georgepetrou Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Prosopika pantos nomizo oti gia na katalavei kapoios ti pragmatika ennoei o dimosiografos tha prepei na diavasei kai alla arthra tou gia na dei genikotera to ifos tou, to pneuma tou, ktl, ktl... Apo emena mia psifos sto oti thelei na kanei thetika sxolia gia tin diorganosi!
BLISS Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 ......H ayto pou leei o BLISS[/b'], oti milaei kata mas me to xeiristo tropo? katse... den eipa akribws auto. Eipa oti leei ena kalo kai meta ena kako me eirwniko tropo. Afhnei peri8wria opoias ermhnias "boleuei" kapoion na katalabei. De mporw na parw safh 8esh, ti 8elei na pei 100%. Ka8e 8etiko epixeirhma, akolou8eitai apo sarkasmo kai anarwtiesai an ennoei to prwto `h to katarriptei me to deutero. -------- Gia ta adespota: Auto pisteuoun gia mas. E, pws na to kanoume, auto to 8ema DEN to anafereis se mia 8etikh souma... Ektos an 8es na to kaneis soupa... Shmantiko men alla, atopo. Pali kala pou den tou eftaige h zesth `h ta kounoupia... -------- code19 eprepe na eixes poulhsei sta 29... :roll:
georgepetrou Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Gia ta adespota: Auto pisteuoun gia mas. E' date=' pws na to kanoume, auto to 8ema DEN to anafereis se mia 8etikh souma... Ektos an 8es na to kaneis soupa... Shmantiko men alla, atopo. Pali kala pou den tou eftaige h zesth `h ta kounoupia...[/quote'] To link pou dineis den exei sxesi me to sigekrimeno dimosiografo/periodiko/site. It's too bad. It was a glorious Olympics. It really was. The opening ceremonies were fabulous. The nightlife was amazing. Even the stray dogs and cats couldn't have been friendlier. I got lost once and had to hitchhike out of nowhere, and a motorcyclist not only picked me up but drove for miles until he found me a cab. So, efharisto, as you say. Thanks. Edo apla leei oti "akomi kai ta adespota den tha mporousan na einai pio filika"... Einai kako? An theorisoume ta adespota os "ageni" zoa, kanei thetiko sxolio xrisimopoiontas mia morfi humour. Leei oti akomi kai ta "ageni" adespota den tha mporousan na einai filikotera! Kai to genikotero noima tis sigekrimenis paragrafou nomizo oti einai thetiko... Isos vevaia auto na einai kai ligo ipokeimeniko, den leo oxi!!!
BLISS Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Prosopika pantos nomizo oti gia na katalavei kapoios ti pragmatika ennoei o dimosiografos tha prepei na diavasei kai alla arthra tou gia na dei genikotera to ifos tou, to pneuma tou, ktl, ktl... Den bgazei ton euato e3w apo autous pou eftunan tous agwnes. Ektos apo to oti tou aresan oi turopites... duskola 8a breis alla 8etika sxolia tou. A nai... egrapse oti, opws emeis den gkremisame to stadio twn agwnwn tou 1896, prepei na paradeigmatistoun apo mas kai na mh ftiaxnoun nea stadia panw sta "istorika" palia tous. Sugkrish na sou petuxei e? Asteri o tupos. Klassiko amerikanaki. O tupos hr8e prokateilhmenos, kai lambanontas upopsh to anti-amerikaniko klima pou eisepra3e, 8a mou epitrepsete na eimai polu skeptikos gia to an ontws ana8ewrhse, `h na mas ftunei kai pali dia ths plagias. Ena deigma tou ufous tou. Meli stazei o atimos... oops... turopita mallon, giati mono auto tou eixe aresei mexri shmera, ap'ola osa eide For instance, when somebody asked why they didn't finish paving all the walking areas near the venues, leaving only dirt, the Athens bigwigs didn't just fess up and go, "Well, we never quite got around to it." No, instead, they declared, "We wanted to recreate the feel of the Ancient Olympic Games." Do you just love it? There were plenty of witnesses on Day One of the doobie-shaped torch going out for a reported 20 minutes. The Melbourne (Australia) Herald Sun even ran a picture of it, colder than a popsicle. Did the Greeks admit it? No, sir. "It was not out," a spokesman with the Athens Organizing Committee said. "We were simply testing the levels." And the level we were testing is zero. It's like the health club at our hotel. It's beautiful, except that there's no ventilation of air of any kind, nor water, nor towels to grab. But when I mentioned it to the man at the front desk, he smiled and says, "But, my friend, isn't the point to sweat?" I can't imagine what their excuse is going to be for still having scaffolding up on the Parthenon. Here we are at what is arguably the biggest undertaking in the history of mankind, and they still don't have it ready. Not to be nitpicky, but if the Olympics isn't a big enough deal to take off the old scaffolding, what is? The big podiatrists' convention coming in October? I can hear their excuse now. "You see," they'll say. "The guy who was supposed to take it down was in this motorcycle accident, and ..."
_DiMoN_ Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 ...Κι εγώ που το ξαναδιάβασα, σίγουρα θέλει να κάνει θετικά σχόλια και τα κάνει...αλλά σε πολλά σημεία είναι πολύ καυστικός. Είναι λίγο άσχημο όταν όλα σχεδόν είναι τέλεια κι εσύ ψάχνεις τι είναι άσχημο το κοπανάς... Να σου πω κάποια πράγμματα: Τα γήπεδα ήταν άδεια λίγες φορές, τις περισσότερες φορές ήταν γεμάτα (δεν βλέπω να το αναφέρει πουθενά αυτό) και μην ξεχνάς ότι είμαστε μια χώρα 11 εκατομμυρίων..... Εμένα πάντως μου τη δίνει τελείως...... Διότι στην Ατλάντα το 1996 και συγκεκριμένα στο κολυμβητήριο η εξέδρα για δημοσιογράφους ήταν μια πρόχειρη κατασκευή από ξύλο... Άσε που το κλίμα ήταν ΧΑΛΙΑ υγρασία και ζέστη...
BLISS Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 To link pou dineis den exei sxesi me to sigekrimeno dimosiografo/periodiko/site.........Isos vevaia auto na einai kai ligo ipokeimeniko, den leo oxi!!! Den eipa oti to video einai tou SI. Einai auto pou pisteuoun omws. Tuxaia anefere ta skulia? Giautous einai 3eftila na uparxoun skulia e3w. Ka8e polh pou analambanei agwnes, exei sthn atzenta ths to 8ema auto. AN exei tetoio problhma bebaia. Duskoleuomai na pistepsw oti ekane to sxolio gia na pei oti akoma kai ta adespota einai filika sthn ellada. Karfaki htane gia na mhdenisei to prohgoumeno `h epomeno 8etiko tou epixeirhma. Auta einai pikroxola sxolia. Einai sa na se kalei o filos sou sto neo tou spiti kai na les "mm.. wraio to saloni, ALLA mikro. mmm... nostimh h krebatokamara ALLA xamhlotabanh. mmm euruxwro to mpanio, ALLA ta plakakia suck big time. Megalo to xwl, ALLA ta kadra apaisia." Ton stelneis sto diaolo `h oxi? Poso kaloproaireta na deis mia tetoia stash? Tinw na sumfwnhsw me ton predator nomizw...
NoD Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Πολύ το τραβήξατε το θέμα με το τι είπε.Αξίζει ? Το θέμα είναι τι εισέπραξε ο καθένας από την Ολυμπιάδα. Ο καθένας έχει μια άποψη και όπου και όποτε μπορεί την εκφράζει.Αν ασχολούμασταν με το τι λέει ο καθένας και ποια είναι η γνώμη του για την Ολυμπιάδα της Αθήνας τότε δεν θα τελειώναμε ούτε μέχρι την Ολυμπιάδα του Πεκίνο. Φιλικά...
_DiMoN_ Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Φίλε μου η γνώμη που θα εισπράξει κάποιος εξαρτάται πολύ απ' αυτά που θα που μερικοί δημοσιογράφοι......
PaNtErAz Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Sta axamna mou tous exw grammenous tous amerikanous kai tis m*****s tous! An eimoun ratsistis tha eimoun Anti-Amerikanos....
georgepetrou Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Katarxin na po oti auto: For instance, when somebody asked why they didn't finish paving all the walking areas near the venues, leaving only dirt, the Athens bigwigs didn't just fess up and go, "Well, we never quite got around to it." No, instead, they declared, "We wanted to recreate the feel of the Ancient Olympic Games." Do you just love it? There were plenty of witnesses on Day One of the doobie-shaped torch going out for a reported 20 minutes. The Melbourne (Australia) Herald Sun even ran a picture of it, colder than a popsicle. Did the Greeks admit it? No, sir. "It was not out," a spokesman with the Athens Organizing Committee said. "We were simply testing the levels." And the level we were testing is zero. It's like the health club at our hotel. It's beautiful, except that there's no ventilation of air of any kind, nor water, nor towels to grab. But when I mentioned it to the man at the front desk, he smiled and says, "But, my friend, isn't the point to sweat?" I can't imagine what their excuse is going to be for still having scaffolding up on the Parthenon. Here we are at what is arguably the biggest undertaking in the history of mankind, and they still don't have it ready. Not to be nitpicky, but if the Olympics isn't a big enough deal to take off the old scaffolding, what is? The big podiatrists' convention coming in October? I can hear their excuse now. "You see," they'll say. "The guy who was supposed to take it down was in this motorcycle accident, and ..." einai apo edo . To sigekrimeno arthro einai ontos eironiko, an kai se polla simeia tou exei dikio. DEN imoun stin Ellada tin periodo ton agonon gia na ksero, omos p.x. to vlepo kommataki diskolo oi taxitzides na allaksan simperifora... OMOS auto to arthro exei graftei tin periodo pou mas ekrazan akomi! (18 Augoustou) Merika apo ta thetika sxolia pou iparxoun sto pio prosfato arthro We were sure every street corner would have three or four terrorists, just kind of killing time, looking for somebody to kidnap. Some bozo said, "The only place worse to hold an Olympics would be Baghdad." Please. I guarantee you, we felt a helluva lot safer these three weeks in Athens than we do in L.A. Or Detroit. Or the Republican National Convention. And our ignorance cost you more than just the billion or so Euros. Our Edvard Munch screams leading up to these games kept millions of people away. Corporations bailed on you. Fans chickened out. I know burly journalists who were too scared to come. Kai ta dio anaferontai se ena apo ta pio simantika zitimata (kata tous Amerikanous), tin asfaleia tous. Kai einai 100% thetika! Prosfanos o kirios REILLY einai Amerikanaki giati mesa se 12 meres exei allaksei entelos tin apopsi tou gia tous Agones, omos auto den simainei aparaitita oti to teleutaio tou arthro einai kako... Prosopiki mou apopsi panta!
NoD Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 30 Αυγούστου 2004 Φίλε μου η γνώμη που θα εισπράξει κάποιος εξαρτάται πολύ απ' αυτά που θα που μερικοί δημοσιογράφοι...... Εξαρτάται από το πόσο/πως/αν φιλτράρει αυτά που βλέπει και ακούει μέσα στο δικό του κεφάλι και δεν τα δέχεται ως μασημένη τροφή.
BLISS Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 Εξαρτάται από το πόσο/πως/αν φιλτράρει αυτά που βλέπει και ακούει μέσα στο δικό του κεφάλι και δεν τα δέχεται ως μασημένη τροφή. Akribws giauto mas apasxolei ti leei. Mono emeis kai autoi pou parabre8hkan mporoun na to kanoun auto. Olos o allos kosmos pou ton diabazei omws, 8ewrei dedomena ta grafomena tou. Posos mallon oi amerikanoi pou einai gnwsto poso "egkefalikoi" tupoi einai. Gia ta taxi pou anafer8hke o allos filos, mporei na exei dikio, alla akoma ki auto to parousiazei monopleura. Pws den tou ekane entupwsh oti gia thn idia diadromh plhrwse to 1/6 apo auto pou plhrwnei sto LA? H oti bghke apo to taxi xwris na kollhsei lepra... Meta mas kanei entupwsh giati o tourismos meiw8hke -10% kai oi tourkoi eixan au3hsh +55% fetos. Eidika fetos! Yparxoun kai alloi logoi bebaia, alla thn koinh gnwmh o tupos th diamorfwnei kuriws.
mindtrapper Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 Apo tin Germania kai tin Ollandia pou eblepa tin Olympiada mou afise poly thetikes entyposeis kai ta stadia ta eblepa gemata akoma kai se deytereyonta athlimata opos skopoboles kai tetoia. as leei oti thelei o malak@s ego eimai perifanos pou tous balame ta gyalia. oso kali olympiada kai na kanoun apo edo kai pera pote de tha xanatrexoun tin arxaia diadromi tou Marathona oute tha petaxoun sfera sto arxaio stadio tis Olympias. Giati emeis ola ayta den ta blepoume san ruins alla san unique and glorious history. Kai emeis exoume adespota, alla aytoi otan bariountai ta skylia tous ta denoun gia na ta patisoun ta trena. Amerikanoi. Kai ratsistis na min eisai prepei na gelas otan blepeis pos apofeygoun na paroun tin eythini ton praxeon tous.
Panahs Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 Έχετε παρερμηνεύσει πλήρως τα λεγόμενα του αρθρογράφου. Επιτέλους σταματήστε να σκέπτεστε σαν Ελληνάρες που νομίζουν ότι όλοι οι λαοί έχουν συνωμοτήσει εναντίον μας...
mindtrapper Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 31 Αυγούστου 2004 lypamai alla o sygekrimenos xrisimopoiei tin eironia. osoi xeroun ti simainei eironia kai pos ekfrazetai de tha xaroun kai poly me ayto to arthro. Ellhnares den eimaste alla oute kai hlithioi...
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