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star wars episode III


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Είπαμε όμως με ρέγουλα τέτοια πράγματα, διότι θα πάθουμε και τίποτα.


Έχω που έχω αρχίσει να βλέπω στον ύπνο μου την πλάτινουμ κασετίνα με τη μάσκα του Vader, μην αρχίσουμε τέτοια, καήκαμε!!



:D :D


Εύγε για το λινκ!

  • Super Moderators

siga mhn einai kai o Obi-Wan :P :P :P

o Darth Sidious einai o Sith Dark Lord...siga mhn htan upotaktikos tou Count Dooku (aka Darth Tyranus) Darth Sidious=Emperor Palpatine...too simple pisteuw :P


Autos einai o new Villain tou Episode III o General Grievous :)


gia perissoteres plhrofories gia auton go http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/generalgrievous/index.html :) :) :)


ThReSh, loooooooool


nai nai exeis APOLITO dikio general grievous kai oxi darth sidious:P


eleos nai, apla alaxte to onoma:) kata ta alla einai to idia:)

  • Super Moderators

hehe o tupos autos mporei na anaptysei 4 xeria kai na krataei 4 lightsabers!!!SFAGEAS! :D

(ta opoia pairnei ws tropaia apo tous Jedi pou skotwnei :P )





Ο τίτλος αποκαλύφθηκε!!!


Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


After three long years of relentless fighting, the Clone Wars are nearly at an end. The Jedi Council dispatches Obi-Wan Kenobi to bring General Grievous, the deadly leader of the Separatist droid army, to justice. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine has grown in power. His sweeping political changes transform the war-weary Republic into the mighty Galactic Empire. To his closest ally, Anakin Skywalker, he reveals the true nature of power and the promised secrets of the Force in an attempt to lure him to the dark side.


Και το Link.. http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/bts/production/news20040724.html


Σε παρακαλώ κύρ Λούκας μην την έχεις κάνει χάλια... :? :cry:


Σε παρακαλώ κύρ Λούκας μην την έχεις κάνει χάλια...



nai giati ekane kala ta alla dio kai tha to sosei ayto:P


tespa de mamietai


some news










-The General Grevious report is completely true. As of recently, his name was still General Grevious. Could it change? Could George re-spell it "Greevus?" Was a Saber-Dart once called a Kyber-Dart? Was Sifo-Dyas once called Sido-Dyas? Sure, but for now, that is the reality. All that is missing from that original report is the fight between Anakin and Dooku (definitely expect limbs to be lost). Palpatine is shackled to his chair (you saw it on hyperspace already) with a huge panoramic window behind him. The room is extremely evocative of the Emperor's throne room in ROTJ. The Seperatist ship that they are aboard is a long, slender, sleek vessel. The hanger bay is towards the back of the ship with giant doors that are open on both sides (so you could fly straight through the hole if you wanted.) Do not picture a TF Droid Control ship. They look nothing alike.

-Obi-Wan and his troops (following orders from the council), track Grevious down. Obi-Wan gives chase of Grevious aboard an animal that would best be described as a large and fast lizard. Grevious rides in a vehicle that resembles a one-wheeled version of a Hailfire droid. During their saber duel, Grevious' forearms each split in two and he wields a total of 4 lightsabers in combat.


-Palpatine had the clone troopers made with genetic data that allows him to take complete control of them when he needs to.


-After Obi-Wan eliminates Grevious (confirmed, its a blaster up the guts. A real juicy death for Grevious. Expect his head to leak fluids too), he returns to his troops. Palpatine gives the order for all the clone troopers to kill their jedi masters. Obi-Wan narrowly escapes and all the jedi in the film from this point forward would be considered enemies of the Republic and fugitives. This scene is a bit tragic for Obi-Wan as he is forced to kill a clone trooper he had befriended fighting together in the clone wars.


-Quick shots are shown on multiple worlds of clone troopers turning on their Jedi generals and eliminating them in several creative ways. (for example, you'll see a new world, followed by Republic tanks with a jedi commander on board. The order is given and the tank next to it turns it's turret and opens fire on the jedi tank at point blank range.) Watch for prominent jedi council members to go out this way.


-Yoda has little difficulty dealing with the clone troopers that turn on him on Kashyyyk, especially with the help of the wookiees. You will see why Han warns about wookiees being known to rip people's arms out of their sockets. And don't expect wookiees to be portrayed as simply "tall ewoks." Their technology is very advanced as is their vehicles, and they make good use of the lagoons on their world during combat. Watch for Yoda to do his whole "Away with your weapons I mean you no harm!" bit to fool the clone troopers as Chewie comes up behind them and knocks them unconscious. Wookiee vehicles definitely have a propeller theme. They have a boat with 2 pontoons (it looks like a catamaran). And they have one-man helicopter vehicles they fly around in.


-The last mission that Palpatine sends Anakin Skywalker on is a mission to the planet Mustafar. He is to terminate the remaining leaders of the Seperatists who have gathered there for a meeting.



==========end spoilers===================================


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