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Προβλημα με νοκια 6230 και υπερυθρες


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Δε μπορω να συνδεσω το 6230 με το pc suite μεσω υπερυθρων. Το εχει κανει κανενας?


ναι εχω επιλεξει μονο τις υπερυθρες. Βλεπει το κινητο αλλα βγαζει την επιλογη γκριζα και δε συνδεεται!

ναι εχω επιλεξει μονο τις υπερυθρες. Βλεπει το κινητο αλλα βγαζει την επιλογη γκριζα και δε συνδεεται!


Ιδιο προβλημα ειχα με το 6600 και δεν το ειχα λυσει μεχρι που το αλλαξα...Με το 6230 και το pc suite 6.1 δεν εχω προβλημα... :? :?


ti na po.mallon tha exoun asibatotita oi iperithres pou exo ston ipologisti mou!

Pantos ekana kai epanegatastasi kai tipota! mallon pao gia bluetooth!


kalou kakou dokimase na katevaseis tin taxitita ton iperithron.balto pio xamila.to exodei na ginetai kai auto.me to pou to balame pio xamila epexan.bluetooth kali fasi apla ligo pio periploko.mia fora me ena p800 mamithika ligaki stin arxi alla meta itan poli eukolo.




Με το 6600 που έχω, κάποιες φορές δεν μπορεί να συνδεθεί λόγω του firewall που έχω. Δοκίμασε να δεις αν φταίει κάτι τέτοιο. (Αν έχεις εγκατεστγνένο firewall).


Αν όχι, δες αν έχεις ενεργοποιήσεις τα σωστά ports για να συνδεθεί μέσω Irda.




loipon exo balei kai to pc suite 6.1 kathos kai to 6.4 kai ta dio kanoun to idio. Episis i ekdosi tou kinitou einai i 3.15. Telos panton pira kai bluetooth tis 3com. Elpizo na min exo kai ekei problimata!

loipon exo balei kai to pc suite 6.1 kathos kai to 6.4 kai ta dio kanoun to idio. Episis i ekdosi tou kinitou einai i 3.15. Telos panton pira kai bluetooth tis 3com. Elpizo na min exo kai ekei problimata!


Αν είσαι εντός εγγύησης πήγαινε κάνε ένα update στην έκδοση του κινητού στην 4.28, λύνει πολλά προβλήματα. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες κοίτα και σε forum ειδικό για κινητά όπως το http://www.myphone.gr/forum .

oxi bebaia!! einai original. Mallon tha pao na tou kano kai tin anabathmisi mpas kai doulepsei


Αν πάς ρώτα μήπως έχουν την 4.44 έκδοση να σου περάσουν είναι η πιο τελευταία και σε σχέση με την 4.28 λύνει μερικά προβλήματα ακόμα.


Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 4.28 to version 4.44:

- Call and Network Management 
- 3GPP video stream can be played due to improvement in product configuration 
- Browser: - File downloading via OMA download improved 
- QPASS cookies on HTTPS with DirectBill WAP purchase has been improved 
- Streaming of long running data has been improved 
- Browser shows all icons on a WAP page when the browser receives load responses for small images before page creation is completed - Improved support for new camera module added 
- The phone shows the correct status of available memory 
- Picture quality of camera in VGA mode improved
- Function of the phone in night mode improved and the setting for camera has been adjusted 
- Response time of the pressed power button has been improved 
- Support for new camera module and power management IC added

changes/fixes/bugs in v. 4.28 firmware 

+ More choices for "Right selection key" (Alarm, Bluetooth, Calculator, Contacts, Timer, Create MMS, E-mail, Gallery, Home, Infrared, Radio, Wallet)
+ More choices for "Go to key", 45 shortcuts to choose from.
+ Unable to delete file bug fixed
+ Memory status displays correct free/used/size for 512MB MMC cards
+ Phone memory (A: ) and MMC card (B: ) are now displayed as two diff drives instead of MMC appearing under Gallery when browsing your phone with Nokia PC Suite.
+ Phone remains silent when using mp3 as ringtone and silent profile has been selected.
+ Better photo quality.
+ Faster java.
+ More stable Bluetooth connection.
+ Switching between headphones and speaker when headphones are connected works now.
+ E-mail client has gotten a face list. Nicer GUI now.
+ Improved beach rally.
+ Sound quality is better with musicplayer
+ Handling of the MMC card also is better.
+ Soundclicks when listening to music writing sms and between songs is now remowed.
+ Music player pause/start leads to skipping bug fixed.
- Memory status displays incorrect free/size for internal memory even though you still have access to all 8MB. Nokia PC Suite displays correct values.
- Takes longer to save a photo.
- Automatic volume control no longer available.
- MobiMB/OPM2 can no longer access the Apps and Games dirs.
- Video recording playback is worse.
- Gallery listing still shows wrong size for 512MB MMC cards

Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 3.15 to version 4.28:

Call and Network Management
- Improvements in network selection and coverage handling
- Fixed dialing number (FDN) is possible also using the complete number
- Possible to attach an image to a contact in phonebook

- It is possible to listen music and create SMS at the same time, without
hearing the keypad tones

- Improvements in browsing large pages and browsing always online (ALO) and have more than 1 page open

- New faster JAVA e-mail client.Using active settings instead of the first set
- Java application or game (*.jar)>64 kb can be played
- Improvements for Beach rally II, especially in location a correct date is displayed in high score
- Improvement when reading corrupt JAR file
- Connect Via in Midlet options is enforced for the Midlet when connected to Chat

- Improvements in finding and pairing with devices and keeping the connection via Bluetooth
- Possible to send more than one file via IrDA

Other changes
- Picture set as a wallpaper can be deleted
- Improved handling of 6F11 -file by the phone
- Improved handling of call divert indicator in the SIM
- Improved spelling for Spanish, Thai, Russian, Hungarian, Hebrew, Chinese, Indonesian and Estonian
- Update for Russian T9
- General improvements on audio e.g. clicking sounds and click before tones played are now removed
- Music player: Improvements in audio quality
- Improvements in handling of MMC, renaming, moving files, formatting and error messages
- Improvements in handling MIDI tones for MMC
- Memory full improvement when try to record voice
- Support for operator menu added


oraia oxi mono de douleuoun oi iperithres alla oute kai to bluetooth ( 3com usb). Ti skata einai auto to pc suite de mporo na katalabo. To programa tis 3com briski to kinito. To pc suite tipota!!


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