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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [PC]

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

9 ώρες πριν, Psycho_Warhead είπε

Το IGN πάντα 9άρια έβαζε στα CoD, πρωτοπορεί..

δε θα έδωσαν σε όλη την εταιρία κωδικούς για να παίξουν 😛 και υποχρέωσαν τον αρθρογράφο να ρίξει τσεκούρι.

Οι τύποι το πως βαθμολογούν, είναι άθλιοι.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC Day-One Update is 55GB in size

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Day-One Update Key Features

Enemy Visibility
  • We have added diamond icons above the heads of enemies. This should make it easier for players to clearly identify opponents in the game.
  • Additionally, we’ve continued to tweak lighting and contrast for improved enemy visibility.
  • We’ve shortened the overall range of footstep audio which will allow enemy players to get closer to targets before they are able to detect footsteps. We have also continued to tweak teammate footstep audio, which will now be quieter following feedback from the Beta.
  • The in-world activation sound effect volume range for the Dead Silence field upgrade has been drastically decreased.
Third Person
  • Following feedback from Beta, aiming down sights will now stay in third person POV for low-zoom optics. Only high-zoom optics (beginning with the ACOG and higher) and special optics such as Hybrids and Thermals will revert to first person POV. We believe this will enhance the third person experience while keeping the gameplay balanced. The feedback on this mode has been very positive, and we will continue to explore its use as a modifier.
  • We have continued to tweak weapons across the game following both feedback from Beta players and game data. Players can expect more specifics on weapon tuning as we continue to support post-launch.
  • We have been working hard on numerous updates to our UI that make accessing and customizing your loadout more seamless. We’ve made improvements to navigation of menus and will continue to optimize our UX.
  • Slide, ledge hang, and dive have been further refined. We’ve also addressed some movement exploits following Beta.
  • We have implemented some changes that aim to reduce lobby disbandment between matches. We look forward to testing this at a large scale and getting feedback.
6 ώρες πριν, 7nisiotis είπε

Κάπου εκεί θα φτάσει με το WZ2

Κάντε στην άκρη πράγματα θα γεμίσει ο δίσκος για πλάκα

Τελικά θα πρέπει να εγκαταστήσεις και το WZ2 ; Απαράδεκτο αν σε αναγκάσουν να το κάνεις, μπορεί στον άλλον να μην αρέσουν τα παιχνίδια Battle Royal και να έχει 500άρη NVMe όπως εγώ π.χ.

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1 ώρα πριν, _Theo_ είπε

Τελικά θα πρέπει να εγκαταστήσεις και το WZ2 ; Απαράδεκτο αν σε αναγκάσουν να το κάνεις, μπορεί στον άλλον να μην αρέσουν τα παιχνίδια Battle Royal και να έχει 500άρη NVMe όπως εγώ π.χ.

Όχι άλλα "προσμετράται"σαν πακέτο. Το γράφει και το κουτί.... Ανεξάρτητα αν θα έχει ξεχωριστό installation. 

Πλέον έχουν πέσει στα τάρταρα οι τιμές σε δίσκους 

Σε 500αρη μέχρι το Πάσχα είχα Wz+mw mp + 2-3 games. Βάζω πάντα αυτά που παίζω+ 2 που παίζω ή θα παίξω σύντομα. Όχι παραπάνω 

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3 ώρες πριν, Psycho_Warhead είπε

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC Day-One Update is 55GB in size

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Day-One Update Key Features

Enemy Visibility
  • We have added diamond icons above the heads of enemies. This should make it easier for players to clearly identify opponents in the game.
  • Additionally, we’ve continued to tweak lighting and contrast for improved enemy visibility.
  • We’ve shortened the overall range of footstep audio which will allow enemy players to get closer to targets before they are able to detect footsteps. We have also continued to tweak teammate footstep audio, which will now be quieter following feedback from the Beta.
  • The in-world activation sound effect volume range for the Dead Silence field upgrade has been drastically decreased.
Third Person
  • Following feedback from Beta, aiming down sights will now stay in third person POV for low-zoom optics. Only high-zoom optics (beginning with the ACOG and higher) and special optics such as Hybrids and Thermals will revert to first person POV. We believe this will enhance the third person experience while keeping the gameplay balanced. The feedback on this mode has been very positive, and we will continue to explore its use as a modifier.
  • We have continued to tweak weapons across the game following both feedback from Beta players and game data. Players can expect more specifics on weapon tuning as we continue to support post-launch.
  • We have been working hard on numerous updates to our UI that make accessing and customizing your loadout more seamless. We’ve made improvements to navigation of menus and will continue to optimize our UX.
  • Slide, ledge hang, and dive have been further refined. We’ve also addressed some movement exploits following Beta.
  • We have implemented some changes that aim to reduce lobby disbandment between matches. We look forward to testing this at a large scale and getting feedback.

Διαμάντια κ ρουμπίνια πάνω από τα κεφάλια μας!

70mb κλαίω με αυτό


2 ώρες πριν, Psycho_Warhead είπε

Καλά στο PC τέλος τα δισκάκια και προφανώς το κάνουν επίτηδες για να μην παίζουν μεταχειρισμένα.

Απορία έχω όσοι έχουν data limit, τι κάνουν σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις??


Ωραίο παιχνίδι αλλά το campaign δυσκολεύει απότομα στην 2η πίστα.

Μήπως να παω το setting από normal σε rookie?

Δημιουργήστε ένα λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε για να σχολιάσετε

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος για να αφήσετε σχόλιο

Δημιουργία λογαριασμού

Εγγραφείτε με νέο λογαριασμό στην κοινότητα μας. Είναι πανεύκολο!

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