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Καινούριο άλμπουμ οι Tool ? Πότε ?


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Ρε γαμώτο σκέφτομαι να το πάρω online αλλα θα ξενερώσω αν αργήσει και έχει ήδη έρθει Ελλάδα... :-/

  • Απαντ. 522
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Έχει κανείς το τηλ. του Rock Star?


Btw ορίστε το review του Kerrang (ξέρω, ξέρω, μούφα περιοδικό κ.λ.π. - δεν αντιλέγω... μην ξεχνάμε οτι στο Aenima είχε βάλει 3/5 και το 2001 έκανε re-review και του βαλε 4/5. Στο Lateralus 5/5.)


transcribed by Cucumber_11, tdn opinion forums:


"A TOOL release is always a seismic occurrence, and rightly so. In the 14 years since their debut EP "Opiate", they have long become more than just a band, transcending every trend that's come and gone over the '90s and the '00s. That they've done this with music often both bafflingly complex and wilfully off-kilter is all the more tersament to just how necessary they are, and in today's scene, seemingly populated by the shallowest of boy-band posturing, fourth full-length album '10,000 days' couldn't have dropped at a more propitious time. In short, their intelligence, passion, insight and sheer jaw dropping muscianship have all been sorely missed in their five year absence.

That tool haven't abandoned their penchant for mind-boggling polyrhytms or seven-plus minute prog-a-thons isn't much of a surprise, and from this point of view, '10,000 days' is the logical sequel to 2001's Lateralus; what is surprising, however, is the extent to which they've upped the heaviness ante here, taking on a whole new generation of heavy - the juddering grind of Meshuggah is tastefully nodded to, then alchemically made their own - in order to paint so brutally effectively these haunting canvases of a violence-riddled planet. The different, though, still being that tool are fronted by the finest singer - not vocalist but singer - of his generation, MJK, a man who is still pushing boundaries and stretching his voice around the most startling of ideas and soul-rending of solutions; just check 'The Pot', which sounds like folk singer Joni Mitchell fronting Led Zeppelin, or 'Rosetta Stoned''s heaving journey through the mind of an amnesiac, on which Keenan growls and jobbers like he's trading spit with Mike Patton.

But all these comparisons are useless in a way, because '10,000 days' is tool through-and-through; as epic, grandiose, dark, mysterious and engaging as you'd expect, but also a vision which markedly exchanges 'Lateralus'' transcendental cosmic bent for an earth-bound cynicism that bucks and kicks with sorrow, confusion and rage, from the war-as-entertainment exposé of 'Vicarious' to the Satan-in-the-engine wind down of 'Viginti Tres'. A record which will take weeks, months and even years to make its mark truly felt and an album as substantial and challenging as only the greatest works of art can aspire to be, one which takes on your mind, body and soul in ways rock bands these days seem to simple have forgotten how."


Btw Lucifer αν αύριο το πρωι βρεθούμε στο ίδιο δισκάδικο κι υπάρχει 1 cd σε στόκ, θα παλέψουμε για το ποιος θα το πάρει... :twisted: 8-):mrgreen:


Ρε παιδιά, στο Rock Star μια ζωή "αύριο" και "αύριο θα το φέρω παιδιά" έλεγε, και τώρα είπε την αλήθεια; Γ....


Από που? Τώρα τον πήρα τηλ και δεν το 'χε! Το φελέκι σου, εσύ δεν ήσουν που δε βιαζόσουν?! *(&(#$




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