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20άρα λέει το manual για το 24άρι. Και επειδή οι ασφάλειες ασφαλίζουν τα καλώδια, βάλαμε 4mm2.

Στην πράξη δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να πάει τόσο, αλλά φύλαγε τα ρούχα σου να έχεις τα μισά.


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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

27 minutes ago, _^ThEo^_ said:

Στη φώτο φαίνεται ότι φεύγουν 2 καλώδια ρεύματος απο την εξωτερική μονάδα, οπότε το ένα πηγαίνει στην εσωτερική μονάδα και το άλλο στην πρίζα.

Απο πρίζα πήρα ρεύμα η οποία έχει 2.5άρι καλώδιο που πάει στον πίνακα σε 16άρα ασφάλεια. Στο manual γράφει 2.5αρι καλώδιο με 20αρα ασφάλεια, όμως ο κανόνισμος λέει 16άρα. Άρα είμαι οκ νομίζω. Αν τραβήξει περισσότερο θα πέσει.

Ευχαριστώ, είναι 12cm από τον τοίχο, θα το τραβήξω λίγο μπροστά.


Ευχαριστώ πολύ!

Όπως λένε και τα παιδιά είσαι στο όριο και το σωστό θα ήταν να έχεις 20άρα ασφάλεια με 4αρι καλώδιο. Ιδίως αν παίρνεις κι από τη μπρίζα κι έχεις απ'ότι διαβάζω και κάποια θεματάκια με τον πίνακά σου. Πρώτα απ' όλα για τη δική σου ασφάλεια και κατόπιν και του μηχανήματός σου. Εύχομαι καλορίζικο!

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
2 ώρες πριν, dimostr είπε

Πάντως αυτό το πράγμα που προσπαθούμε με κάθε δυνατό τρόπο να υπονομεύσουμε την λειτουργία αυτών των μηχανημάτων είναι λίγο περίεργο .

Έχουμε μηχανήματα που είναι στη κορυφή της τεχνολογίας και με την παρέμβασή μας με placebo λύσεις τα γυρνάμε 30 χρόνια πίσω 

προσωπικα μια χαρα δουλεύει σε μενα κ χαμηλα πεφτει κλπ. αλλη λυση δν εχω καθως ακομα κ στη ψηλοτερη θεση της περσιδας εστελνε πανω μου τον κρυο αερα με αποτελεσμα να εχω θεμα.

Επεξ/σία από GEORGES81
  • Thanks 1

Εντάξει τα inventer θα πάνε σπάνια στα μέγιστα ρεύματα και αν θα πάνε θα μείνουν για λίγο. Πχ το αρκούδι το heavy 80 χτυπάει κάτι 3600άρια αλλά για λίγα λεπτά.

Και αυτό 20άρα ασφάλεια λέει .



Παρόλα αυτά δεν βλάπτει να είμαστε στην ασφαλή πλευρά .

2 ώρες πριν, liakjim είπε

20άρα λέει το manual για το 24άρι. Και επειδή οι ασφάλειες ασφαλίζουν τα καλώδια, βάλαμε 4mm2.

Στην πράξη δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να πάει τόσο, αλλά φύλαγε τα ρούχα σου να έχεις τα μισά.


Δες και το 3* στο δικό σου, λέει πως επιτρεπτή πτώση τάσης είναι 2%, αλλιώς να αυξηθεί η διατομή.., για αυτό λέει μήκος έως 31 μέτρα στα 2.5mm2..

Γενικότερα το 2.5αρι σε μικρό μήκος δουλεύει συνεχώς στα 15-16Α, και στα 18Α να δουλεύει, αν δεν ζεσταθεί το θερμικό της ασφάλειας, δεν θα πέσει.. 

Εγώ με 2.5αρι θα το έβαζα, απλά με μια καλή ασφάλεια στον πίνακα στα 6 ή 10kA, ιδανικά καμπύλης Ζ (πάνε ρώτα εκεί που τα πουλάνε ούτε αυτοί ξέρουν τι είναι)

Αλλά αυξάνονται τα κόστη.., μία τέτοια ασφάλεια μπορει να έχει 30+€, ποιος θα την πληρώσει..



4 ώρες πριν, Kozanitis1 είπε

Δες και το 3* στο δικό σου, λέει πως επιτρεπτή πτώση τάσης είναι 2%, αλλιώς να αυξηθεί η διατομή.., για αυτό λέει μήκος έως 31 μέτρα στα 2.5mm2..

Γενικότερα το 2.5αρι σε μικρό μήκος δουλεύει συνεχώς στα 15-16Α, και στα 18Α να δουλεύει, αν δεν ζεσταθεί το θερμικό της ασφάλειας, δεν θα πέσει.. 

Εγώ με 2.5αρι θα το έβαζα, απλά με μια καλή ασφάλεια στον πίνακα στα 6 ή 10kA, ιδανικά καμπύλης Ζ (πάνε ρώτα εκεί που τα πουλάνε ούτε αυτοί ξέρουν τι είναι)

Αλλά αυξάνονται τα κόστη.., μία τέτοια ασφάλεια μπορει να έχει 30+€, ποιος θα την πληρώσει..



Μην ξεχνάς τις παράλληλες διελεύσεις και τους συντελεστές θερμοκρασίας που καθορίζουν το όριο έντασης. Πχ 3 αγωγοί με 35-40 βαθμούς ρίχνουν το 2.5ρι αρκετά.

Για πτώση τάσης, το παιχνίδι περιπλέκεται γιατί το δίκτυο έχει +-10% και το πρότυπο σε αφήνει ένα επιπλέον -4%. Εδώ η απαίτηση είναι χαμηλότερη, -2%. Δεν είναι σαφές γιατί υπάρχει αυτό εδώ. Εδώ τι μας λέει δηλαδή; Ότι με βάση τα 230 εγώ σε αφήνω να κατέβεις έως 4.6V = 225.4V? Η μισή Ελλάδα δουλεύει έτσι. Το δίκτυο μπορεί από μόνο του θεωρείται φυσιολογικό να έχει 207 έως 253V.

Σε κάθε περίπτωση το MCB Ζ είναι καλή πρόταση αλλά δυσεύρετη, πολλοί κατασκευαστές δεν το έχουν στους καταλόγους. Ένα 10kA με χαρακτηριστική B είναι η αμέσως επόμενη καλύτερη εναλλακτική. Αλλά υπάρχουν άλλα θέματα προς επίλυση πριν φτάσουμε εκεί.

Καλή χρονιά, με υγεία, ζέστη και ασφάλεια :)

  • Thanks 1

Καλη Χρονια να εχουμε παιδια, με Υγεια πρωτιστως και τα υπολοιπα οπως ερθουν, μακαρι τα μεγαλυτερα μας προβληματα να ειναι τα κλιματιστικα...

  • Like 18
18 ώρες πριν, Grim Ripper είπε

Το praktiker έχει βάλει -20% και στα κλιματιστικά, η έκπτωση φαίνεται κατευθείαν στο καλάθι.

Μπαρούφα είναι, συνεχίζουν να είναι φθηνότερα σε άλλα μαγαζιά (τουλάχιστον τα μοντέλα της Daikin που είδα).


Καλή χρονιά με υγεία !

Να ρωτήσω αν θέλει κάποιος να κάνει επιδιόρθωση σε αμφίβολη υπάρχουσα εγκατάσταση ,τι κινήσεις/εργασίες πρέπει να γίνουν από τον ψυκτικό και με τι περίπου κόστος ?

16 λεπτά πριν, turbat0s είπε

Τί προβλήματα υπάρχουν στην εγκατάσταση?

Υψηλή κατανάλωση τουλάχιστον ..οκ μιλάμε για Inventor και θέρμανση ..

10 λεπτά πριν, liakjim είπε

Εξαρτάται από το πόσο αμφίβολη είναι 🥲

Αρκετά ως πολύ ..αρχικά είχε γίνει προεγκατάσταση σωληνώσεων όταν ανακαινιζόταν το σπίτι ,το μήκος τους είναι οκ θα έλεγα 2.5m+ ..αλλά πολύ αμφιβάλλω για αντλία κενού κτλ ..

Σκέφτομαι αν αξίζει τον κόπο/έξοδο/όφελος να ξανά στηθούν από την αρχή όπως πρέπει αυστηρά by the book ..?

Επαναλαμβάνω μιλάμε για Inventor και θέρμανση ..

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

μιας και εχω προσβαση για λιγες μερες ακομη στο εγγλεζικο περιοδικο των καταναλωτων (αφηνω εδω σταδιακα,οσα χωρεσει σε μεγεθος αρχειου )μη τυχον θελησει κανεις στοιχεια για ΦΟΡΗΤΟ ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΟ


The best portable air conditioners from our tests

The best air conditioners we tested cooled the room evenly in less than an hour. Our top recommendation – the DeLonghi Pinguino EL92HP – gets the room 10°C cooler in just under 40 minutes. It's also easy to use, relatively quiet and is particularly good at distributing the temperature around the room. 

Portable air conditioners can be moved around, but are still large and relatively heavy pieces of kit. If you have rooms upstairs or a flat on a high-numbered floor, or if you lack the strength to heave an air-con unit about, an electric fan may be the more sensible option. 

Compare our results and prices at a glance in our table below, or read on for our full reviews.

Dates tested: July 2024, April 2024, July 2023, March 2023, May 2022, September 2021, April 2021, June 2020. Page last checked: December 2024. We aren't able to show every retailer, and cheaper prices may be available.

Cooling effectiveness based on how quickly the air conditioner cools a room by 10°C and how even the temperature distribution across the room. Running costs based on electricity unit price of 24.86p/kWh

Best Buy: DeLonghi Pinguino PAC EL92HP

Our score and verdict 83%, Best portable air conditioner we've tested

DeLonghi Pinguino PAC EL92HP portable air conditioner with which? Best Buy logo

Available from DeLonghi (£769.99)


  • Fast and even cooling
  • Simple to set up and use
  • Quieter than average on lowest setting
  • Easy to clean the filter


  • Takes up more space than some
  • Expensive 

Most recently tested April 2024

Weight 30.4kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 21p (below average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 74.2 x 45.4 x 41.0cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 24/121.5cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,800 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (0.5 to 10 hours in 30-minute steps, 10 to 24 hours in one-hour steps), also functions as a heater and dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 140cm, recommended to clean the filter once a week 

This is the best air conditioner we’ve tested. It will cool your room quickly and, compared with many others, it’s easy to use and energy efficient.

It does a fantastic job of reducing the temperature. Our test lab went from 35°C to 25°C in just under 40 minutes; it takes some other air conditioners three times as long to achieve the same result. Temperature and airflow distribution are particularly good, too, so you’ll feel comfortable wherever you are in the room.

Portable air conditioners can be noisy, but on its lowest setting this one's a comparatively quiet 60dB, increasing to 62dB when switched to high. For context, 60dB is roughly the equivalent to a normal conversation, while 70dB is more in line with the noise made by a vacuum cleaner.

We also test how efficiently air conditioners cool a room by 10°C. This model did so more efficiently than most portable air conditioners we've tried. Plus, it comes with a kit to cover the gap where you place the window nozzle, to prevent more warm air coming into the room.

It’s easy to install and program the air conditioner, empty the water tank and clean the filter. However, while it's technically a portable air conditioner, it's one of the heaviest and largest we've tested, so it might be best to keep it in one spot. 

Best Buy: DeLonghi Pinguino Compact PAC ES72 Classic

Our score and verdict 78%, Brilliant choice

DeLonghi Pinguino Compact PAC ES72 Classic portable air conditioner with Which? Best Buy logo


  • Cools a room quickly and evenly
  • Quieter than most on the lowest fan setting
  • Good energy efficiency
  • Simple controls
  • Easy to move around


  • No supplied window sealing kit

Most recently tested April 2024

Weight 21.5kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 21p (below average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 68.7 x 29 x 36.3cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 24.5/126cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 8,300 BTU, two fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (0.5 to 10 hours in 30-minute steps, 10 to 24 hours in one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 141.5cm, recommended to clean the filter once a week 

This air conditioner will cool your room quickly and, compared with many others, it’s easy to use and energy efficient. It’s also quieter than most when used on its lowest setting.

It will take just over 49 minutes to reduce the temperature of a room from 35°C to 25°C, which is quick – some take more than twice as long. It also distributes cold air evenly, so you’ll feel comfortable wherever you are in the room.

On its lowest setting, it's quieter than average, at 56.5dB. This increases to 63.2dB when switched to high, which is still quieter than most we've tested.

It's 10kg lighter than the heaviest air-con units we've seen, so it's relatively easy to move around, too. 

There’s no window-sealing kit supplied, although you need sliding or sash windows to use this anyway. However, as not everyone will have the right type of window, our tests assume that you won’t be using a sealing kit, so its score isn't affected. 


Best Buy: Duux North Smart 3 in 1 PAC DXMA22

Our score and verdict 78%, Does the job brilliantly, and useful all year round

Duux North Smart 3 in 1 PAC DXMA22 portable air conditioner with Which? Best Buy logo

Available from Duux (£849.99)


  • Cools the room quickly 
  • Ease to use
  • Quiet when in operation


  • Isn't the easiest to set up

Most recently tested July 2024

Weight 27.3kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 22p (below average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 69.5 x 43.5 x 36.4cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 27.1/154.8cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a heater and dehumidifier, has night mode that slowly raises the temperature throughout the night, smartphone connectivity, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

This air conditioner does a fantastic job of cooling the room quickly. In our tests it took just over 30 minutes to lower the temperature from 35°C to 25°C. The worst we've tested can't even do this in three hours. While we haven't tested it as a heater or dehumidifier, it can do both, making it useful outside of the summer months.

Its airflow distribution is excellent – meaning it gets the air moving evenly throughout the room. You don't have one gusty spot and another where the air is still.

It's also quieter than a lot of portable air-con units we've tested. On it's lowest setting it operates at around 57dB, and 59dB on the highest. For context 60dB is roughly the equivalent to a normal conversation, so you shouldn't have any trouble hearing people over this.

You can control the unit with your smartphone, as well as Alexa and Google Home. Getting it set up isn't as easy as a non-smart device, but when we ran our privacy and security tests on this model, we didn't find anything to suggest it's vulnerable to hackers.

It's fairly easy to move thanks to a good set of wheels, despite being on the heavier side.

Best Buy: AEG Chillflex Pro AXP26U338CW

Our score and verdict 77%, Good choice for keeping cool

AEG Chillflex Pro AXP26U338CW portable air conditioner with Which? Best Buy logo


  • Cools a room quickly and evenly
  • Generally easy to use
  • Quieter than many


  • Setting up the machine and cleaning the filter could be easier

Most recently tested June 2020

Weight 31.8kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 20p (below average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 70 x 47.2 x 39cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 28.4/157cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 166cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

The AEG Chillflex Pro scores well across the board and will cool a room quickly and evenly. It’s also easy to use and the instructions are clear and comprehensive. 

Unlike some, this unit doesn’t come with a window seal for blocking the window gap and reducing the amount of warm air coming in. However, these seals are only suitable for certain types of window anyway.

This model is quiet compared with others, producing 60.5 dB on its lowest setting and 61.8 dB on its highest setting.

It has two filters to clean, which is a little fiddly but not a major issue. You can either wash them using liquid dishwasher detergent and warm water (make sure they're fully dried before putting back in) or use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and other debris.


Best Buy: AEG Comfort 6000 AXP26U339CW

Our score and verdict 77%, A top-choice air conditioner

AEG Comfort 6000 AXP26U339CW portable air conditioner with Which? Best Buy logo


  • Rapidly lowers the room temperature
  • Cold air distributed evenly
  • More energy efficient than most


  • Window-sealing kit not included
  • No remote control so you’ll need the AEG app

Most recently tested April 2024

Weight 31kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 26p (above average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 70.3 x 39 x 48cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 29.7/162cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, three fan speeds, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer, also functions as a dehumidifier, smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 168.3cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

This AEG did a brilliant job in our tests, cooling the room in just over 25 minutes. Some air conditioners we’ve tested take hours to do this.

It’s more energy efficient than most, but it's noisier than some. It produces 61.4 dB on its low setting, increasing to 63.1 dB when switched to high. Although this isn't particularly loud, we've tested quieter Best Buys.

The controls are straightforward, and removing water from the tank is a simple task. It’s not the easiest to set up or move around, though. Plus, there’s no remote control, but you can control it from your smartphone via the AEG app.

You have to pay extra for a window-sealing kit. It’s not essential, and we tested without one, but it will prevent warm air coming back in through the window you place the nozzle through.

Best Buy: Pro Breeze PB-AC01 Smart PAC

Our score and verdict 77%, Does a fantastic job

Pro Breeze PB-AC01 Smart PAC portable air conditioner with Which? Best Buy logo


  • Rapidly cools the room
  • Easy to install and set up
  • Cools and moves air around the room evenly


  • Could be easier to move around
  • On the noisier side

Most recently tested July 2024

Weight 24kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 28p (above average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 70.6 x 33 x 31.8cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 31.9/151.4cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, two fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 161.8cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

This smart portable air conditioner gets the fundamentals right, something that can't be said for a lot of other units we've tested.

It cools evenly, so you're unlikely to feel hot or cold spots if you use it in an appropriately sized room. It's quick, too – it cooled our test lab by 10°C in just over 30 minutes.

It produces 64.5dB on its lowest setting, going up to 67.4dB on its highest setting, which is around average. If quietness is important to you, we've tested other Best Buys that might suit you better.

You can control the unit with your smartphone, as well as with Alexa or Google Home. Getting it set up isn't as easy as a non-smart device, but when we ran our privacy and security tests on this model, we didn't find anything to suggest it's vulnerable to hackers.

The only real niggle we have is that it isn't the easiest to move around, mostly because it's taller than others and the wheels could be better. 

Best Buy: Meaco Cool MC Series 12000

Our score and verdict 75%, A solid choice

Meaco Cool MC Series 12000 portable air conditioner with Which? Best Buy logo

Available from Meaco (£509.95)


  • Cools a room quickly
  • Simple to set up and use
  • Easy to clean the filter
  • Good instructions


  • Temperature distribution could be better
  • Noisier than some other Best Buys

Most recently tested March 2023

Weight 28.6kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 31p (above average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 76.5 x 45.7 x 36.9cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 31.4/185cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 12,000 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, may not come with a window kit if you don't buy direct from manufacturer, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 188.7cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

This Meaco portable air conditioner is one of the best we’ve tested. It will cool your room quickly, and it’s easy to set up and use.

It reduced the temperature of our test room by 10°C in just over 40 minutes. However, the temperature distribution isn't as good as with our other Best Buys. 

Although it's not particularly loud, we’ve tested significantly quieter machines. On its low setting it produces 63dB, increasing to 64.9dB when switched to high. 

This model gets three stars out of five for energy efficiency, which is average for this type of product. But it's worth bearing in mind that all portable air conditioners are fairly inefficient compared with split units – an air conditioner with an outdoor and indoor unit, which needs professional installation.


Electriq P12HPW

Our score and verdict 72%, Good

Electriq P12HPW portable air conditioner


  • Cools a room quickly and evenly
  • Quieter than most on its lowest setting


  • Weak password policy on smartphone app
  • A fair bit louder than others on its highest setting

Most recently tested June 2020

Weight 29.1kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 29p (above average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 71.5 x 44.5 x 36cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 24/149.5cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 12,000 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a heater and dehumidifier, smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 170.5cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

This is a decent portable air conditioner that will cool your room quickly and evenly. However, there were a few niggles in our tests, which meant it didn't score highly enough to earn our Best Buy recommendation.

It's fairly awkward to move around, despite the castors designed to help. Plus, its highest settings is a fair bit louder than its low setting (63.7dB vs 61.4dB). That might not seem like much on paper, but an increase of 3dB represents a doubling of the sound intensity. 

We did spot that you aren’t obliged to set up a strong password in order to control it via the app. It only requires six characters, including a number. 

Expert thinking on best practice for secure passwords is evolving, but our current advice is to use a passphrase, such as three random words. Don’t use a famous quote, as this might be easily guessed, and don’t base it on personal information.

Great Value: Homcom 9000 BTU

Our score and verdict 67%, A good budget option

Homcom 9000 BTU portable air conditioner with Which? Great Value logo


  • Fast cooling
  • Easy to move around and install
  • Quiet on lowest setting


  • Temperature distribution is patchy
  • Not as energy efficient as our Best Buy recommendations

Most recently tested July 2023

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 21p (below average)

Weight 22.4kg

Dimensions (H x W x D) 69.5 x 31.6 x 31.6cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 23.5/158.5cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, two fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 165cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

If you don’t want to spend too much, then this air conditioner is one of the best you’ll find for less than £300.

It’s simple to use and did well in most of our performance tests.

It took just over an hour for this unit to cool our test room by 10°C. On its lowest setting it’s reasonably quiet (61dB), although it goes up to 65dB when switched to high.

It comes with a kit to cover the gap where you place the window nozzle to prevent more warm air coming into the room. Overall, installation is straightforward. The instructions are clear and comprehensive, the remote control is good and it’s easy to move around.

Temperature distribution isn’t amazing, though, so you’re likely to experience colder and warmer spots around a room. Plus, the Homcom 9000 BTU isn’t especially efficient with energy, although it's not the worst on test. 

DeLonghi Pinguino PAC EL112CST Smart Air Conditioner

Our score and verdict 64%, OK but unremarkable 

DeLonghi Pinguino PAC EL112CST Smart Portable Air Conditioner


  • Reasonably quick to cool a room – just under one hour to cool by 10°C
  • Easy to use
  • Quieter than many – 60.5dB on lowest and 61.8dB on highest settings


  • Poor temperature distribution
  • Hard to move around
  • No option to set it up to continuously drain water from the container

Most recently tested March 2023

Weight 30.7kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 22p (average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 74.5 x 45 x 41cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 26.9/123.5cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 11,000 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer with delayed start-up (0 to 10 hours in 30-minute steps, 10 to 24 hours in one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 145.2cm, recommended to clean the filter once a week

Although this air conditioner will cool a room fairly quickly, it’s not among the more energy efficient models we’ve tested, and temperature distribution is poor.

It’s a smart appliance, so it can be controlled via wi-fi and a smart app on your phone. You can also set it up for use with Alexa or Google Assistant.


Black + Decker BXAC40006GB

Our score and verdict 63%, Too tricky to move

Black & Decker BXAC40006GB Portable Air Conditioner


  • Rapid and even cooling – about 47 minutes to cool by 10°C
  • Quiet on lowest setting – 58.5dB
  • Easy to use


  • Very hard to move around

Most recently tested April 2021

Weight 23.1kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 20p (below average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 77 x 31 x 40cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 36.5/150cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, two fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer with delayed startup or shutdown (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier and air purifier, smartphone connectivity, doesn't say how often you should clean filters

This Black + Decker unit impressed in many of our tests, but it’s one of the hardest to move around.

It's not among the heaviest we've tested, yet it’s very hard to shift. It would have helped to have another handle and wheels that can move across carpet more easily. Don’t buy this model if you have reduced strength and live alone.

DeLonghi Pinguino PAC EM90 ECO

Our score and verdict 63%, Others are better

Delonghi pinguino EM90 Silent eco air conditioner


  • Cools the room quickly – just under an hour to cool by 10°C
  • Easy to use


  • Mediocre temperature distribution
  • Quite noisy for a ‘silent’ model – 62.2dB on its lowest setting
  • Heavy and bulky

Most recently tested May 2022

Weight 30kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 21p (below average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 70.2 x 43.2 x 34.2cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 29.5/155cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,800 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (0 to 10 hours in 30-minute steps, 10 to 24 hours in one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 164cm, recommended to clean the filter once a week

While the DeLonghi Pinguino PAC EM90 Silent portable air conditioner can cool your room, it’s not particularly efficient or quiet.

It’s only mediocre on temperature and airflow distribution. Plus, it's big and bulky, so it's tricky to move around. It does have four castor wheels to help you, though.

Inventor Chilly 9000BTU

Our score and verdict 58%, Medicore

Inventor Chilly 9000BTU portable air conditioner


  • Easy to use
  • Quieter than many – 58dB on lowest settings and 62.5 on its highest


  • Temperature distribution could be better
  • No supplied window nozzle

Most recently tested September 2021

Weight 25.2kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 22p (average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 72 x 35 x 38cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 32/152cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, two fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (0 to 10 hours in 30-minute steps, 10 to 24 hours in one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, no window nozzle supplied, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

This basic portable air conditioner gets the job done, but it’s not as quick or efficient as our Best Buy models.

Overall, it’s an easy air conditioner to use, with clear and comprehensive instructions. However, it takes around 1 hour 20 minutes to cool a room by 10°C, something Best Buy air conditioners can do in half the time or faster.


Russell Hobbs RHPAC4002

Our score and verdict 58%, Average performance

Russell Hobbs RHPAC4002 portable air conditioner


  • Fairly quick to cool a room – about 52 minutes to cool by 10°C
  • Easy to install
  • Emptying its tank is straightforward


  • Nothing it excels at

Most recently tested September 2021

Weight 27.4kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 24p (above average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 69.8 x 42 x 32.3cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 35/148cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, three fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer with delayed startup or shutdown (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 161.5cm, recommended to clean the filter once a week

This is a mediocre portable air conditioner that hasn’t been awful in any of our tests, but it hasn’t really excelled at anything, either.

It's around average for noise. On its low setting it produces 63.1dB and this increases to 64.3dB on its highest setting.

It does a reasonable job of distributing the air and keeping the room at a constant temperature, although you may still find there are colder and warmer spots.

Electriq Slimline 10000 BTU

Our score and verdict 55%, Better choices available

Electriq Slimline 10000 portable air conditioner


  • Excellent temperature and air distribution
  • Simple controls
  • Easy to install


  • Takes ages to cool a room – just over two hours to cool by 10°C
  • Poor energy efficiency
  • Filters awkward to clean
  • Difficult to move around

Most recently tested July 2023

Weight 23.7kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 23p (above average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 75.5 x 34 x 36.5cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 37/189cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 10,000 BTU, two fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 195cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

This is a disappointing model. It’s among the least energy-efficient portable air conditioners we’ve tested, and it's not particularly easy to use.

It's also pretty noisy, producing 67.6dB on its highest setting. For context, 70dB is in line with the noise made by a vacuum cleaner. Some air conditioners we've tested are four times quieter on their high settings.

Ecoair Crystal MK3 9000 BTU

Our score and verdict 50%, Poor choice

Ecoair Crystal MK3 9000 BTU portable air conditioner


  • Even temperature distribution
  • Simple controls
  • Easy to install


  • Slow to cool a room
  • Poor energy efficiency
  • Wheels don’t work properly

Most recently tested April 2024

Weight 21.6kg

Approximate running cost per hour on max settings 17p (below average)

Dimensions (H x W x D) 68.9 x 28.9 x 32.6cm

Minimum/maximum hose length 35.6/159cm

Need to know Rated cooling capacity 9,000 BTU, two fan speeds, comes with remote control, digital display, has wheels, has sleep mode, 24-hour timer (one-hour steps), also functions as a dehumidifier, no smartphone connectivity, hose plus window nozzle can reach a maximum length of 169.2cm, recommended to clean the filter every two weeks

It’s extremely slow at cooling a room – by the three-hour mark, it had only cooled our test room by about 5°C. 

What's more, it’s among the least energy-efficient portable air conditioners we’ve tested. It isn’t particularly easy to clean or move around, either.

There’s not much difference in the noise level between the lowest (64.3dB) and highest (64.8dB) fan settings. It’s not obnoxiously loud, but we’ve tested quieter machines.

How we test portable air conditioners

Remote control in foreground pointing at air conditioner in the background

Many free-to-access websites review air conditioners using just one tester, basing scores on their preferences. These sites may also receive air conditioners free of charge, directly from manufacturers.

Which? tests are different. Our test scores are based on measurements and ratings, and brands cannot buy their way into our testing. We select the most searched-for portable air conditioners, and we pay for every single one we test.

We also regularly revisit the portable air conditioners on sale to see if there are any more popular models that need testing.

Why you can trust us: at Which? we're free from manufacturer and retailer influence. Find out more about our impartiality and how your support helps us to stay editorially independent


  • We measure how quickly each air conditioner cools a 35ºC room by 10ºC.
  • Plus, we use a dense grid of temperature sensors to determine how evenly the room cools, and whether there are any hot or cold spots.
  • We also measure how much energy each air conditioner uses in the time, so we know how energy efficient it is.
  • The best portable air conditioners cool a room rapidly and evenly in well under an hour.

Airflow distribution

  • You don't want to be subjected to a gale-force blast in one corner of the room while the air barely moves in another corner.
  • We measure airflow distribution in multiple locations in the room to see whether there are big variations.
  • The best portable air conditioner gets the air moving equally well throughout the room.

Ease of use

  • A panel of experts construct, move and use each air conditioner for hours to find the models that won't have you tearing your hair out in frustration.
  • They assess how easy the instructions are to use, whether the parts fit together well, how easy it is to move the air conditioners around and more.
  • When an air conditioner can be controlled by a smartphone, we put it through a full privacy and security test programme to check for security loopholes that hackers could exploit. 

Accuracy of efficiency claims

  • To make sure manufacturers are delivering on their promises, we look at how closely each air conditioner matches its claimed energy efficiency ratio (EER), which is an indicator of how energy efficient an air conditioner will be. 


  • We measure how loud each air conditioner is on its lowest and highest settings.

There are two main types of domestic air conditioner: portable and split-unit. Each offers its own unique set of features.

Portable air conditioners

These are also known as single-unit, standalone and mono-block air conditioners. They usually have wheels on the bottom so you can roll them between rooms. 

They're ideal for cooling a single room and have an attached hose that needs to dangle out of a nearby window. They extract hot air from your home and push it outside through the attached hose.

Due to condensation, water droplets are collected, so you'll need to manually remove the water from the tank every so often and clean the filter at the same time.


  • Tend to be cheaper than split-unit air conditioners.
  • Cool your home without needing to install anything permanently.
  • Can be unplugged and stored when not in use.
  • Premium models often double as dehumidifiers, electric heaters or occasionally as air purifiers.


  • Not as efficient at cooling as split-unit models.
  • If you run the hose through an open window, this will allow some warm air back in through the gap. Most, but not all, models come with a window-sealing kit for blocking off this gap, but this only works with certain types of window, such as sash.
  • They are generally heavy, unwieldy appliances. If you have reduced strength and/or live alone, you might need to get someone to help you set it up.

Split-unit air conditioners

Also known as fixed air conditioners, these comprise two parts: a condensing unit (mounted outside) and an evaporator (mounted inside). Both parts need to be connected, so installation is far more complex compared with a portable model.

The outdoor unit circulates refrigerant and turns it from a gas to a liquid. That liquid passes through coolant lines to the indoor evaporator, where it transforms from a liquid to vapour.

Heat is removed from the surrounding air and cooled air is blown into your home. This process will repeat over and over until the unit reaches the temperature you've programmed.


  • Ideal if you have one room that regularly gets very hot.
  • A secure way of air conditioning your home as there's no need to leave windows open.
  • Quieter and usually more efficient than a portable air conditioner.


  • Usually more expensive than standalone units – expect to pay upwards of £500, excluding installation fees.
  • Fixed in place, so can't be moved between rooms.
  • Need to be permanently mounted on an outside wall by a certified professional, so involves structural work to your home.

How much energy do air conditioners use?

portable air conditioner next to bed

The average portable air conditioner from our tests uses 22p per hour on their highest setting. This is about as much energy as a typical fridge freeze uses in one day.

The cheapest we've tested cost about 17p per hour to run, and the priciest 31p per hour.

But cheap running costs are no good if the air con takes ages to cool down the room. The most energy-efficient models cool quickly, so you don't have to have the air-con on for as as long. 

Split-unit air conditioners tend to be more energy efficient, but these are more expensive and have to be permanently installed by a professional. We don't test split-unit air conditioners as they're less popular in the UK.

Can you buy an eco air conditioner?

While the electricity used to power portable air conditioners can come from renewable energy sources, this can’t be guaranteed. Electricity is generated from a mixture of burning fossil fuels, renewables, gas and nuclear, but this is mixed up in the grid. 

Portable air conditioners also use refrigerant gas to help cool your room. This can come in the form hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a greenhouse gas which, when emitted, can contribute to global warming.

If your air conditioner is working properly, it shouldn’t release any HFCs. However, if the unit leaks or is disposed of incorrectly, that’s when harmful greenhouse gases can be released. 

By 2030, the UK aims to reduce the use of HFCs by 79% and replace them with alternatives that have less impact on global warming, such as R290. You’ll find these are used more in the latest portable air conditioner models, but older machines may still use an HFC refrigerant.

However, if you do decide to use a portable air conditioner, there are things you can do to make it more efficient:

  • Choose a suitable model for the size of the room Those with a lower BTU in a large space will have to work harder to cool it, which is going to use more electricity.
  • Use a window-sealing kit If a kit is included and it fits the type of window you have (generally sliding, sash or French windows), sealing your window can help to stop warm air travelling back into the room.
  • Keep an eye out for any refrigerant leaks If yours is blowing out warm air or is noisier than usual, this could indicate that it has a refrigerant leak.

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