Nemo Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2004 Επειδη εχουμε εδω αρκετους <<κολλημενους>> με τον Δουκα (δεν θα με εξεπληττε να εχουν και τατου με τον Δουκα ~just kidding) ας αναμεταδωσουμε την σχετικη ειδηση ....... Αλλωστε εχει γινει αναφορα παλαιοτeρα ηδη σε port/remake της build engine (μηχανη του Duke μεταξυ αλλων παιχνιδιων ) και σε Xp.... ============================================ But what about Duke Nukem Forever fans? Worry not, here's the high resolution texture pack for the Duke Nukem 3d remake! Jonof's Duke 3d port : High Res packs :" You must also need a "fixed" extra.con (from 8.1 one) published later, still from SLi : Also, look for a file that came with Jonof's port called: "duke3d.def.sample". Delete the ".sample" from the file name so it'll look like this ---> duke3d.def, open up duke3d.def in wordpad and add this line of text --> "include extra.con" below "include DEFS.CON" without the quotations. Then start up the game, go into the options, click on video settings, then change the video mode from 8-bit classic to 16 or 32 bit polymost mode, if you haven't done so already. Sorry, the Duke 3d remake is still WIP, so it seems to be a bit messy, but I thought you'd like to know about it anyway ============================================
Jastonas Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2004 Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2004 thnx re! kalh fash..! k molis proxtes katebasa to duke tyxaia na ksanapaiksw! an k ta link den douleuoun gia ta rar, pisteuw 8a bre8oun kapou
Nemo Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2004 sto site toy remake στι download section εχει torrent link High-res texture pack (Revision 7.2) - 69 MB High-resolution texture pack for JFDuke3D (Revision 7.2). Assembled by eMale from the work of many. Visit here for more information. Released 23rd June 2004 21 seeds, 24 peers torrent link
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