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installer problem again #!$&#!!


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kathe fora pou kano install ta window xp ,meta apo kapio xroniko diastima o windows installer xalaei .otan pao na kano install games tote se diaforetiko pososto kathe fora i egatastasi stamataei . exo dokimasei ton windows installer update alla tipota . ti na ftei arage ?


mhpws einai corrupted kapoio apo ta arxeia pou pas na egkatasthseis?


To eixa pathei ki egw mia fora.

Phra to arxeio , to dokimasa se kapoio allo pc mou , kai eida oti kai to allo PC epa8e to idio.


Redownloaded the file , and I'm ok now.


Dokimases allo arxeio?

[ gia na deis an epa8e tipota o Installer ]

[ prwta kane omws restart giati an crasharei apo corrupted file o W.Installer , kollaei kai aytos , alla kai to syban ]


kathe fora to kanei se diaforetiko simeio kai se diaforetika games . me 3-4 prospathies mono benei to game . ekei pou to kano install kai trexei to cd sto drive ,xsafnika stamataei entelos na to trexei kai kolai o installer .


Έχεις δοκιμάσει να εγκαταστήσεις το game από τον δίσκο?

Copy the 1st CD contents in a temp folder.

Copy { and YES @ overwrite prompt } the 2nd, x disc @ the temp folder.

Run setup.exe from the temp folder.


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