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Fading Faith Open Beta

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Γειά σου!

Since I have been living in Athens for the past two years (sorry, impossible for me to learn Greek as its damn difficult!) I have been thinking into posting the game I have been working on in some greek forums. Since the game has been localized to Greek (Text/Audio) I was thinking into getting some feedback from greek players.

The game is a Dungeon Crawler set in medieval Jerusalem and it combines Dungeon exploration/puzzles/survival with History Learning (lot of ancient greek background/inspiration)

Its on Steam and you can join the Open Beta already.

Give it a shot if you have time!

(Sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum)


The Dev.


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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Good luck with your project!

I've got requested access from the steam playest, to give it a go, although it's saying that got into the playtest, there is nothing available to download in my library since it's not an active playtest.


The demo page is not available neither.

Επεξ/σία από xtrmsnpr
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Based on the recent posts, there currently is no open beta for the game.

Also, I'd prefer it if we had a discussion in Greek here about the game, given that Insomnia is a Greek discussion forum. 

When the game or its demo/beta becomes available, members of the forum are welcome to open a new topic for it in Greek, and hopefully you (FadingFaith) will be able to follow that discussion (perhaps with the help of a translator).

I sincerely wish you luck with your project.

For anyone who wants to continue the discussion in English, the current forum for the game on Steam is here: 


Με βάση τα μηνύματα μέχρι στιγμής στη συζήτηση, φαίνεται ότι ακόμα δεν υπάρχει κάποια open beta για το παιχνίδι.

Όταν ξεκινήσει κάτι τέτοιο, μπορεί κάποιο μέλος του forum να ανοίξει νέο θέμα για το παιχνίδι με περιγραφή στα Ελληνικά. 

Όποιος θέλει να συνεχίσει τη συζήτηση πάνω στο παιχνίδι στα Αγγλικά, μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει το τρέχον forum του παιχνιδιού στο Steam εδώ:

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