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Star Wars Episode III Based game :P


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Για οσους εχουν συνδρομο στερησης απο star wars universe based παιχνιδια :




As sure as eggs are eggs, there was always going to be a videogame, possibly several, based on Star Wars: Episode III. So when Lucasarts announced today that development had already begun in preparation for a 5th May 2005 release date, a fortnight ahead of the filmʼs scheduled launch, we barely raised an eyebrow.


Logically, the game will explore the characters and environments introduced by the film, and unremarkably it will take the form of a third-person action adventure. The most interesting of the scant details currently available is the fact that Nick Gillard, choreographer and stunt-coordinator for the movie itself, is working in close conjunction with the developers to ensure impressive visual effects and animation. So, if all goes according to plan, Episode III ought to be packed full of exciting light-sabre action.


It should be interesting to see how sales of Episode III, which has not yet been given any specific platforms (although it will probably cover most of them) compare to sales of KOTOR 2, which is released only a few months earlier.



Republic Commando

Star Wars Battlefront


και το καινουριο ( ας του δωσουμε τον τιτλο της ταινειας Revenge of the Sith )


Αν καταλαβα καλα γιατι καπου τα εχασα στο μετρημα ....


Ευτυχως που εγκαιρα <<εκοψαν >> τις συνεχειες του Sam and Max και του Full throttle .


Πως να τα <<προκαμουν>> ολα ?????


Ποιός έχει σύνδρομο στέρησης από Star Wars Universe based παιχνίδια? ΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕΕ????






ti na peis, aisxos!

ekei pou eixa xarei otan akousa gia full throttle 2 kai sam & max 2 ta akyrwsan kai ta dyo

kai malista gia na riksoun to baros se alla 40919420 paixnidia me star wars!!

aisxosssssssssss leme

pou nai re h palia kalh lucasarts?!?!


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