explosions.

* Sidious throwing Senate pods with The Force.

* Yoda avoiding them and rolling over - Senate chamber in the background.

* Sidious with light saber close-up, with a very sinister smile or laugh.

* Craft flying over water, possibly on Kashyyyk; fountains of water arise.

* Huge wave of lava falls over a pipe on Mustafar.

* Obi-Wan and Anakin duel on the balcony. (The same place where Anakin stood earlier, Sith-looking).

* Yoda looks up at the camera, close-up.

* Mace swinging his saber and kicking or falling back

* Space battle again.

* Anakin and Obi-Wan exchange light saber blows in mid-air, flying over lava on long cables...


Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Logo



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