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Kirsten Dunst :Μην μου, τις διαστασεις , ταραττε


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n eminently enjoyable news breaking this afternoon, Hollywood actress Kirsten Dunst has complained that her frontal female assets are far too large in the videogame incarnation of Spider-Man 2.


“I got to approve the video game, the way she looks," Dunst said. "They made her boobs gigantic. I was like, 'Tone down the boobs, please!' It was a little ridiculous.”


However, SPOnG believes that Ms Dunst should think herself lucky Itagakiʼs Team Ninja wasnʼt charged with the development of Spider-Man 2. Can you imagine…?


οντώς είναι μαπα, αλλα στο πς2 ΜΑΜΑΕΙ!! γαματω gameplay , πάρα πολλές κινήσεις. και εμείς οι μλκς χαρήκαμε που βγήκε κάτι στον υπολογιστή.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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