Προς το περιεχόμενο

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

6 λεπτά πριν, UncleKim είπε

Φυσικά, θα πω εντυπώσεις. Από ότι μου είπαν, μέχρι τα τέλη της επόμενης εβδομάδας το αργότερο, θα έρθουν για την εγκατάσταση.

Εμένα το συμβόλαιο μου λήγει 3 Ιουνίου στον πάροχο που έχω τώρα, για αυτό άλλαξα και την προσφορά, επειδή ο παλιός πάροχος θέλει 120 ευρώ τέλη διακοπής, να τα κρατήσω παράλληλα χωρίς κόστος.

Το μόνο μου θέμα, είναι που να βάλω να καταλήγει η οπτική μέσα στον χώρο, και κατ επέκταση το ρούτερ. Για να πάει εκεί που είναι το υπάρχων, θα πρέπει να τραβηχτεί καλώδιο που θα ακολουθεί το σοβατεπί και δεν ξέρω αν με ψήνει.

τώρα αυτό θα πρέπει να το δεις και να δεις όταν έρθουν πως θα βολέψει.. ώστε να μην φαίνονται και πολλά καλώδια

εγώ πριν λίγο καιρό αναβάθμισα την δομιμένη καλωδίωση βάζοντας περισσότερα utp ανά χώρο, έβαλα και ένα rack τα μάζεψα όλα μέσα, και πρόβλεψα να μπει το πριζάκι πριν το rack και μετά να μπει η ίνα με το Ont μέσα στο rack. 

  • Απαντ. 218
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Εγώ σήμερα περιμένω τους τεχνικούς για τον έλεγχο του κτιρίου, άφαντοι μέχρι στιγμής. Περιμένω πως και πως να βάλω  ΔΕΗ Fiber, δεν αντέχεται άλλο το vdsl, πληρώνω ote για 100mbps και πιάνω 60 με αποσυνδέσεις κλπ. Το θέμα ειναι πως στις κολόνες δεν έχουν τελειώσει ακόμα τα κουτάκια που παει η κεντρική ινα στην καμπίνα και βλέπω να καθυστερεί πολύ μέχρι την ενεργοποίηση.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
1 ώρα πριν, Karanikolis είπε


Δεν έχει ανταγωνισμό στις τιμές που δίνει η Δεη... για να την χτυπήσουν θα πρέπει να πέσουν οι άλλοι... και σε λίγο καιρό θα δώσει χαμηλότερη τιμή γιατι θα βάλει και το voucher

Όταν δώσει 1000/500 η ΔΕΗ και τιμή πακέτου, θα δούμε αν έχει ανταγωνισμό.

1 ώρα πριν, UncleKim είπε

Το μόνο μου θέμα, είναι που να βάλω να καταλήγει η οπτική μέσα στον χώρο, και κατ επέκταση το ρούτερ. Για να πάει εκεί που είναι το υπάρχων, θα πρέπει να τραβηχτεί καλώδιο που θα ακολουθεί το σοβατεπί και δεν ξέρω αν με ψήνει.

Η υπάρχουσα καλωδίωση δεν έχει καμμία σχεση μτο καλώδιο οπτικής ίνας που πάει από τον εσωτερικό χώρο μεχρι το ρούτερ.

Επεξ/σία από dandri
19 λεπτά πριν, dandri είπε

Όταν δώσει 1000/500 η ΔΕΗ και τιμή πακέτου, θα δυμε αν έχει ανταγωνισμό.

Όταν δώσει πακέτο με τηλέφωνο αν αυτό εννοείς, θα είναι μαζί με voucher....

Επίσης και χωρίς πακέτο, τώρα αν θέλεις το σταθερό, κάνεις φορητότητα σε voip πάροχο με 15€ το έτος +ότι χαλάς τον μήνα από το σταθερό και είσαι πάλι κερδισμένος.

Επίσης όταν σου κόβουν την ίνα από έργα που κάνουν... και περιμένεις 7-10 μέρες για να στην φτιάξουν να δεις τι ωραίο είναι το εναέριο..

Δεν κοιτάμε ποίος την έχει μεγαλύτερη, κοιτάμε τι συμφέρει από όλες τις απόψεις...η ΔΕΗ αυτή τη στιγμή θες δεν θες.....δεν έχει ανταγωνισμό...  Το καλοκαίρι που ξεκίνησε και τα σάρωσε όλα, ειδικά σε περιοχές και σημεία που δεν ερχόταν ο οτε, να δεις τώρα πως τρέχει να περάσει ο οτε από αυτά τα σημεία... 

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  • Super Moderators
9 minutes ago, dandri said:


Μόνο η Nova κι η Inalan στα ιδιόκτητά τους έχουν αντίστοιχη τιμή. 

Αλλιώς χωρίς επιδότηση οι τιμές είναι:

Nova από δίκτυα άλλων 1Gbps στα 45.1 ευρώ.

OTE  1Gbps στα 51.34 ευρώ

Vodafone  1Gbps στα 43.75 ευρώ.

Το ότι σου έκατσε προσωπική προσφορά για 1Gbps στα 32 ευρώ με Vodafone και μένα 38 ευρώ σε Cosmote με 10 ευρώ δώρο το μήνα στο κινητό, δεν σημαίνει ότι είναι οι κανονικές τιμές.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
5 λεπτά πριν, dandri είπε


δεη 33,50€ ακριβο... :P πες μου οτι τρολαρεις χωρις να μου το πεις


Επεξ/σία από Karanikolis
1 ώρα πριν, dandri είπε


Είναι λογική τιμή, εγώ έβαλα και Static στο ΔΕΗ Fiber 1Gbps, τώρα με το vdsl 37.50€ ΟΤΕ (παλιό συμβόλαιο) αυτό ναι είναι πολλά επίσης δεν μου έδωσαν προσφορά και διέκοψα, συν οτι δεν θα περάσουν πΟΤΕ οπτική από μένα ενώ στα 20 μέτρα περνάει και δεν μου δίνουν (Χαλάνδρι) γιατί ανήκω σε άλλο αστικό κέντρο!!!

9 λεπτά πριν, lafayetter είπε

Είναι λογική τιμή, εγώ έβαλα και Static στο ΔΕΗ Fiber 1Gbps, τώρα με το vdsl 37.50€ ΟΤΕ (παλιό συμβόλαιο) αυτό ναι είναι πολλά επίσης δεν μου έδωσαν προσφορά και διέκοψα, συν οτι δεν θα περάσουν πΟΤΕ οπτική από μένα ενώ στα 20 μέτρα περνάει και δεν μου δίνουν (Χαλάνδρι) γιατί ανήκω σε άλλο αστικό κέντρο!!!

εχεις συνδεθει εσυ με δεη? παιζεις ιντερνετ?

44 λεπτά πριν, Karanikolis είπε

εχεις συνδεθει εσυ με δεη? παιζεις ιντερνετ?

Δυστυχώς ακόμα οχι, ήρθαν τελικά για την μελέτη του κτιρίου και Παρασκευή θα έρθουν για την εγκατάσταση. Μόλις συνδεθώ θα ανεβάσω PrtSc τα spec

23 λεπτά πριν, lafayetter είπε

Δυστυχώς ακόμα οχι, ήρθαν τελικά για την μελέτη του κτιρίου και Παρασκευή θα έρθουν για την εγκατάσταση. Μόλις συνδεθώ θα ανεβάσω PrtSc τα spec

Μόλις συνδεθείς και μέχρι να κάνω αίτηση και εγώ, θέλω καθημερινό report!! Τα πάντα, ταχύτητα, ping σε games, σταθερότητα, latency ολαααα 😂😂

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  • Super Moderators
8 hours ago, Karanikolis said:

εχεις συνδεθει εσυ με δεη? παιζεις ιντερνετ?

Btw o @Sarandis έχει ενεργοποιηθεί εδώ και 2 βδομάδες πάνω κάτω.

  • Like 1

Σε μένα σήμερα ήρθε viber sms ότι η επιθεώρηση κτιρίου ολοκληρώθηκε και ότι σύντομα θα λάβω ενημέρωση για τα επόμενα βήματα.
Πάντως έβαλα starlink γιατί δεν με παίρνει να μείνω χωρίς υπηρεσίες στο νέο σπίτι και αύριο είναι η μετακόμιση.
Πάντως ενώ ήμουν στο νέο σπίτι σήμερα για να σετάρω το starlink δεν είδα κανέναν από την ΔΕΗ να έρχεται στο κτήριο. Είδα κάποιους υπαλλήλους της ΔΕΗ στον ίδιο δρόμο με μένα αλλά 3 σπίτια πιο κάτω αλλά σε μένα δεν ήρθαν οπότε δεν ξέρω τι επιθεώρηση κάνανε ή αν κάνανε.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
41 λεπτά πριν, Thresh είπε

Btw o @Sarandis έχει ενεργοποιηθεί εδώ και 2 βδομάδες πάνω κάτω.

Nαι και δεν πάει καλά θα πω. Σελίδες βγάζουν timeout και στο επόμενο refresh παίζουν. Τραπεζικές εφαρμογές απο wifi ανοίγουν και γυρνάνε για πάντα στο login. Στο discord 3 μέρες άκουγα τους πάντες με διακοπές, απο τα logs τίγκα στο packet loss.  Το voip της δουλειάς σήμερα με ρομποτική φωνή. Τους τα έστειλα ένα mail με logs, τα retransmissions απο wireshark. Κουμπώνω τη 2η σύνδεση την 50αρα απο kv οτε με πάροχο forthnet, παίζει απροβλημάτιστα.Πήραν τηλ τα κλασσικά κάντε reset κλπ τελικά το άνοιξε βλάβη. Αν δεν ασχοληθεί κάποιος όπως πρέπει δεν πρόκειται να βγει άκρη. Δίνω κάνα μήνα max και μετά διακόπτω απο το να είμαι 2 χρόνια έτσι. By the way δεν υπάρχει η δικαιολογία του είναι πιλοτικό γιατί σύμφωνα με τους ίδιους πριν υπογράψω, δεν είναι πλέον, "έχει ξεμείνει στο συμβόλαιο απο το αρχικό εσωτερικό testing και θα βγει σύντομα".


[2025-02-24 23:46:07.246] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 56, lost: 156, audio frames normal: 89, silent: 795, expand: 136 
[2025-02-24 23:46:07.246] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 20, lost: 48, audio frames normal: 31, silent: 972, expand: 57 
[2025-02-24 23:46:17.291] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 84, lost: 240, audio frames normal: 111, silent: 1705, expand: 187 
[2025-02-24 23:46:17.292] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 60, lost: 168, audio frames normal: 85, silent: 1783, expand: 167 
[2025-02-24 23:46:27.342] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 140, lost: 408, audio frames normal: 185, silent: 2403, expand: 368 
[2025-02-24 23:46:27.342] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 60, lost: 168, audio frames normal: 85, silent: 2788, expand: 167 
[2025-02-24 23:46:37.380] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 205, lost: 612, audio frames normal: 262, silent: 3193, expand: 456 
[2025-02-24 23:46:37.380] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 96, lost: 276, audio frames normal: 155, silent: 3599, expand: 273 
[2025-02-24 23:46:47.429] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 240, lost: 708, audio frames normal: 306, silent: 4037, expand: 552 
[2025-02-24 23:46:47.429] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 127, lost: 372, audio frames normal: 184, silent: 4510, expand: 319 
[2025-02-24 23:46:47.430] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 698, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 997, silent: 4037, expand: 1 
[2025-02-24 23:46:57.522] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 240, lost: 708, audio frames normal: 306, silent: 5046, expand: 552 
[2025-02-24 23:46:57.522] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 160, lost: 468, audio frames normal: 239, silent: 5370, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:46:57.522] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 754, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1020, silent: 5023, expand: 1 
[2025-02-24 23:47:07.562] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 240, lost: 708, audio frames normal: 306, silent: 6050, expand: 552 
[2025-02-24 23:47:07.563] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 326, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 440, silent: 6165, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:47:07.563] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 787, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1061, silent: 5985, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:47:17.622] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 380, lost: 708, audio frames normal: 531, silent: 6809, expand: 552 
[2025-02-24 23:47:17.622] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 416, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 581, silent: 7014, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:47:17.622] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 868, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1093, silent: 6956, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:47:27.655] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 508, lost: 708, audio frames normal: 724, silent: 7605, expand: 553 
[2025-02-24 23:47:27.656] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 416, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 581, silent: 8018, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:47:27.656] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 868, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1093, silent: 7960, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:47:37.691] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 980, lost: 709, audio frames normal: 1626, silent: 7704, expand: 553 
[2025-02-24 23:47:37.691] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 416, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 581, silent: 9021, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:47:37.691] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1119, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1214, silent: 8769, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:47:47.720] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1310, lost: 712, audio frames normal: 2228, silent: 8101, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:47:47.720] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 505, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 732, silent: 9868, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:47:47.720] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1185, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1276, silent: 9707, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:47:57.750] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1725, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 2987, silent: 8309, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:47:57.750] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 505, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 732, silent: 10871, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:47:57.750] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1324, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1348, silent: 10625, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:48:07.780] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1766, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3054, silent: 9245, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:48:07.781] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 609, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 919, silent: 11687, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:48:07.781] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1476, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1437, silent: 11443, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:48:17.985] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 10216, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:48:17.985] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 609, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 919, silent: 12707, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:48:17.985] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1510, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1500, silent: 12399, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:48:28.053] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 11223, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:48:28.053] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 609, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 919, silent: 13714, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:48:28.053] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 13255, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:48:38.135] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 12232, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:48:38.135] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 609, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 919, silent: 14723, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:48:38.135] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 14264, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:48:48.184] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 13237, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:48:48.185] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 715, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1051, silent: 15577, expand: 401 
[2025-02-24 23:48:48.185] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 15269, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:48:58.235] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 14242, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:48:58.235] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 899, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1373, silent: 16255, expand: 402 
[2025-02-24 23:48:58.236] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 16274, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:49:08.284] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 15246, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:49:08.284] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 924, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1383, silent: 17249, expand: 402 
[2025-02-24 23:49:08.284] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 17278, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:49:18.320] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 16250, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:49:18.320] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 947, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1387, silent: 18246, expand: 402 
[2025-02-24 23:49:18.320] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 18282, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:49:28.371] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 17255, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:49:28.371] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 947, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1387, silent: 19251, expand: 402 
[2025-02-24 23:49:28.371] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 19287, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:49:38.413] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 18261, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:49:38.414] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 947, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1387, silent: 20257, expand: 402 
[2025-02-24 23:49:38.414] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 20293, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:49:48.457] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 19265, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:49:48.457] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 984, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1429, silent: 21218, expand: 403 
[2025-02-24 23:49:48.457] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 21297, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:49:58.498] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 20268, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:49:58.498] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1050, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1546, silent: 22100, expand: 403 
[2025-02-24 23:49:58.498] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 22300, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:50:08.542] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 21272, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:50:08.543] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1285, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1858, silent: 22760, expand: 404 
[2025-02-24 23:50:08.543] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 311830337443332096, audio ssrc: 194642, packets received: 1620, lost: 10, audio frames normal: 1639, silent: 23304, expand: 2 
[2025-02-24 23:50:18.585] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1803, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3100, silent: 22275, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:50:18.586] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1285, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1858, silent: 23763, expand: 404 
[2025-02-24 23:50:28.628] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 1960, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3380, silent: 22995, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:50:28.628] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1308, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 1873, silent: 24744, expand: 405 
[2025-02-24 23:50:38.676] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2015, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3435, silent: 23913, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:50:38.676] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1448, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 2102, silent: 25512, expand: 407 
[2025-02-24 23:50:48.717] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2086, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3530, silent: 24799, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:50:48.717] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1448, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 2102, silent: 26516, expand: 407 
[2025-02-24 23:50:58.761] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2109, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3538, silent: 25795, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:50:58.761] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1500, lost: 475, audio frames normal: 2166, silent: 27456, expand: 407 
[2025-02-24 23:51:08.801] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2109, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3538, silent: 26800, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:51:08.801] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1521, lost: 544, audio frames normal: 2198, silent: 28324, expand: 496 
[2025-02-24 23:51:18.846] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2109, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3538, silent: 27805, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:51:18.847] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1548, lost: 616, audio frames normal: 2225, silent: 29239, expand: 540 
[2025-02-24 23:51:28.893] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2109, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3538, silent: 28809, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:51:28.893] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1548, lost: 616, audio frames normal: 2225, silent: 30243, expand: 540 
[2025-02-24 23:51:38.932] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2109, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3538, silent: 29812, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:51:38.932] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1548, lost: 616, audio frames normal: 2225, silent: 31246, expand: 540 
[2025-02-24 23:51:48.980] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2109, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3538, silent: 30817, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:51:48.980] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1584, lost: 724, audio frames normal: 2268, silent: 32086, expand: 637 
[2025-02-24 23:51:59.019] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2143, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3596, silent: 31761, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:51:59.019] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1592, lost: 748, audio frames normal: 2272, silent: 33080, expand: 640 
[2025-02-24 23:52:09.065] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2179, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3654, silent: 32707, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:52:09.065] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1648, lost: 916, audio frames normal: 2355, silent: 33806, expand: 809 
[2025-02-24 23:52:19.119] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2298, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 3819, silent: 33540, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:52:19.120] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1684, lost: 1024, audio frames normal: 2403, silent: 34632, expand: 908 
[2025-02-24 23:52:29.167] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2539, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 4196, silent: 34131, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:52:29.167] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1684, lost: 1024, audio frames normal: 2403, silent: 35637, expand: 908 
[2025-02-24 23:52:39.215] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2766, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 4503, silent: 34733, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:52:39.215] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1688, lost: 1036, audio frames normal: 2410, silent: 36625, expand: 917 
[2025-02-24 23:52:49.262] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 2879, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 4695, silent: 35544, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:52:49.262] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 37434, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:52:59.300] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3128, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5064, silent: 36101, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:52:59.301] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 38438, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:53:09.344] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3335, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5462, silent: 36707, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:53:09.344] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 39442, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:53:19.398] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3335, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5462, silent: 37713, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:53:19.398] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 40448, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:53:29.470] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3391, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5548, silent: 38631, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:53:29.471] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 41455, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:53:39.521] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3391, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5548, silent: 39636, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:53:39.521] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 42460, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:53:49.573] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3428, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5594, silent: 40588, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:53:49.573] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 43465, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:53:59.633] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3531, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5742, silent: 41442, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:53:59.633] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 44471, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:54:09.694] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 42369, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:54:09.694] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 45477, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:54:19.738] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 43374, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:54:19.738] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 46482, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:54:29.787] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 44379, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:54:29.787] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1724, lost: 1144, audio frames normal: 2469, silent: 47487, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:54:39.826] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 45383, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:54:39.827] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1748, lost: 1149, audio frames normal: 2475, silent: 48485, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:54:49.874] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 46387, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:54:49.874] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1748, lost: 1149, audio frames normal: 2475, silent: 49489, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:54:59.929] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 47393, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:54:59.929] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1827, lost: 1149, audio frames normal: 2553, silent: 50416, expand: 1031 
[2025-02-24 23:55:09.978] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 48398, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:55:09.978] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1835, lost: 1161, audio frames normal: 2554, silent: 51417, expand: 1034 
[2025-02-24 23:55:20.028] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 49403, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:55:20.028] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1835, lost: 1161, audio frames normal: 2554, silent: 52422, expand: 1034 
[2025-02-24 23:55:30.076] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3591, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5821, silent: 50407, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:55:30.076] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1835, lost: 1161, audio frames normal: 2554, silent: 53426, expand: 1034 
[2025-02-24 23:55:40.127] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3624, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 5844, silent: 51376, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:55:40.127] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1835, lost: 1161, audio frames normal: 2554, silent: 54432, expand: 1034 
[2025-02-24 23:55:50.169] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3752, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6024, silent: 52182, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:55:50.169] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1855, lost: 1221, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 55348, expand: 1084 
[2025-02-24 23:56:00.214] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3752, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6024, silent: 53186, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:56:00.214] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1859, lost: 1233, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 56351, expand: 1085 
[2025-02-24 23:56:10.265] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 3819, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6117, silent: 54095, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:56:10.265] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1859, lost: 1233, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 57357, expand: 1085 
[2025-02-24 23:56:20.311] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 4068, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6538, silent: 54674, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:56:20.311] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1859, lost: 1233, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 58361, expand: 1085 
[2025-02-24 23:56:30.363] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 4090, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6542, silent: 55673, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:56:30.364] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1859, lost: 1233, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 59367, expand: 1085 
[2025-02-24 23:56:40.407] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 4090, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6542, silent: 56677, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:56:40.407] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1859, lost: 1233, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 60371, expand: 1085 
[2025-02-24 23:56:50.457] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 4090, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6542, silent: 57682, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:56:50.457] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1859, lost: 1233, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 61376, expand: 1085 
[2025-02-24 23:57:00.549] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 204612170493853696, audio ssrc: 194939, packets received: 4090, lost: 713, audio frames normal: 6542, silent: 58691, expand: 557 
[2025-02-24 23:57:00.549] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1859, lost: 1233, audio frames normal: 2580, silent: 62385, expand: 1085 
[2025-02-24 23:57:10.589] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 63328, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:57:20.626] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 64332, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:57:30.672] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 65336, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:57:40.722] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 66341, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:57:50.764] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 67345, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:58:00.812] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 68350, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:58:10.857] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 69355, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:58:20.904] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 70359, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:58:30.945] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1875, lost: 1281, audio frames normal: 2599, silent: 71363, expand: 1117 
[2025-02-24 23:58:40.994] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1915, lost: 1401, audio frames normal: 2647, silent: 72253, expand: 1161 
[2025-02-24 23:58:51.050] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1927, lost: 1437, audio frames normal: 2652, silent: 73241, expand: 1174 
[2025-02-24 23:59:01.101] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1935, lost: 1461, audio frames normal: 2656, silent: 74239, expand: 1176 
[2025-02-24 23:59:11.148] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1935, lost: 1461, audio frames normal: 2656, silent: 75244, expand: 1176 
[2025-02-24 23:59:21.196] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1939, lost: 1473, audio frames normal: 2656, silent: 76249, expand: 1176 
[2025-02-24 23:59:31.243] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1939, lost: 1473, audio frames normal: 2656, silent: 77253, expand: 1176 
[2025-02-24 23:59:41.290] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1939, lost: 1473, audio frames normal: 2656, silent: 78258, expand: 1176 
[2025-02-24 23:59:51.336] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1959, lost: 1533, audio frames normal: 2658, silent: 79257, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:00:01.387] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1959, lost: 1533, audio frames normal: 2658, silent: 80262, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:00:11.430] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1959, lost: 1533, audio frames normal: 2658, silent: 81266, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:00:21.464] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1959, lost: 1533, audio frames normal: 2658, silent: 82270, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:00:31.504] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1982, lost: 1545, audio frames normal: 2664, silent: 83267, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:00:41.553] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1982, lost: 1545, audio frames normal: 2664, silent: 84273, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:00:51.594] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1982, lost: 1545, audio frames normal: 2664, silent: 85276, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:01:01.647] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1982, lost: 1545, audio frames normal: 2664, silent: 86282, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:01:11.694] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1982, lost: 1545, audio frames normal: 2664, silent: 87287, expand: 1180 
[2025-02-25 00:01:21.744] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 1994, lost: 1578, audio frames normal: 2669, silent: 88278, expand: 1183 
[2025-02-25 00:01:31.788] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2006, lost: 1614, audio frames normal: 2677, silent: 89243, expand: 1207 
[2025-02-25 00:01:41.831] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 90216, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:01:51.883] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 91221, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:02:01.924] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 92225, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:02:11.959] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 93229, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:02:21.992] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 94232, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:02:32.036] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 95236, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:02:42.082] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 96241, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:02:52.124] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 97245, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:03:02.167] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 98250, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:03:12.211] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 99254, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:03:22.262] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2018, lost: 1650, audio frames normal: 2692, silent: 100259, expand: 1221 
[2025-02-25 00:03:32.307] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 101252, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:03:42.357] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 102257, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:03:52.401] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 103261, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:04:02.448] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 104266, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:04:12.491] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 105270, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:04:22.533] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 106274, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:04:32.582] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 107279, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:04:42.634] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 108285, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:04:52.680] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 109289, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:05:02.721] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 110293, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:05:12.762] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 111297, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:05:22.799] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 112301, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:05:32.843] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 113306, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:05:42.880] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 114309, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:05:42.880] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2166, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1193, silent: 106387, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:05:52.920] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 115313, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:05:52.920] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2200, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1212, silent: 107372, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:06:02.962] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 116317, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:06:02.963] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2200, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1212, silent: 108376, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:06:13.002] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 117322, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:06:13.002] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2240, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1222, silent: 109369, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:06:23.042] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2026, lost: 1674, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 118325, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:06:23.043] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2240, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1222, silent: 110372, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:06:33.084] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2030, lost: 1686, audio frames normal: 2696, silent: 119329, expand: 1226 
[2025-02-25 00:06:33.084] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2240, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1222, silent: 111376, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:06:43.125] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2034, lost: 1698, audio frames normal: 2699, silent: 120328, expand: 1227 
[2025-02-25 00:06:43.125] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2365, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1304, silent: 112296, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:06:53.166] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2038, lost: 1710, audio frames normal: 2699, silent: 121332, expand: 1227 
[2025-02-25 00:06:53.167] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2627, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1504, silent: 113081, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:07:03.208] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2038, lost: 1710, audio frames normal: 2699, silent: 122336, expand: 1227 
[2025-02-25 00:07:03.208] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 2998, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 1832, silent: 113746, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:07:13.253] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2038, lost: 1710, audio frames normal: 2699, silent: 123341, expand: 1227 
[2025-02-25 00:07:13.254] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 3314, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 2093, silent: 114474, expand: 33 
[2025-02-25 00:07:23.312] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 280785337385615360, audio ssrc: 195109, packets received: 2155, lost: 1712, audio frames normal: 2874, silent: 124171, expand: 1227 
[2025-02-25 00:07:23.312] [2488] (connection.cpp:1055): [default] Inbound stats for user: 975864399531225098, audio ssrc: 204530, packets received: 3439, lost: 2, audio frames normal: 2184, silent: 115385, expand: 33 


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