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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Πάει και το TR..



British adventurer Lara Croft will transition from being a raider of tombs to a seeker of truth as Evil Hat Productions and Crystal Dynamics seek to redefine the Tomb Raider series in order to escape a history wounded by colonialism, according to an excerpt from the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook.

"Raiding, as depicted in the original Tomb Raider games and stories, involves going to ancient tombs and historical sites of different civilisations and acquiring artefacts. It operates on the assumption of 'finders keepers' that grants raiders with the means and the drive to claim ownership of artefacts, regardless of whether they have any historical or cultural claim to the treasure."

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."

"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."

"In this game, we seek to continue in that work alongside Crystal Dynamics by creating a sandbox for you to tell stories that address colonialist themes in play and create your own stories of respect and support for the people and cultures your Seekers encounter."


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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
7 λεπτά πριν, Psycho_Warhead είπε

Πάει και το TR..


  Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου


British adventurer Lara Croft will transition from being a raider of tombs to a seeker of truth as Evil Hat Productions and Crystal Dynamics seek to redefine the Tomb Raider series in order to escape a history wounded by colonialism, according to an excerpt from the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook.

"Raiding, as depicted in the original Tomb Raider games and stories, involves going to ancient tombs and historical sites of different civilisations and acquiring artefacts. It operates on the assumption of 'finders keepers' that grants raiders with the means and the drive to claim ownership of artefacts, regardless of whether they have any historical or cultural claim to the treasure."

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."

"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."

"In this game, we seek to continue in that work alongside Crystal Dynamics by creating a sandbox for you to tell stories that address colonialist themes in play and create your own stories of respect and support for the people and cultures your Seekers encounter."


Ναι δυστυχώς. Δεν αγοράζουμε για να αρχίσουν να μαθαίνουν. Μόνο Γιαπωνέζοι, Κορεάτες πλέον και αυτοί όσο κρατάνε τη στάση τους.

Δόξα τω Θεώ και backlog έχουμε τεράστιο και τουλάχιστον από αυτούς θα συνεχίσουμε να παίρνουμε παιχνιδάρες.

Επεξ/σία από Armoral
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1 ώρα πριν, Psycho_Warhead είπε

Πάει και το TR..


  Απόκρυψη περιεχομένων


British adventurer Lara Croft will transition from being a raider of tombs to a seeker of truth as Evil Hat Productions and Crystal Dynamics seek to redefine the Tomb Raider series in order to escape a history wounded by colonialism, according to an excerpt from the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook.

"Raiding, as depicted in the original Tomb Raider games and stories, involves going to ancient tombs and historical sites of different civilisations and acquiring artefacts. It operates on the assumption of 'finders keepers' that grants raiders with the means and the drive to claim ownership of artefacts, regardless of whether they have any historical or cultural claim to the treasure."

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."

"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."

"In this game, we seek to continue in that work alongside Crystal Dynamics by creating a sandbox for you to tell stories that address colonialist themes in play and create your own stories of respect and support for the people and cultures your Seekers encounter."


Αυτός που σχεδίασε πρώτος την Lara δεν πρέπει να είχε το μυαλό του πάντως στο αποικιοκρατικό παρελθόν.🤣

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Με αυτή τη λογική να αφαιρέσουμε από το pro και το fifa όλες τις ομάδες της Αγγλίας, Γαλλίας, Ολλανδίας, Βελγίου, Ισπανίας, Πορτογαλίας γιατί πριν 500 χρόνια ήταν αποικιοκράτες οι χώρες αυτές...........

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Όχι το θέμα είναι *σσσσσ μην φωναζεται τι κάναμε και τι κάνουμε τώρα, μπας κ πάρουμε αφεση αμαρτιών στον μέλλον ή/και οι νέοι δεν μάθουνε τίποτα για το πατελθον κ τις οχι κ τοσο μακρινές εγκληματικές μας δραστηριότητες και στο τέλος διαγραφούν κιόλας "


3 ώρες πριν, just_a_dude είπε

Με αυτή τη λογική να αφαιρέσουμε από το pro και το fifa όλες τις ομάδες της Αγγλίας, Γαλλίας, Ολλανδίας, Βελγίου, Ισπανίας, Πορτογαλίας γιατί πριν 500 χρόνια ήταν αποικιοκράτες οι χώρες αυτές...........

Χαχαχα και τη Ρωσία, γιατί είναι σε πόλεμο με τη "Δύση".

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Ε τότε εγώ λέω να παρατήσει τα παιχνίδια η Crystal Dynamics και να μας βοηθήσει να πάρουμε πίσω τα μάρμαρα του Παρθενώνα. Έτσι κι αλλιώς είναι πλέον ακτιβιστές, όχι προγραμματιστές.

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Δεν νομίζω να καίγεται πολύ κανείς για το αν θα κάνει πλιάτσικο σε ότι αρχαία βρίσκει η Lara, για να είναι καλό το παιχνίδι. Προφανώς υπάρχει το raider στον τίτλο, οπότε είναι λίγο οξύμωρο, αλλά το σημαντικό πιστεύω είναι να έχει ωραία εξερεύνηση σε ενδιαφέρον setting, με καλούς γρίφους και γενικά gameplay, καθώς και μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία, ώστε να έχουμε μια καλή εμπειρία.

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6 λεπτά πριν, stevenfins είπε

Δεν νομίζω να καίγεται πολύ κανείς για το αν θα κάνει πλιάτσικο σε ότι αρχαία βρίσκει η Lara, για να είναι καλό το παιχνίδι

Έτσι ακριβώς, αλλά πάλι μερικοί είδαν την καταστροφή της σειράς για το αν θα κρατά η Lara τα αντικείμενα ή θα τα στέλνει με drone σε μουσείο. 

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