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TFT 1600x1200, ποιά;


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Λέω να πάρω μια οθόνη TFT, με ανάλυση τουλάχιστον 1600x1200


Καμιά πρόταση (μοντέλο, τιμή);


Επειδή είναι τσιμπημένες οι τιμές, προτιμώ να μην ακούσω προτάσεις του στυλ "η τάδε 23", 1920x... με 2000€"


Κάθε βοήθεια δεκτή.

  • Super Moderators

xmmm dyo o8ones pou a3izoun einai h Samsung SyncMaster 213T (21'') kai h Dell 2001FP (20'')...kai oi dyo asfalws yposthrizoun 1600x1200 me thn prwth na exei Responce Time 25ms kai thn deuterh 20ms :)

asfalws oi poiothta xrwmatwn einai apisteuth (gia tft) kai sta dyo montela :D

epipleon gia na eisai ok se tetoies analyseis kalo einai na exeis mia karta pou vgazei sigoura kalo DVI shma (to dvi einai sxedon aparaithto se 1600x1200)

dystyxws times den 8ymamai...alla aneta mporeis na psa3eis kai esy afou 3ereis ti montela na anazhthseis :)

  • Super Moderators

nai...eidika se analysh 1600x1200 pou einai "apaithtikh" xreiazetai kalo shma...pantws 8a eisai ok me auth thn karta...an eixes kamia fx5200 8a htan kapws asxhma ta pragmata gia 1600x1200 :P

  • 10 μήνες μετά...

hi people. Sorry i'm not writing in greek - i don't write it well. came to this site via google - some sensible comments by NeTeD.

i have a budget to spend on 20" monitors, mainly for work, but hope to also play games/videos. The problem is the consumer info is misleading. Typically the minimum response time is quoted. What matters is the maximum. reviews are sparse & contradictory. only tomshardware gives a few reviews showing the full distribution of times.

I was wondering if the good performance of the fujitsu-siemens p19-2 was indicative of good performance for the p20-2... or whether the similar panel in the samsung 204T is any better. or maybe the viewsonic 201 is still a goer...

anyone have any experience of these or other non-VN 20" TFT?

i have to buy something one way or another within a week or so - will be happy to share my experiences.


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