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Καινούριο άλμπουμ οι Tool ? Πότε ?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Πήγα παντού, PMW, Metropolis, Rock City... :/

Btw ακούω τώρα το lateralus με τη σειρά Holy Gift στο tracklist και έχω μείνει αυνάνας...

  • Απαντ. 522
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Έστειλα χθες mail στο Μετροπολις και μου απάντησαν σήμερα ότι δεν ξέρουν τίποτα γι αυτή τη κυκλοφορία :/

  • 5 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Tool are set to release the long-awaited follow up to 2001's "Lateralus" in April or May 2006, it has been revealed.


The band have been working on the as-yet-untitled set for much of 2005 and are currently in the mixing stage of the sessions, reports Launch Radio Network.


In their typical style, the Cali. based four-piece have been tight-lipped, although in an interview, drummer Danny Carey told Yahoo Launch! the set was a natural progression in their progressive, forward-looking hard rock sound.


"All I can say is you should probably just look at the past Tool records," he said. "It's just kind of the next stage of development. Some of the tunes are pretty heavy on this one. It's still gonna be weird time signatures and all that stuff. It's just what comes out of us, you know. We just try to be true to our chemistry when we're in the little room in here together jamming, and what comes out comes out."


The band are currently focusing on the release of two mini-DVDs this Christmas, both featuring tracks from their most recent album. On one disc comes "Schism", the other, "Parabola" - with both releases featuring the music video in longform and previously unreleased remixes.


Other, very important news, finds Tool and A Perfect Circle singer Maynard James Keenan preparing to release the first of his own label red wines in spring 2006. The blend is from his own vineyard, and is a 2004 grape.


Απρίλιο ή Μάιο λοιπόν.




As it now stands, in a few weeks (mid-February) the members of the band (except for Adam) and their manager will be traveling to parts of Europe, England, Japan and Australia on a bit of a promo tour, meaning that they will be meeting with record company people and doing various interviews with the press in order to promote their new record and upcoming tours. Although any press releases are usually timed to coincide with the release of the record, there will undoubtedly be leaks, so those of you who scour the internet should be on the lookout around this time. As the others field questions and deal with promo issues abroad, Adam will remain in Los Angeles to direct the new Tool video.




Aυτά είναι!!!Άντε να τους πιάσει κανείς απο Ελλάδα μπάς και γίνει η καλή και έρθουν απο δώ μεριά!!!(Αν και μας βλέπω να πηγαίνουμε καμμιά Ιταλία να τους δούμε)




Salma stopped dancing on January 29th. The next morning the members of the band flew to Portland, Maine to have the record mastered by Bob Ludwig. This was done on January 31, no doubt followed by a lobster dinner.




Στην τελική ευθεία!!







Some of you may have heard that TOOL will be headlining the Coachella Festival the last weekend in April. This is now official. I'll have more information about this in the coming days.




Μάλλον αρχίζει η περιοδεία για το καινούργιο album τότε :D


Aσχετο, αλλά επειδή τις τελευταίες 4-5 μέρες έχω πάθει το κλασικό "Tool syndrome" (όπου μετά από πολύ καιρό ακούς Τοοl, αλλά τους λιώνεις κανονικά όμως, και για πολλοστή φορά, χωρίς να ακούς τπτ άλλο :mrgreen: ) αναρωτιώμουν... έχει βρεί κανείς σας κανα font στο στυλ του Lateralus ή καμιά άλλη γραμματοσειρά που να είναι σχετική με TOOL??? :roll:


Nαι νομίζω πως έχω κάπου μία γραμματοσειρά απο το Lateralus...Που γράφεις σε εβραϊκό-english ξέρεις συνεχόμενα...Oι λέξεις lateralus πάντως και Tool βγαίνουν ολόιδιες!!!(Οπότε προφανως είναι και η ίδια γραμματοσειρά)


Θα ψάξω και μόλις την βρώ θα την ανεβάσω κάπου!!


Και γώ που χάρηκα όταν έμαθα οτι θα κυκλοφορήσουν τον δίσκο την ημέρα των γενεθλίων μου...Δυστηχώς....Τουλάχιστον φτάσαμε στην τελική ευθεία...


Τελευταία ενημέρωση απο το επίσημο site:




Although there are lots of release dates being bandied about, NONE are official as of this posting. However, in all likelihood, the CD will be released sometime in MAY, and hopefully earlier in that month as opposed to later. As soon as the date becomes official (or, as soon as I'm told that it's official) I will post it on the site, and then some of you can respond that it's old news.

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Alt3rnative, δεν κάνουν τουρ.Περιοδεία για την παρουσίαση του καινούριου δίσκου κάνουν.Εγώ δεν θέλω να τους φέρουν για τέτοιου είδους εκδήλωση αλλά γιά ένα live-άκι :mrgreen:

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

03 Mar 06



The artwork for the upcoming Tool album is going to the separators/printers today, therefore it will eventually be leaked out that the name of the album is (drum roll.......) ' 10,000 days '


... so there it is.




Κάτι δε μου κάθεται καλά σε αυτό... Είναι τίτλος για album των Tool αυτό;


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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