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Καινούριο άλμπουμ οι Tool ? Πότε ?


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Το χτύπησα πριν κανα δυο ωρίτσες.Είναι σίγουρα πολύ καλύτερο απο το leaked(λογικό) σε ποιότητα εννοώ, με παραγωγή που τσακίζει κόκκαλα.


Wings for Marie/10000 Days, σκοτώνει οτι αγαπάτε.

  • Απαντ. 522
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Ναί προς το παρόν η έκδοση είναι μία. Αλήθεια αυτό το κόλπο με τα γυαλάκια έχει ξαναγίνει; Νομίζω είναι η πρώτη φορά. Πάντως το artwork είναι απλά για σεμινάριο...!


Για τον δίσκο τώρα...όσο περισσότερο τον ακούω τόσο πιο πολύ μου αρέσει. Ειδικά τώρα που ακούω και την κανονική μίξη.


Την Παρασκευή που πήγα και το πήρα από Metropolis είμασταν καμιά 10αριά άτομα στην ουρά για ταμείο και οι μισoi κρατούσαμε το 10,000 Days.


Να αναφέρω επίσης πως άνοιξα το CD μέσα στο λεωφορείο και χάζευα το artwork και ξαφνικά παρατηρώ όλους τους γύρω-γύρω να χαζεύουν και αυτοί!


Οσο το ακουω τοσο πιο πολυ κολλαω με τα 2 πρωτα κομματια...

Μολις φτανω στο τελος του Jambi παω παλι Vicarious απο την αρχη... εχω κολλησει απιστευτα :D :D :D


Εχω λιωσει το cd να το ακουω καθε μερα παιδια . Μ αρεσε πολυ . Αντε να περασουν οι μερες για να παω να τους δω επιτελους , δεν κρατιεμαι πως θα περασει ενας μηνας ακομα ........


Λοιπόοοοον... ποιός είπε ότι το Viginti Tres δεν έχει και πολύ νόημα ύπαρξης στον δίσκο??

Τυχαία πριν λίγο βρήκα το παρακάτω κείμενο, για ρίξτε μια ματιά... ή καλύτερα μια "αυτιά"... :mrgreen:


I didn't know if you people knew this. But, If you burn both Viginti Tres followed by Wings for marie .. Then, play that track as one with 10,000 days as another track and play both at the same time, Both Wings for Marie AND 10,000 days sync ! It is incredible ! It is like an 8 piece band but it all FLOWS ! It flows like one song.. It is the most unique and incredible thing I have ever heard in my life.. BadA$$ ! The vocals, drums, the guitar riffs, everything flows ! Both songs get heavy at the same point at 9 minutes and 14 seconds in, it is magical ! This band synched tracks !


They synched them in testament to Maynard's mother passing to sound like an 8 piece band.. The vocals wisp back and forth almost like a conversation during the sync.. It's UNREAL !


Tool meant these tracks to synch.. If you look at the track times, "10,000 days" is 11 mins and 13 seconds long.. When you add the track times of "Viginti Tres" and "Wings for Marie" it adds up to 11:13 as well.. Look at the album cover ! There are 3 faces with one in the front.. This SICK band meant for all three tracks to play as one song for the self-title track "10,000 days" . Freaky !!


By the way, "Viginti Tres" means the number 23 in Latin . 23 is the number of synchronicity . And nothing is more synchronous than hearing the tracks mixed as I described .. Everything Tool writes is for a reason. These aren't merely interludes and fillers this band puts between songs. All their tracks have a meaning and there's a reason why they are there .. They are truly a one of a kind band like no other.


I recommend using a surround sound system for this.. Play 10,000 days in the rear and viginti treS + Wings for Marie in the front.. It's much better than headphones with listening each tune in one ear.. Because you have a fade with headphones.. Ever notice sometimes the bass guitar (or the effects) will only play in one ear with headphones ? And you may have to adjust the bars and volume.. But once you set it right, the sync is undeniable and it is a pure treat .. Well this is what I mean . It must be heard with a surround system . About two minutes in there will be sounds swingin around your head..It is so cosmic and trippy. When it gets heavy at 9 minutes and 14 seconds in, Both songs get heavy at the same point and it sounds like a cohesive 8 piece band. It's crazy ! I havent stopped listening to this musical feast for 3 days now.. This band is SICK SICK SICK !!


Tool, once again, has come up with something totally innovative on an album. A band that is truly unparalleled IMHO. They never disappoint . On the 2001 release Lateralus , they did the infamous fibonacci sequence in the title song.. Tool's Lateralus is the best album front to back I have ever heard, PERIOD.. They are intoxicating once you give them enough time to squeeze into your consciousness. And with hours of straight listening, your flattened.. Because this band is so deep, it takes a long time for you to absorb their musical complexities , waves and textures. But once you absorb them with alot of listens, it is entrenched into your psychy and they are a mad MAD addiction ..


Every album this foursome comes up with has some new mad musical ideas, they are like mad musical scientists .. Here, in 10,000 days they sync three songs , to make it sound like one incredible song ! The only band in history to accomplish this incredible feat on an album.. This band is pure genius. And with every release they never cease to amaze me. For about 10 years now this band has made me just speechless. I have received such pleasures over their sound over the years that I believe these 4 guys who call themselves "Tool" , are really from another planet ... Pure genius . What innovation . What an experience . Album of the year . This is a masterpiece !!!!


posted by Anonymous : Sun May 14, 07:55:16 PM


Το δοκίμασα πρόχειρα, αν καταφέρεις να τα συγχρονίσεις καλά, το αποτέλεσμα στα περισσότερα σημεία του "μιξαρισμένου" track τα σπάει κανονικά! Εντελώς αλλού! Ειδικά στο 9'14''...... :shock: :shock: :shock:


Για καλύτερα αποτελέσματα και πιο ακριβή συγχρονισμό δοκιμάστε με κανα Cool Edit Pro ή Audacity. Με 2 players (Win Media Player + Winamp) είναι όντως λίγο δύσκολο να ακουστεί καλά... :wink:


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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