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to vrika se kseno forum ta symperasmata dika sas ;) filoi!



laugh?.... erm... aye you can laugh with my pain! but u must know i m really pissed off with them.. and i mean really!


ACN.GR is a company selling internet access and other stuff, i was unlucky enough to be their customer, one of the first people who purchased ADSL 512 from them many months back...

The thing is that here in Greece only one company can sell you the "line", i mean make the phone line coming to your home to be adsl instead of “pstn” normal phone, and that company is OTE, they own all cables in Greece...

So, i authorized ACN by signing a paper to act on my behalf, make all needed papers for me, and make my home line adsl, AND then, ACN sell me my internet access...

Everything was fine, until last FEBRUARY.

What happened back then? Simply i lost my credit card, i notified the bank, they immediately issued a new one with a different number, and i also notified ACN on the card number change (they were charging monthly my credit card for both services, home line change to adsl 50 Euros monthly -they are giving those money to OTE, owner of the "cables"- AND about 40 Euro monthly for internet access -the service THEY are selling me- )

They requested to send them the new credit card info by fax.

so , i did send it over. But they LOST the fax paper! (what a "safe" environment in their logistics!!! ) Requested to send it again , did so with a new fax....

From this time, my trouble begins....

Every month, at the time of charge renewal, they cut off the line, suspend my account and internet access for 4-5 days... Every single month!

First time (back at March) it was shocking! I called them to ask WHY i have no internet, they offended me stating i should better take care of my bank account first, then “annoy” them and ask why they suspended my internet access account... Of course bank was ok... Took them 5 days to figure out what THEY were doing WRONG, they were trying to charge the OLD card, the lost one!

Eventually, they reconnected my line, i forgiven them ect ect...

Next month, the same thing!

No internet for 4 days, i told them on the phone WHAT they are doing wrong (again) they insisted "no, no way, this time not our fault..." again it took them some days to figure out it was THEIR logistics fault trying to charge the old card number...


Same thing kept happening till this month, July! In total , i have been left with no internet access for more than 15 days all those months!


Called them, explained the situation to the woman in charge of their sales (name is available to anyone who needs it), she said she knows, (remembered me as we have spoken so many times in the past for the SAME issue...) she promised (again) this wont happen again, never thought to say offer 10 days free for all this trouble they been putting me in to all those months...

I explained i was so patient all this period, but this time i could not do it anymore, it is not my fault if they fail to deliver what they are charging me for (reminding you that adsl in Greece is VERY expensive! )

So, i requested to END this contract, i told them i dont want them to charge again my card, and i informed them i m switching internet provider...

End of this phone conversation.

Next day, she calls me back to threaten me!

"Good news sir, we have managed to charge your card and your line is now unblocked, but, if u insist leaving what we will do in this case, is charge your credit card for 3 more times, the following 3 months excluding July which we just charged, you will HAVE to buy internet form us till OCT 30 !"

Yes, my acount was suspended one more time, but immediately after my last phone call they hurried up charging the card one more time and re-open my line, and next day she informs me of the "small print" which sais it can take up to 3 months for their logistics office to process my end-of-contract request, to they WILL charge me for 3+1 - 4 months, even though i request not to, even though it is ABSOLUTELY THEIR FAULT causing me to leave them and seek for another provided, their fault only!

Threats dont end here i m afraid...

This "lady" openly threatens me that IF i insist leaving their company, she will make use of the paper i signed to authorize them to act FOR me with OTE -home line switch from PSTN TO ADSL- and she will make sure my home line will be BACK to PSTN after October 30, letting me know that IF this happens it may take MONTHS to have ADSL again, as lines will not be available in my area!

I beg them at least not to do that, but they are apparently b a s t a r d s and she clearly states they WILL use their power and influences with OTE to make sure i will have trouble getting a ADSL line later!

Impressive eh?

May sound silly to some of you who have cable/adsl for default, who have MANY companies selling this service at low prices.. but try to understand situation here is all different..... with just one company owning public cables and those punks at ACN do as they wish to maximize their profits....



If u live in Greece, do me a favour guys... Spread the word...



KEEP AWAY!!!!!!!!

μηπως να το στειλουμε στην ACN?


Καλό θα ήταν να ρωτήσουμε τον ίδιο το συγγραφέα του ποστ...


Μπορεί να είναι γνωστός και μέλος του ινσόμνια. :twisted: :wink:


Αν θέλει ο ίδιος ας δώσει παρών για τα περαιτέρω...


nai, na to dwsoume ama to paidi thelei. giati na min to dwsoume.

akrivws omws, opws ta leei to paidi, mesa stin orgi tou.

einai m@l@kes me oli tin simasi tis leksis. ekviazoun ton kosmo kai den koitane na kaluterepsoun tis upiresies pou prosferoun oi opoies einai gia ta mpaza. :evil: :evil: :evil:


re paidia , apistefto mou fainetai...

bas o typos pou to grapse einai kanas adagwnistis tis ACN ?


ama mou eihane kanei emena kati tetoio tha tous to ha gremisei to magazi....



Αν θέλει ο ίδιος ας δώσει παρών για τα περαιτέρω...


Τι παρών να δώσω βρέ Δάσκαλε και τί να πώ...


Να πώ οτι όχι απλά με εξοργίσανε που λέει ο DarkOrion αλλά με φέρανε εκτός εαυτού με το δεύτερο αυτό τηλεφώνημά τους και με αυτά που μου είπανε έτσι ωμά, να πώ οτι ανέβηκε το αίμα στο κεφάλι μου, τα 'βαλα με όλο τον κόσμο λές και μου φταίγανε οι άλλοι, τα βαλα με το συναιτέρο μου (να στη δουλειά ήμουνα τρομάρα μου! ), τα βαλα μετά με τα παιδιά μου στο σπίτι.. τί μου φταίγανε τα πιτσιρίκια...

Ας είναι καλά ένας φίλος γιατρός, μου δωσε δύο ηρεμιστικά και μου πέρασε! Ρε τι κάνει η επιστήμη! χαχαχα :D


λοιπόν που λές Δάσκαλε, τί να πώ....

τί να πώ...



Ελλάδα είναι εδώ παίδες... Δε βρίσκεις άκρη


Οσο γι αυτό που με ρώτησες, γιατί δεν το έκανα πόστ εδώ, σου απάντησα και εξηγώ το λόγο... Δε φταίει ο HAL να μπλέκει τώρα με ιστορίες με τους δικηγόρους τους που (φαντάζομαι) θα "απαιτήσουν" να εξαφανιστεί αυτό το topic

Οτι καταλάβατε, καταλάβατε.... ;)


Το ότι η ACN έχει και την γραμμή του ΟΤΕ αν δεν το πάρεις χαμπάρι (εγώ την πάτησα, αλλά έχω βρει ήδη τη λύση) είναι γεγονός.

Αν εγώ δλδ διακόψω τη σύνδεση τότε μου κόβεται και η ADSL γραμμή μου, πρέπει να ξανακάνω νέα αίτηση, και φυσικά να πληρώσω και την ενεργοποίηση ξανά.

Όσο για τις χρεώσεις, ναι είναι λίγο μπάχαλο....


Τραγικό όσο και ελληνικό... Αν νομίζουν ότι με εκβιασμόυς θα πάνε μπροστά γελιούνται. Εγώ ήδη τους έχω βάλει στην black list. Ευτυχώς που υπάρχουν και τα forum για να καταστρέφονται λόγω αναξιοπιστίας κάτι τέτοιοι κύριοι που νομίζουν ότι έχουν πιάσει τον πάπα από τα ....... Επίσης απότι φαίνεται μακριά από πληρωμές σε συνδρομές μέσω πιστωτικών καρτών. Το καλύτερο είναι μέσω internet banking.

Ουουουστ ρεεεεεε!!!


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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