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Periergh fash me trailer tou LOTR


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Geia sas paidia.

Otan htan na vgei to two towers epsaxna na vrw apo kazaa an yparxei kanena trailer.

Eixa katevasei ena to opoio omws mou fanhke teleiws pseftiko.Htan screener.

Den tou edwsa shmasia.Omws x8es pou eida to TTT extended eida oti eixe polles skhnes koines me aftes tou trailer pou eixa katevasei.

Kai h hmeromhnia pou to katevasa einai 4/2002 (tote den vghke to TTT???).

Exete sta ypospin sas apo pou 8a mporousan na exoun diarefsei skhnes kai apo ta 3 (kai ta extended) mhnes prin kan vgei to trailer tou TTT????


Opoios 8elei to en logw trailer, pm gia synenohsh.


Χμ, εγώ απότι θυμάμαι, ακόμα και τα κανονικά τρέιλερ των ταινιών είχαν μέσα σκηνές που ΔΕΝ ήταν στις theatrical cuts, αλλά μόνο στις extended. Σίγουρα συμβαίνει αυτό στο ROTK πάντως.

  • Super Moderators

arketa trailers tou LotR exoun skhnes pou sto telos den mphkan oute stis theatrical oute stis extended versions...


To sygkekrimeno trailer to eixa vrei prin vgei to 1o trailer tou TTT. Kai eixe skhnes kai apo ta 3 LOTR.Ti na paixthke..........Htan screener opws eipa kai oxi kanoniko trailer.


Thn trith 8a to anevasw kapou gia na to deite ki eseis.


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