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Syndesh Voodoo2 me tnt2(32MB)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Epishs na pw oti den exei nohma na sundeseis voodoo2 panw se tnt2.

Oi voodoo eixan vgei gia na voh8hsoun thn katastash sta 3D paixnidia otan oi VGA htan entelws xalia gia tetoies douleies (milame gia vga me 4 k 8MB). Pisteuw oti h tnt2 exei kaluteres epidwseis apo mia voodoo2 ektos k an einai kamia petsokomenh m64 pou isws na einai k ligo xeiroterh. To oti tha valeis voodoo2 panw se tnt2 den sumainei oti tha veltiwseis tis epidwseis alla tha exeis thn epilogh na epitanxuneis eite me thn tnt2 eite me thn voodoo2, den voh8aei h mia thn allh.

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epeidi poloi to sizitate twra teleytaia to 8ema me thn voodoo 2 ' date=' na 8ymisw apla oti poulaw mia sta [b']15 eyrw[/b]!

opoios endiaferete pm me!;)


(sorry gia to asxeto post)


Sorry kiolas alla an thes na pouliseis kati ftiaxe ena post stis aggelies kai ama vrethei kaneis poula to...


Edw einai gia kartes grafikwn klp... opote mhn petas pera dwthe asxeta p[ost gia na pouliseis thn pramateia sou...

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