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Νομίζω οτι θα μου έρθει εγκεφαλικό!Περι HL2 ο λόγος.


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Εγω παλι θα δω τις αντιδρασεις στα forum απο τους gamers και περισσοτερο(αν οχι 100%)θα βασιστω εκει..

  • Απαντ. 62
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Yeap την εχω..φυσικα και εχει πολλα bugs!Τουλαχιστον σε μενα (9600 pro@490,345 preshot2.8 @3.2, 1.5 gb ram)ειναι μια χαρα!Καμια σχεση με την leaked του doom που ηταν replay του replay..Εχει αρκετες πιστες,προφανως οχι ολες υποθετω!Φαινεται παρα πολυ καλο!(..για leaked παντα!)Μια pic ειχα βαλει εδω



Τελικά σκορ απο το αγγλικό pc gamer για το half life 2 96%.Για να δούμε τι θα δούμε,πάντως το παιχνίδι αποκλείεται να απογοητεύσει.Τα λεφτά του θα τα αξίζει σίγουρα.


oxi ayto to periodiko apokleiete nakanei tetoia lathi.. afou to kanane review ayto eine poly kalo neo

mporoume na diabasoume oloklhro to review kapou apto internet? exei kaneis kana link? link tou review omos..oxi to link tou link tou link tou review


ARA an einai etoimo....

Tote mporoume na to broume ???

Leo ego tora!!!

Pios na to exei re paidia na paroume!!!



An to exei kanenas kai den mas to dosei kai se mas na tou pesei i sindesi kai na min tou ksanasikothei pote !!!!!! :D


Drawn-out saga of Valve's opus approaches an end at last. Vivendi Universal Games is expected to formally announce a November 26th release date for Half-Life 2 in Europe shortly, along with a US release three days earlier, after informing UK retail partners of the date this week. Valve delivered a release candidate to VU on September 15th, and although an official 'Gold' announcement has still yet to emerge, retail sources in the UK indicate that they have now been given notice of the expected late November date. It was previously feared that the game might slip into 2005, as recent news of legal wranglings between VU and developer Valve made talk of further delays look increasingly likely, although the company could ill afford to miss out on the lucrative Christmas opportunity for such an important game. With marketing plans taking months of preparation and Christmas space at a premium, it was essential VU made retail aware of its plans - even though official confirmation may be still pending. When contacted for confirmation, Valve's Doug Lombardi was still unable to shed further light on the matter, uttering the now-familar words: "Unfortunately, I do not have a release date from VUG right now," no doubt under orders to wait until it's 'officially' announced. On a related matter, despite the appearance of print reviews of the game next week, online readers are being forced to wait until the day of release before they can read review coverage of the game. Last night, Lombardi confirmed: "The online reviews will be held until the day the game is made available," with review code being held back until then.


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