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nokia 3330??


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paidia exo ena 3330 kai psaxno proton ena site na stelno logos sto kinito meso web ektos apo to boltblue.epishs tha ithela an kapoios ftiaxnei kalodia syndeshs na moy pei giati me endiaferei arketa .<P><BR>eyxaristo poly !!!!


Driver gia pes mas entyposeis apo to 3330. To ksero bgaino apo to 8ema, alla elpizo se sygxoresi smile.gif<P>------------------<BR>A-Ge0... gia antigrafes CD kserete pou ---->><BR> <A HREF="http://http://" TARGET=_blank>www.geocities.com/CDpiracyGR</A>


loipon proton to smart sms to exo alla den doylebei me netmod kai isdn.epishs ekana search alla den brika tipota gia 3330.tora oson afora sto tilefono mexri tora den exei kanena problima kai me ikanopoioei apolyta.<P>na eixa kai ena kalodio!!!!!<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm45.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm45.gif" border=0>


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by A-Ge0:<BR><B>Driver gia pes mas entyposeis apo to 3330. To ksero bgaino apo to 8ema, alla elpizo se sygxoresi smile.gif<P></B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>File,apla einai G@m@t0!!!!!!!!!<BR>Polla menus/paixnidia/yperythres/xamhlh timh~~!##*@(#~~~!<P><BR>


nick exeis to 3330 kai douleueis me uperu8res??? Ksanadiabasa to manual mphka kai sto site ths nokia alla den grafei tipota gia uperh8res. Mhpws to mperdeueis me kapoio allo montelo?


re paidia to dikomoy den exei kai ap'oso ksero to 3330 den exei yperithres!!!!!!<P><BR>a!!!me to kalodio egine tipota i tsampa perimeno???<P>mipos den gnorizo kala???<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm20.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm30.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> <p>[This message has been edited by driver (edited 22-05-2001).]


Sigoura den exei uperhures. Edw einai to link me oles tis dunatothtes tou 3330 --> <A HREF="http://www.nokia.com/phones/3330/specifications.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.nokia.com/phones/3330/specifications.html</A> <BR>Kai edw einai oi diafores tou me to 3310, opws anaferontai sto site ths Nokia.<P>The Nokia 3330 has the following new features compared to the Nokia 3310: <P>- WAP 1.1 over CSD<BR>- Animated screen savers<BR>- New game: Bumper<BR>- Games download via WAP<BR>- High score sending via WAP for games<BR>- User interface improvements for chat<BR>- Internal phone book (100 names)<BR>- First vibrate then ring option<BR>- Graphical covers with picture holder


POLI pithanon na kanei to kalodio gia to 3310 an exei bebea tis idies ipodoxes. Dhladh kato apo thn mpataria....<P><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0>


Exei to 3330 iperi8res?<BR>Oxi re paidia, kapio la8os kanete smile.gif<P>------------------<BR>Filika,<BR>Giannis<P><B>ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ!!!</FONT c></B><BR><B>Πρόσεξε τι θα απαντήσεις!</B><BR><B>Οι μ*λ*κ*ες <u>επιστρέφονται!</u></B>


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