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Championship manager cheats


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


diskolo...den exei kai nohma...to poio aplo alla xronovoro einai )an exeis valei polla protathlimata sto game sou) na perneis alles omades kai na kaneis dalavri gia ena paixti...dil tha xeis kai tis 2 pou diapragmatevodai..efkola thn kanei o paixths..idika an ton krakseis ligo...ton valeis se transfer list ktl ktl :)


Να σου γραψω δυο καλουδια που εχω......



Taking Charge of a National Team

Create a new game with the nation you're going to take control.

After clicking ''find other'', find any team in the particular country.

Click a player from the nation's country you want to manage and then his Nationality.

Now take control by clicking at the bottom right of the screen.



buying player for free in cm 03/04

This is a bug in cm 03/04 v4.11 untill 4.15 . First , you need to negotiate an offer with the club of the player you want to buy. then click on the offer negotiate screen. Dont accept or make any bid first . go to other screen (like squad , competition etc.). Then, click News and you will see the offer negotiation news , click on Respond and make how much you wish (like $0 ) , then make a new bid . Click Back button to the first negotiation screen and you will see the price they gave become the offer you make and below is the button of Accecpt Demand . Click on accept demand.


Να σε δωσω και ενα Link για FAQ/Strategy guide για το CM 03/04....



Πηγαινοντας πισω το link θα βρεις και αλλα καλουδια....

Ευχομαι να βοηθησα... :)


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