Προς το περιεχόμενο

Πως να ενωσω δυο avi και να βαλω Subtitles


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Γεια σας μαγκες!Εχω ενα προβλημα εχω μια ταινια avi σε δυο κομματια θελω να βαλω Subtitles να της ενωσω και να την καψω σε DVD και δεν ξερω πως να το κανω.Ευχαριστω προκαταβολικα


Φιλε μου ευχαριστω για το πως θα ενωσω τα avi τους subbtitles πως θα τους περασω σε dvd??Ευχαριστω!!

Ολα αυτα που ζητας γινονται "ΟΛΑ" με το FilmMachine...

Θα κοιταξω να σου βρω εναν οδηγο καπου ειδα εναν στα ελληνικα... :D


Το filmmachine λέει???

Γιατί εγώ χρησιμοποιώ το Virtual Dub για να ενώσω δύο avi.

Τα srt2sup και supremap για τους υπότιτλους (αν και την κάνει αυτή τη δουλειά το DVD2SVCD τέλεια γιατί μπορείς να έχεις και Permanent subs

To DVD2SVCD για την παραγωγή του ac3 αλλά και του m2v

Και το ifoedit για authoring.


To ξέρω είναι ολόκληρη διαδικασία αλλά το αποτέλεσμα από άποψη ποιότητας είναι τέλειο.


Λοιπον το FilmMachine ειναι παρα πολυ καλο και το κυριοτερο

πολυ απλο για ενα χρηστη που δεν ειναι ειδικος...

Του βαζεις τo(α) avi βαζεις και τους υποτιτλους του "λες" τι ακριβως

θες Svcd, Vcd, DVD (αυτα νομιζω ειναι) και μετα περιμενεις (αρκετη ωρα(ες))

Δοκιμασε το και βλεπεις... :D


Γεια σας και παλι ρε μαγκες το δοκιμασα το FilmMachine κατεβασα τους encoders (canopus,cinema craft encoder)oλα τα εκανα βημα βημα αλλα το τελικο αποτελεσμα που εκαψα στο dvd ηταν μαυρη εικονα μονο ο ηχος ακουγοταν σωστα και οι υποτιτλοι εντελως ασυχρονοι.Τι μπορει να εκανα λαθος??


Η οθονη στην tv ειναι μαυρη ακουγεται ο ηχος κανονικα και φαινονται και η υποτιτλοι αλλα ειναι καπoια κλικ πιο μπροστα.

Τα στοιχια της τανιας:

compression codec:Xvid mpeg-4

frame rate:25,000fps

avg.bitrate:748,36 kpit/s

keyframes:2023(every 94)


Μπορω μονο να σου πω οτι τους υποτιτλους πρεπει να τους εχεις συγχρονισει

πιο πριν οταν το αρχειο ειναι avi με καποιο προγραμμα οπως το Time Adjuster

τωρα οσο για την μαυρη οθονη.... δεν ξερω τι να σου πω. Ποιον Encoder χρησιμοποιεις απο τους 3?


Τον Cinema craft encoder.Θα δοκιμασω και με τους αλλους και θα δω το αποτελεσμα οσο για τους υποτιτλους ειναι δυσκολο να τους συχρονισω με το Time Adjuster κανα οδηγο μηπως.thnx!!

Το filmmachine λέει???

Γιατί εγώ χρησιμοποιώ το Virtual Dub για να ενώσω δύο avi.

Τα srt2sup και supremap για τους υπότιτλους (αν και την κάνει αυτή τη δουλειά το DVD2SVCD τέλεια γιατί μπορείς να έχεις και Permanent subs

To DVD2SVCD για την παραγωγή του ac3 αλλά και του m2v

Και το ifoedit για authoring.


To ξέρω είναι ολόκληρη διαδικασία αλλά το αποτέλεσμα από άποψη ποιότητας είναι τέλειο.


Επειδή έλαβα μερικά pms περί αυτού του θέματος....

Αναδημοσιεύω τον οδηγό που βρήκα στο dvd.box.sk.



DVD±R Guides

Convert DivX;-) to DVD


Virtual dub




step 1:

Preparing audio stream.


The first step for creating DVD from DivX file will be fixing the sound. For the next steps we will need to have separately recorded sound on the disk. We do this quite simply with the aid of a well-known program Virtual dub.


In the menu Audio' date=' check whether you have Source Audio set, and set Direct Stream Copy.



Then in the menu File, pick Save WAV, in the save window, chose the name and location for storing the file.



If you are working with a divx file with AC3 sound, Vitual dub adds to the AC3 file WAV header, this error you repair with the program BeSliced.



Simply drag the audio file to the window of program BeSliced, and hit AC3.



step 2:

Transferring from MP3 format to AC3 format.


This step is not needed if your divx file contains AC3 sound.


To transfer MP3 sound to the AC3 format we use BeSweet and the graphic interface AC3 machine.


By clicking on the yellow area the location of BeSweet.exe will gradually configure, the output file and and location and names of where the resulting AC3 audio is to be stored.



Set Channels Mode. If you have a double channel AC3 surround sound, chose surround. A setting of 5.1 creates a six-channel AC3 sound, of course the true result is achieved if the entry is also 5.1. Selecting stereo creates the classic two-channel sound and AC3 WAV is needed for making DD Audio cd. So the majority set surround.



DVD may contain only 48KHz of sound, so don`t forget to set it in the SSRC options.



Set the bitrate to 224 kbit/s. If you are processing 5.1 sound then select at least 320 kbit/s or even 448.



Now you just click on the button `Give me AC3!` and if you have set everything up correctly you will have AC3 sound and we go to the next step.



step 3:

Avisynth script


Like MPEG-2, we will use Cinema Craft Encoder SP 2-50 (CCE). Perhaps the best way is to use the program AviSynth as a frameserver.


For this we prepare a small script in Notepad for example.




The first line is the way for the converted file. The second line is a little trick which eliminates the fall of CCE on AMD processors.


Do not forget to store the script with .avs extension.


step 4:

Cinema Craft Encoder - adding AVS script


So we get CCE and as the first thing we add the converted file. Click with the right of the mouse on the white space and select Add. In the File Open window choose Files of type: All Files, because CCE would otherwise not register in the previous step the selection of AVS script.



If you have correctly written the path in AVS script, and correctly added it to CCE, then you should see something such in the CCE window.



Of course the number of Frames, Duration, and Video depend on which movie you are processing.


step 5:

Cinema Craft Encoder - setting


Setting encoding in CCE is more complicated, and therefore we have divided it into several steps. The first step, as is usually for first steps, is damn complicated. Click the right of the mouse to add avs script and select EDIT... :-)



step 6:

Cinema craft Encoder - setting 2


In the main Encode settings are a few sections and we go through them gradually.


In the section Title is the name of the source and the way to it, through settings this source may be changed, but in our case we will not be needing this option.



In the section Output files do not forget to check if you have chosen ES (elementary stream) and cancel the marked Audio files which in some cases cause problems.



The section Video encoding decides the manner of encoding. Here there must be selected MPEG-2 and One pass VBR.



The quantization factor is left at the standard 60. The minimum bitrate can be 0 and the maximum set at 9000. The situation may arise that if the film is longer or if you add various sound tracks, then the entire dvd does not fit the dvdr medium, in this case we adjust max. bitrate to a lower value.



step 7:

Cinema Craft Encoder - setting 3


For setting regarding Video, we arrive with the aid of the Video button... in the bottom section of Other Settings.



Check if the chosen Lumination level is 16 to 235.



Intra DC precision is to be set on auto and aspect ratio on the corresponding aspect ratio. If you don`t know it, you can find it with the aid of the program GSPOT.



Then mark in the section video settings options according to the frame on the right.



step 8:

Cinema Craft Encoder - setting 4


In the settings GOP leave unchanged the default values. M = 3, M/N=5 and SEQ header every 1 GOP (s).


In setting the Quality settings, adjust Image quality to 5.



Since we are working with divx input, I suggest setting the Anti-noise filter. Sufficient for the majority would be the standard value of 6. If the result is still fizzing, try to raise that value.



step 9:

Cinema craft Encoder - Encode


Confirm the setting with OK, click the right of the mouse and select Encode.



Now we just wait for the completion of the encoding. The speed of course depends on the speed of your CPU and HDD (that is counted on XP2000+).



step 10:

IfoEdit - DVD Author


For authorization we use the simple, effective and especially free Ifoedit. First of all select from the menu DVD Author Author new DVD.



In the window DVD Author/Multiplex enter the paths to the video and audio files.



Do not forget to enter the target path.



Now it is enough to press the OK button and Ifoedit creates in the destination all files needed for DVD.


step 11:

Burning DVD-video


For burning DVD you may use any kind of burning program which manages to burn DVD-video. Most likely that would be NERO. Select New... and medium DVD and type of DVD-Video.



If you want to you may name the disk however you like and confirm with OK. Other options leave at default values.



Files which were created by IfoEdit are moved to the directory VIDEO_TS. Into AUDIO_TS nothing is put with standard DVD-Video disks, as well, other files may not be added other than those created by IfoEdit. If you make a mistake or add other files, Nero will give you a warning, it is good to fix this so that no problems arise when playing other disks. These do not occur when playing on a PC, but rather on a classic DVD player.


In making DVD disks we may also add titles, chapters or a menu, these other options will be discussed in other guides.




DVD±R Guides

Transferring titles in the format of SRT to SUP

You'll need the following software in this guide:

• Srt2Sup

• SupRemap

• IfoEdit


step 1:

Import SRT


In this guide we will show an approach to adding titles which we have in the accessible-from-everywhere format SRT into the format SUP, which is known by our famous program IfoEdit. In this manner we can insert titles from DVD films which are found on web pages. The titles added by us will, when playing the DVD film, act just like normal standard titles.


So if you have titles which are synchronized with the film on DVD then we can get to work. If they are not in the format SRT or they still need some repairs, then use some of the programs for editing titles like for example Subtitle Workshop.




SRT2SUP is a program whose intention is clear just from the name, and that is transferring titles from SRT to SUP. The first thing we take from the menu SRT File is the item Open as Text...



After selecting the file another window will open into which you can quickly shift the titles as is necessary. We chose Adjust Times 0 and may press OK.



In the lower window while importing SRT some information about status appears. We will be interested whether the last information is Done - Warnings [0].



step 2:

Global settings


The file in the format SUP are basically titles in bit-maps, so already we must set how are titles are going to look. In the menu Settings, we chose the item Global.



The window Global settings contains several sections so we shall run through the important ones. The position of titles we set in a vertical direction on the middle and horizontal on the center. Do not forget to hit Auto Wrap text.



To balance the text we set, as is the habit, on Center.



Based on the type of film which we are going to add the titles to, we set NTSC or PAL, in our case it will be PAL.



The font which they will be exported must also be set. Press the button Global font...



In the font window, select the size and style of font. If you are adding titles in another code page then do not forget to set also the relevant page through the menu Script.



Confirm the the window Font with the button OK. In the Global setting window, adjust the colors according to the following screen.



In this step, the selection of colors is not that important. They will be set exactly in the next step.


Now we have finished adjusting the Global setting and confirm it with the OK button.


step 3:

Export to the SUP format


Still before the export itself, in the preview window you may check how the titles are going to look, whether the type of font suits, the size, and the code page.


Mark which lines of titles you want to export. In our case we shall use the button ALL, and the result looks like this:



And now through the menu SUP file we select Save...



The program SRT2SUP will start to load on a place chosen by you in the SUP file.


As we have mentioned, this file is comprised of bit-maps of individual titles, so in the status window the progress of the export is displayed. The entire export may last several minutes according to the number of titles and the speed of your computer. The result is a file with the suffix SUP, and a size of 2 or 3 MB.


step 4:

Adjusting the colors of the SUP file


If we now added the titles with the aid of IfoEdit, the result will appear something like this.



So now before authorization we must adjust the colors of the titles which are saved in the SUP file with the program Supremap.



First of all we open up our SUP file with the button Open SUP.



After opening it gets updated in the browsing window as are the set colors in the SUP file.



Now we switch over to item IFO file and open the original IFO film into which we are going to add the titles. In our case (and in most cases) this is the file VTS_01_0.IFO.



Switch back to the item SUP file. And now we adjust the colors, get oriented according to the upper palette of colors. The subsequent setting looks something like this:



The result in the preview window looks like this:



Now just save the changes with the aid of the Save SUP button.



step 5:



All files we have prepared we can now work with the authorization of our dvd. In the menu of program IfoEdit, select Author New DVD.



Add on the individual files, and in the case of audio and titles, do not forget to set the appropriate languages.



Confirm with OK, and the connecting of streams and creation of DVD structures begins.



This operation lasts a few minutes so we can take a little break.


After finishing the authoring, you will have in the IfoEdit window open newly-created files. The final, and for some a little complicated, step is copying the colors from the original PGC.


The first step is to open the original ifo file. This we open with the Open button in the lower part of the IfoEdit program.



Open up VST_PGC_1, get oriented according to this picture:



From the menu Subtitle Color, select Copy Colors from this PGC.



Now select VST_PGC_1 into a new ifo file, for better orientation I offer the picture:



From the menu Subtitle Color select Paste Colors into this PGC. Now just with the help of the Save button the prepared ifo file may be stored.



Before burning the DVD, I recommend testing the result in one of the dvd players which know how to open DVD film from HDD (for example PowerDVD, WinDVD and others, or use the DVD player built directly into the IfoEdit).


If you are satisfied with the result then it enough to start burning the DVD, for example: Burning DVD-video


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