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farcry 1.2 patch test!


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sth selida


yparxei test metaksy ths radeon x800 kai ths nvidia 6800!

opws tha deite to patch 1.2 [pou bgeike me synergasia me thn nvidia]einai eidika ftiagmeno giathn 6800 h opoia kerdizei stis megales analyseis me to neo patch!enw h ati x800 xanei ews kai 11%!!!

symboulh mou loipon,osoi exoun ati karta mhn to katevasete :wink:

  • Super Moderators

xmmm apo oti prose3a omws (oxi edw alla se alla reviews) h Ati me thn X800 XT Platinum Edition einai mprosta stis megales analyseis me Anisotropic Filtering kai Antialiasing...so pali mia apo ta idia... :)


"pou bgeike me synergasia me thn nvidia"


Βλέπω νέα optimizations , και quality "optimizations"...


Μας βλέπω κάποια στιγμή τρέχοντας το 3D Mark03 Test 1 σε PC με κάρτα nVIDIA να λέμε:

Μα καλά , σε αυτή την σκηνή δεν έδειχνε και κάτι αεροπλάνα?

Μόνο σύννεφα βλέπω...


Καλά η Nvidia είναι πλέον απαράδεκτη... Σε λίγο καιρό θα βγάζουν άλλα patch για τη μια εταιρία και άλλα για την άλλη ΥΜΑΡΤΟΝ...!

Σοβαρά όμως εγώ με X800Pro να το κατεβάσω το 1.2 ή να το αφήσω σε 1.1???


OXIIIIII !! mhn to katevaseis sou eipa tha peseis 11-15%!!

xwris kamia beltiwsh sta grafika!!to patch bgeike gia na anevasei thn 6800 kai na riksei thn x800!!den yparxei beltiwsh sta grafika!!

Unfortunately, we did not get any new effects with the Shader Model 3.0 path like those that were showcased earlier. Perhaps, Crytek will add the to the FarCry later, but maybe they are left for the upcoming FarCry Instincts mod.


The benchmark results achieved today in ?Pure Mode? prove that the GeForce 6800 Ultra graphics cards is the fastest performer in FarCry in the majority of cases when it works using Shader Model 3.0 path. While the RADEON X800 XT delivers performance very close to that of the competitor, there are very few cases when the graphics card can outperform the GeForce 6800 Ultra with no full-scene antialiasing and anisotropic filtering enabled.


Slightly less powerful options ? the GeForce 6800 GT and the GeForce 6800 ? also prove to be extremely successful rivals for the RADEON X800 PRO and the RADEON 9800 XT respectively, according to FarCry benchmarks in ?Pure Mode?. In fact, both GeForce 6800-series offerings at $399 and $299 price-points leave the rivals behind by quite a substantial margin and therefore can be considered as the best options for FarCry in terms of price/performance ratio.


The results of testing in ?Eye-Candy? mode with full-scene antialiasing along with anisotropic filtering enabled tell us that the ATI RADEON X800 XT is more powerful option than the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra under intensive load. Nevertheless, the GeForce 6800 GT and the GeForce 6800 leave the RADEON X800 PRO along with the RADEON 9800 XT behind. Even though the speed advantage is not really big, it can be noticed and proves the thesis about superiority of NVIDIAʼs $299 and $399 offerings in termʼs of price/performance ratio for the FarCry game.


For an unknown reason RADEON X800-series graphics productsʼ performance slightly dropped in FarCry version 1.2 in ?Pure Mode?. The reasons for the drop are not clear, but may indicate that ATI also has some speed headroom with its latest family of graphics processors and the final judgement is yet to be made?




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