TROjY Δημοσ. 6 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 6 Μαρτίου 2001 Gia thn anaba8mish opws exei eipw8ei kai se alla topics xreiazetai ektos apo to software kai to katallhlo kalwdio. Ta panta mporoun na bre8oun sto parakatw site. Mporeite na ta paraggeilete eite me pistwtikh an eiste Ellada eite me epitagh sthn Barclays an eiste Agglia.<BR>Credits to paravoid gia to parakatw site: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P><BR>Kai epeidh blepontas auto to site dhmiourgountai euloga orismenes apories, tis mazepsa kai tous esteila mail zhtwntas plhrofories to mail mou loipon elege)<BR>NFC8 Flasher cable with 8210/8850 Interface (4-pin connection) <BR> <BR>I Have a nokia 8210 with software version : v 5.26 19-10-00 NSM-3.<BR>a) Can you guarantee me that if I buy flasher I ll be able to unlock it.<BR> will you send any software with it?<BR>c) will I be able to install Greek Fonts to it?<BR>d) Will I be able to upgrade the software version in the future?<BR>e) I am living in s****** (UK) and I can pay in barclays. How much will it cost me in total?<BR> <BR> <BR>Thank you in advance,<BR> N****** N*******<BR> <BR>ps: Do you make any special deals when selling more than 3 cables?<P>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kai h apanthsh tous htan :<BR>WE guarantee that it is a Dejan designed.<BR>As stated from our web site we do not provide software support or<BR>tell you how to use it. You can find out from many many sites on the<BR>internet.<P>Other informations are on our web site on Ukorder page.<P>If you order 10pcs we can give 10% discount.<P><BR>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>Koinws parto auto kai koureuto. 8a tous parw ena thlefwnaki kai 8a sas enhmerwsw.An telika doulepsei to kalwdio pou 8a mou steiloun pisteuw oti 8a einai ena must accessory gia ta Nokia.<P>---- signature is lame and nasty ----<BR>
TROjY Δημοσ. 6 Μαρτίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 6 Μαρτίου 2001 oti xreiazeste gia na kanete flash:<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <BR>---- <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>
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