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Formula 1 2024

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

3 λεπτά πριν, AtiX είπε

Ξεκινάει στις 16:00 τοπική, 21:00 Ελλάδα…

ΑΝ οι λιμνες μειωθουν επαρκως .. προς το παρων και λιμνες εχει και μπολικη σκοτεινια .
Η καλυτερη του μαξ που ειναι καλος στη βροχη.

Μόλις τώρα, ekrepali είπε

Έπεσε πίσω από τον Λεκλερκ, πήρε 4 πόντους αντί για 5.


ερε και να το χασει το πρωταθλημα για ενα ποντο :P

  • Haha 2

γυρω στις 5μιση-6 θα το κοψουν λογω φωτώς. εχει 6κ20 δυση ηλιου αλλα με συννεφα στις 6 θα ειναι αδιανοητο να τρεχει αμαξι εκει μεσα. πρεπε να ξεκινησουν σιγα σιγα.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Θα έχει πλάκα με βρεγμένο. Μπορεί να γίνει κακός χαμός και στα δοκιμαστικά. Πάμε ρε Williams...😁

Επεξ/σία από dimoskoutr
3 λεπτά πριν, dimoskoutr είπε

Θα έχει πλάκα με βρεγμένο. Μπορεί να γίνει κακός χαμός και στα δοκιμαστικά. Πάμε ρε Williams...😁

ας θυμηθουμε μαζι μια ωραια στιγμη απο βρεγμενο.

all time classic θα ελεγα...


  • Sad 1
  • Haha 4
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Μέχρι να αρχίσουν τα quali, ας αναφέρω και κάτι που εκ πρώτης φαίνεται αστείο. Η Red Bull υποψιάζεται ότι η McLaren και κάποιες άλλες ομάδες βάζουν νερό στα λάστιχα για να μην υπερθερμαίνονται το οποίο απαγορεύεται απ' τους κανονισμούς και είναι αιτία για αποκλεισμό/μηδενισμό. 

Το άρθρο του κανονισμού που υποτίθεται ότι γίνεται η παρανομία

Αναφορά σε κείμενο

10.8.4 Treatment of tyres
a. Tyres may only be inflated with air or nitrogen.
b. Any process the intent of which is to reduce the amount of moisture in the tyre and/or in its inflation gas is forbidden.

Το άρθρο που αποκαλύπτει τα παραπάνω είναι από το Auto motor sport και είναι στα γερμανικά. Θα βάλω ένα σπόιλερ με τη μετάφραση.

Trickery with water in the tire?



2024 Brazilian GP

After discussions about the McLaren rear wings in Baku and the Red Bull skid adjustment in Austin, the two World Championship rivals are again going head to head in Brazil. This time it's about water in the tires. We explain the background.

The ping-pong game between the World Championship rivals continues. After the race in Baku, Red Bull complained about a rear wing flap on the McLaren that was obviously too flexible. In fact, the flap ends bent upwards above a certain load, thereby increasing the gap between the main blade and the flap. The FIA asked McLaren and two other teams to stop this.

In Austin, McLaren fired back. The focus was on a mechanism in the cockpit that allows Red Bull to easily adjust the height of the underbody skid. From McLaren's point of view, it's too easy. The championship leader expressed the suspicion that this could be used to secretly adjust the preload of the bracket and thus the ground clearance of the skid in the parc fermé.

The FIA declared the mechanism to be legal, but now, before every parc fermé, it sticks a seal over the adjusting screw, which can only be accessed with a tool. This is intended to remove the basis for allegations of fraud.

FIA investigates the allegations

In Brazil, Red Bull was once again in the role of the accuser. This time it was about filling the tires with water. The trick is supposed to help cool the tires better from the inside over long distances. The water is supposed to be injected through the valves. Apparently even small amounts achieve the desired effect. Several teams are said to be benefiting from this practice in the long run, including McLaren.

The FIA is already investigating the allegations. There were no suspicious observations at the last two races in Austin and Mexico City. Pirelli would have to report the slightest irregularities to the FIA's technical stewards. According to the Italian tire manufacturer, however, there has not been a single suspicious occurrence this year.

Neither Pirelli nor the FIA want to comment officially on the case. However, behind closed doors it is said that the story is considered to be just another storm in a teacup.

How does water get into the tires?

When using the trick, the first question must be how the water is supposed to get into the tires without Pirelli noticing. And how the water is supposed to disappear after the race other than through evaporation. Tires and rims are coded. The FIA randomly assigns the tires to the rims registered by the teams. The tires are mounted and dismounted by Pirelli's service technicians.

Once the tires have been fitted, no team is allowed to tamper with them. The teams themselves do not have the tools to remove tires from the rim and put them back on. Tires cannot be reused once they have been removed. The only way to add water is through the valve. But injecting fluids unnoticed would be extremely difficult given the number of guards and Pirelli engineers in the garages.

Such a trick would also be extremely risky. If the water does not evaporate in the three to four hours after the race before the tires are removed, you will quickly come under suspicion. Apparently, Red Bull itself experimented with water in the tires many years ago. At the time, the trick was not explicitly forbidden. But the FIA promptly closed this loophole. In the defending champion's camp, it is now assumed that former Red Bull employees have pulled out the trick again and refined it with their new teams.

Εdit: Άρθρο και από το Autosport για το θέμα μιας και η FIA το έχει λάβει σοβαρά υπόψιν της και ο Τομπάζης πήγε προσωπικά να δει τις αλλαγές των ελαστικών.


Autosport has learned that the FIA has been alerted to the concerns about the activity, and its head of single-seater matters Nikolas Tombazis has been in dialogue with Pirelli and teams at the Brazilian GP to discuss the matter.

Furthermore, it is understood that Tombazis kept a close eye over the removal of the tyres from their rims after the sprint race in Brazil to see if there was any evidence of unusual liquid there.

Although there has been no official comments from the FIA over the matter, it is understood that there is scepticism about whether or not teams would be trying to exploit matters in this area.

The FIA scrutineering report from the sprint race also confirmed that tyres were inspected, and given the all clear. It said: "The tyres used by all drivers during the Sprint today have been checked."

It is understood that the idea of adding moisture to tyres has been outlawed for many years through a technical directive that the FIA issued previously, so anyone found to have been adding liquid in this manner could risk being reported to the stewards.

The race pace mystery

Red Bull has been hunting for answers as to why its race pace advantage over rivals disappeared this season – especially at the Miami GP where a number of other squads made a leap that could not be explained through upgrades.

Max Verstappen said ahead of the Brazilian GP that the long runs of rival teams are hard to fathom.

“Some teams made huge steps on race pace, which is quite odd,” he explained. “Because if you look at our car compared to last year, we made steps in qualifying and in the race.

“The others also make a decent step in qualifying pace, but then they make a much, much bigger step in race pace. And that's something that's hard for us to understand.”

Team principal Christian Horner told Autosport recently about the swing of form in Miami: “If one was a sceptic and somewhat paranoid, you say something's changed. Because even when we've gone back to the configuration of the car that, for example, we had in China, we still have some of the same issues that we have experienced.

“But, in saying that, it changed for everybody, potentially. But I've never in a season seen a swing so exaggerated. Obviously we have to get on top of that. We have to understand it.”


Επεξ/σία από Nabuko
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"Now, Race Control can postpone qualifying to tomorrow if needed. But given there is rain around tomorrow too - although less of a chance in the morning - if qualifying can't run, the grid will be set by the FP1 times.

Which would be quite good for Haas, as Bearman was third in that session..."

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
5 λεπτά πριν, johnmayson είπε

Tο γύρισα σε international τώρα έχω τη εντύπωση οτι έχει λιγο χειρότερο ηχο σε σχέση με το Live η είναι ιδέα μου;;;


Είναι πάντοτε λιγάκι χαμηλωμένος ο ήχος τους.



Μόλις τώρα, specre είπε

"Now, Race Control can postpone qualifying to tomorrow if needed. But given there is rain around tomorrow too - although less of a chance in the morning - if qualifying can't run, the grid will be set by the FP1 times.

Which would be quite good for Haas, as Bearman was third in that session..."


Αυτό έγραψα πριν καμιά ώρα 😅

Επεξ/σία από Gulik
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