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'EvID4226Patch20c.exe' Patch - Είναι απαραίτητο;


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις



Σύμφωνα με τα όσα έχουν ειπωθεί (όσα τουλάχιστον υπέπεσαν στην αντίληψη μου), η εγκατάσταση του ServicePack 2 συνεπάγεται φραγή των ports (?) που μέχρι τώρα 'έμπαζαν'

Το ερώτημα μου είναι απλό:

Είναι όντως τόσο 'ασφυκτική', ώστε η χρήση των peer2peer να γίνεται αδύνατη;

Με λίγα λόγια το patch αυτό είναι απαραίτητο στην συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των users/WinXP-SP2 ή αφορά ένα μικρό κομμάτι και μόνο;


Παραθέτω αυτολεξεί το κείμενο που συνοδεύει το EvID4226Patch20c.exe:


The idea of MS is not bad to reduce the spreading of worms and other harmful programs. But 10 half-open connections is a little bit too less. With a higher (e.G. 25-100) number of waiting for connection connections the benefit would be almost the same, but less normal users would feel disturbed by this. The download and the instructions provided here are only for education purposes, how to set a higher limit. After the successful implementation, the user commits oneself to change it back to the original state!


What's this all for?

After almost everybody knows the <<EventID 4226: TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts>>, I used a day to create for educational purpose a fix for this argumentative feature.


Unfortunately there exists no REG-key which could easily be set (would be so nice and easy, right? *smile*). The file TCPIP.SYS in the directory C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS and C:\WINDOWS\SERVICEPACKFILES\I386 has to be changed (system dependend eventually in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DLLCACHE, too).


Needed things:

- XP SP2 (RC2 upwards)

- patcher (2.0b)

- a small amount of time


What's been done:

To say it easy: the before 10 half-open connections are beeing increased to 50 (which should be enough for heavy users and should be save enough agains worm spreading) and the CRC is been corrected. And that's it! What exactly is changed (for build 2092-2180), can be read in the howto.



The method described here, should only be used by users, who know how to handle all the described. With the download of the here published program the user know, that changes are made on third party files. For damages in every kind I cannot be hold responsible for. Indeed, tests worked fine here. However, nothing is impossible.

Info: When error occurs, the patcher can change the TCPIP.SYS back to the original!



Just download the patcher and execute it.

It will automatically find the windows directory and ask, if it should increase/decrease.

For higher values, please check the help with parameter /?.

After a successful patch, the new TCPIP.SYS will be automatically installed. After that, the computer should be restarted.


Θα με ενδιέφερε και ένα poll σχετικά με το πόσοι το έχουν ήδη εγκαταστήσει και τι διαφορές είδαν...

BTW, κρίνοντας απ' την αντίστοιχη δημοσκόπηση στην main page, μου φαίνεται αρκετά μεγάλο το ποσοστό των χρηστών που ΔΕΝ προτίθενται να εγκαταστήσουν το SP2 (3 στους 10)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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