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The FilmMachine & οδηγός λειτουργίας (AVI->DVD)


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to download section giati to exei , gia na MHN to katebazeis dwrean? Kai pali den katalaba, exoume kati na xwrisoume? Tha se xalage an douleue swsta - an ypothesoume oti twra (kat' esena) den douleyei? Gia na katalabw diladi... Kai an yparxoun polles - automates lyseis gia prosthiki avi se dvd poies einai? kai an einai pio eukoles (me liga klik) na tis doume. Giati nomizw oti se auto to section oloi ayto theloun. Makari na bgei kati pou na aytomatopoiei to virtual dub, to avi fixing, to multiplexing, tous ypotitlous gia ellinika kai meta kai emeis mazi boyz....

  • Απαντ. 866
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

den eipa pos den eine kalo programa. den eipa pos yparxoun alla pou thn kanoun kalyterh thn douleia tou kai den xreiazete na patiseis polla klik


ayto pou leo tosi ora eine pos eine se poly beta stadio akoma kai pos den eprepe na balei donate afou akoma den ipostirizi tosa osa tha eprepe.


Kai mhn pareksigis ayta pou sou leo kai les blakeies opos prin (pou me eipes asxeto). edo sizitisi kanoume dewn irtha gia na peksoume ksilo :).


re sy cybereddie, mporeis na mou peis se parakalo poio programa xrhsimopoieis sto film machine? exo dokimasei totes teneies na mou ths kanei dvd kai den ta katafernh. ths poio polles fores mou ftiaxnei to 1/10 ths teneias se dvd. (eno sto fakelo pou na eftiaxne yparxei oloklhrh h tainia se .mpv kai o hxos opote eine bug tou programatos)


Bghke kainourgia ekdosh tou film machine. apo thn 1,3 mazh me ths beta releases pou eixe bgalei meta diorthonei:


25-12-2004: version 1.4

- Added latest Avisynth version (2.5.6 alpha)

- If no framerate conversion is selected then AC3 audio will only be fixed with BeSplit (no encoding with BeSweet)

- Added systeminfo to log file

- Now supports AVI with DTS audio (Only works when you have WinDVD with DTS support installed, like WinDVD 5.3 and up with Audio Booster Pack)

- Added option to use the QLB matrix in QuEnc

- Added latest QuEnc version 0.56 [ALPHA] (still buggy, use it at your own risk)

- Disabled automatic changing of "Booktype" by NeroApi.

- Now works with Nero version 6.6 and higher.

- Updated the automatic Aspect Ratio selection.

- Now "Don't burn DVD" is checked and disabled when Nero is not installed or you don't have a supported version.

- Now when created DVD with selectable Subs the Subtitles are automatically enabled when played.

- Fixed the Pentium 4 HyperThreading problem.

- Now you have to click the "Create DVD menu" button to create a menu, if not there is no menu.

- Fixed showing black subtitles when selecting permanent subtitles.

- Fixed a few bugs.


Download here: http://members.home.nl/thefilmmachine/download/The%20FilmMachine%201.4.exe


Χρόνια πολλα κατ'αρχήν και αντε παμε αλλη μια να δουμε πως παει με τις διορθώσεις το πρόγραμμα. Περιμένω σχόλια και ήδη το δοκιμάζω.


to dokimasa kai ego me to canoplus procodec. to kalytero addon gia mena se aythn thn ekdosh eine pou exei na baleis default tous selectable subtitles. akoma den ipostirizi vbr audio


(prosexte otan ftiaxnete avi me to autogk kai thelete argotera na ta kanete dvd: ean ftiaksete ena avi 700mb me auto audio settings, to ftiaxnh me vbr audio kai den mporeite meta na to kanete dvd me to film machine)


Δεν ξερω αν ειναι bug αλλα σε επιλογη 4.7G DVD μου το εβγαλε ελαχιστα μεγαλυτερο και ετσι δεν χωραει ! :(


Κανεις αλλος το ιδιο προβλημα , μιλαμε παντα για την καινουργια εκδοση !


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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