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alcohol virtual drive


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Apegkatestisa to alcohol oste na valo mia poio kainouria ekdosi tou.Molis to ekana afto,kathe fora pou ksekinaei to sistima mou vgazei ena error:"A device has failed to start" kati tetoio tespa.Exei na kanei me virtual drive etsi?Pos mporei na lithei ayto?


Diuorthosi,to sistima einai server 2003 kai ayto mou vgazei sto event viewer:


Event Type: Error

Event Source: Service Control Manager

Event Category: None

Event ID: 7026

Date: 13/8/2004

Time: 10:36:17 πμ

User: N/A

Computer: MLR-HGFO131GCQX


The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:



For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


Mporeite na voithisete?Eyxaristo.


den xero an tha boithisoun.brika auta ta dio replies kapou alou.ena apo microsoft kai ena apo allo forum.dokimases system restore?tha prepei a sou lisei to problem


Event Message:

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: name


Source Event Log Event ID Event Type

Service Control Manager System 7026 Error



The drivers in the list failed to start.


User Action:

Ask your system administrator to verify that the drivers in the list are not critical to your system's operation.




That is a SCSI controller... Check to see if the controller is connected to your computer or if it is enabled in bios. If all of this checks out, then go to the manufacturer of the SCSI controller downnlad and install the latest driver for it.

The file that it is refrenceing is normally an .sys file (possibly but rarely .inf). If you search your "C" drive for all instances of this file you may want to rename it to something like: xmasscsi.sysOLD before installing the new driver.


I hope this helps


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