Προς το περιεχόμενο

Prasini othoni sta video


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Why does the video turn purple after I watch for a while?

If the video disappears or turns purple and green about 20 seconds before it stops playing, or the video for a file in your playlist isn't displayed, turn off video overlays. To do so, take the following steps in Windows Media Player:

On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Performance tab.

In the Video acceleration area, click Advanced.

Clear the Use overlays check box.


If the problem continues, try turning off the video mixing renderer (VMR) by clearing the Use video mixing renderer check box (located in the same area as the Use overlays check box).





δοκιμασε με το media player 6 θα το βρεις στο

C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\mplayer2.exe


και με το "media player classic" που εχει στα options/output κατι επιλογες

οπως wm7, renderless, wm9, windowles, και overlay κλπ

παιζεις με αυτες τις επιλογες



αλλοι λενε οτι το Nemo codec pack κανει προβληματα

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