Προς το περιεχόμενο

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Και μένα ήρθε παραγγελία από ebay σε 35ημερες, ανταλλακτικός ιμάντας plotter από τον ιδιο αξιόπιστο πωλητή που είχα παραγγείλει το 2017 και το Δεκέμβριο 2020.

Η παραγγελία του Δεκεμβρίου 2020 ακόμα έρχεται.

Μάλλον έχουμε μετάδοση δεμάτων LIFO (last in first out) αντί για FIFO (First in first out).

Κάποτε το 1996 οι σκληροί δίσκοι IDE εισήγαγαν την τεχνολογία dual FIFO για να πλησιάσουν τους SCSI .

Ίσως να κάνουν το ίδιο και τα Elta.

To LIFO είναι απαράδεκτο.

  • Απαντ. 3k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες

12 ώρες πριν, matrixxx είπε


Αυτο τωρα εχει καποια σχεση με τα ΕΛΤΑ; Νομιζω οτι δεν στελνουν με ΕΛΤΑ. Για πες visualizer που εχεις κανει παραγγελιες. 

Στέλνουν .. ένα μαγαζί για μοτό ήταν το τελευταίο με ΕΛΤΑ, τα άλλα με acs και γενική . Παραθέτω και το τρακινγκ , εντωμεταξυ το δέμα αυτό έκανε και βόλτα Θεσσαλονίκη 😂


  • Moderators
1 ώρα πριν, visualizer είπε

Στέλνουν .. ένα μαγαζί για μοτό ήταν το τελευταίο με ΕΛΤΑ, τα άλλα με acs και γενική . Παραθέτω και το τρακινγκ , εντωμεταξυ το δέμα αυτό έκανε και βόλτα Θεσσαλονίκη 😂


Επειδη η ερωτηση ελεγε 

"με μεταφορικη εταιρια"

Το θεμα αφορα ο,τι λεει ο τιτλος, δεν ειναι θεμα για τις μεταφορικες γενικα. Δεν ρωταμε επι μεταφορικων, υπαρχουν ειδικα θεματα στο "ιντερνετ" για αλλα ερωτηματα.

(αφαιρεσα την φωτο με προσωπικα σου δεδομενα, μην δημοσιευετε ολοκληρο το tracking number σας)


Δεν θα βάλω ακριβείς ημερομηνίες αλλά,

3-4 Παραγγελίες 27 Νοεμβρίου (Black Friday) απο Аli με standard shipping, 

όλες με ενδιάμεση χώρα Ολλανδία εκτός απο μία που έστειλαν απευθείας,

κόλλησαν Ολλανδία για μήνες, κόλλησαν και Ελλάδα

πήρα τα λεφτά πίσω και οι 3/4 ήρθαν τελικά στους 3,5 μήνες. Η τέταρτη γιόκ.


*Δεν έχω έκτοτε άλλη παραγγελία γιατί απλά σταμάτησα τις παραγγελίες και απο Ali και απο Еbay.


Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Όποιος μου το εξηγήσει αυτό , πολλά credits. Θα ερθει με ΕΛΤΑ.


Επεξ/σία από matrixxx

Παιδια εγω έχω τουλάχιστον 15 αντικείμενα στο περίμενε απο Ελτά (9 απο αμαζον και αλλα 6, 7 απο ebay), κανένα με τρακινκ 

Πιο πρόσφατη παραγγελία πριν κάνα μήνα, παλαιότερη 2 Γενάρη.. 

Τελευταία παράδοση από ελτα πριν κάνα μήνα... 

Αν σκεφτεί κανείς ότι είχα δέμα απο ups (standard με tracking number) και απο 18 Φλεβάρη καθόταν Σπάτα κ παραδόθηκε χθές, λογικά για παραλαβή από ελτά ανατολικής Θεσσαλονίκης θα θελω κάνα 4μηνο μιας που φάγανε και καραντίνα, τουλάχιστον αμα το ήξερα θα παραγγελνα κάνα μαγιό και βατεχοπέδιλα. Ας ελπίσουμε ότι θα παραλάβουμε κάποια στιγμή πριν φτάσει ο κόμπος στο χτένι και αναγκαστούμε να πλακώσουμε στα refund του sellers, όχι τπτ άλλο θα μας μπανάρουν σα χώρα στο τελος και θα έχουν και δίκιο. 



Αποστολή από Αγγλία από ιδιώτη 8 Φεβρουαρίου με Royal Mail οπότε ΕΛΤΑ, ακόμη τίποτα. 

Αποστολή από Ali 22 Ιανουαρίου πάλι ΕΛΤΑ πάλι τίποτα. 


Short version: παραγγελία 6 Οκτ από ali παραλαβή 19 Μαρ Ελτα.

Εννοείται οτι είχα πάρει refund και το είχα ξεχάσει

Παραθέτω το τρακινγκ μήπως και βγει κανένας διαγωνισμός για τις περισσότερες καταχωρήσεις οπότε και παίζω φαβορί:

2/23/2021 1:59 雅典 到达寄达地 Yanwen Logistics
2/15/2021 16:50 Airline departure Yanwen Logistics
1/29/2021 6:47 Received by airline Yanwen Logistics
1/25/2021 20:05 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/25/2021 20:02 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/25/2021 16:06 Leave sorting center Yanwen Logistics
1/25/2021 3:01 Sorting completed Yanwen Logistics
1/25/2021 2:51 Export customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/23/2021 16:10 Customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/20/2021 18:33 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/20/2021 18:29 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/20/2021 5:48 Sorting completed Yanwen Logistics
1/20/2021 4:53 Export customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/18/2021 13:02 Customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/17/2021 17:13 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/17/2021 17:09 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/17/2021 2:44 Sorting completed Yanwen Logistics
1/17/2021 2:44 Export customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/15/2021 18:06 Customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/14/2021 19:35 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/14/2021 7:47 Sorting completed Yanwen Logistics
1/14/2021 7:47 Export customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/12/2021 14:48 Customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/8/2021 19:48 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/8/2021 6:43 Sorting completed Yanwen Logistics
1/8/2021 6:10 Export customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/6/2021 14:56 Customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/4/2021 15:34 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/4/2021 15:30 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/4/2021 2:39 Sorting completed Yanwen Logistics
1/4/2021 2:39 Export customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/2/2021 17:56 Customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
1/1/2021 17:57 Handed over to the carrier for transportation Yanwen Logistics
1/1/2021 17:57 Handed over to the carrier for transportationYanwen Logistics
1/1/2021 5:09 Sorting completed Yanwen Logistics
1/1/2021 5:09 Export customs clearance completed Yanwen Logistics
10/12/2020 6:57 Assigned destination country post tracking number China China Post
10/12/2020 6:35 Hand over to airline Cainiao
10/11/2020 6:16 Received by line-haul Cainiao
10/11/2020 3:59 Outbound in sorting center Cainiao
10/10/2020 17:54 Processing information input China China Post
10/10/2020 17:54 Accepted by carrier Cainiao
10/10/2020 17:54 Inbound in sorting center Cainiao
10/10/2020 15:13 Yanwen Pickup scan


  • Moderators

Χαχαχαχα, τι ειναι αυτο;;;; 

Ενταξει, σε αυτην την αποστολη το προβλημα ηταν  μεσα στην Κινα; Δεν βγαζει και νοημα αφου δεν γραφει πολεις. Αν και απο 1-1-2021 μοιαζει να ειναι στην χωρα προορισμου, αλλα αυτη δεν φαινεται-περιεργο. Βραβειο αφηρημενης τεχνης μπορει να παρει αυτο το τρακιν. Παιζει να ειναι και το χειροτερο site για τρακιν εκει που το κοιταζεις;

2 λεπτά πριν, matrixxx είπε

Χαχαχαχα, τι ειναι αυτο;;;; 

Ενταξει, σε αυτην την αποστολη το προβλημα ηταν  μεσα στην Κινα; Δεν βγαζει και νοημα αφου δεν γραφει πολεις. Αν και απο 1-1-2021 μοιαζει να ειναι στην χωρα προορισμου, αλλα αυτη δεν φαινεται-περιεργο. Βραβειο αφηρημενης τεχνης μπορει να παρει αυτο το τρακιν. Παιζει να ειναι και το χειροτερο site για τρακιν εκει που το κοιταζεις;



  • Moderators
21 λεπτά πριν, messacc είπε



Ελα, το parcelapp δεν τα παει καλα σε μερικα. Το καλυτερο σαιτ για μερικες μεταφορικες ειναι αλλο, οριστε λοιπον το δικο σου τι εκανε και που πηγε με αναλυτικοτερη παρουσιαση και πολλαπλασιες γραμμες. Ελλαδα εφτασε 23 Φεβρουαριου λεει, απο Κινα εφυγε 16-2-2021 οποτε απο τους τυχερους εισαι στο εντος Ελλαδας κομματι! Ενα μηνα μονο.  Στο Πεκινο εκανε αυτες τις τρελες βολτες!!! Το βαζω σε σποιλερ γιατι ειναι οχι σεντονι, αλλα τρικουβερτο τρακιν!!!

Να και το προβλημα του μαλλον ουτε το γεφυρι της Αρτας τετοιο "πανω κατω": Returned, remarks: returned after security check

Τι ηταν αν επιτρεπεται;


2021-02-23 09:59    Arrival in Athens
2021-02-16 00:50    Airline departure
2021-01-29 14:47    Airline receiving
2021-01-26 04:05    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-26 04:02    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-26 00:06    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2021-01-25 11:01    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-25 10:51    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-24 00:10    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-21 02:33    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-21 02:29    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-20 13:48    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-20 12:53    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-18 21:02    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-18 01:13    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-18 01:09    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-17 10:44    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-17 10:44    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-16 02:06    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-15 03:35    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-14 15:47    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-14 15:47    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-12 22:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-09 03:48    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-08 14:43    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-08 14:10    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-06 22:56    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-04 23:34    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-04 23:30    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-04 10:39    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-04 10:39    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-03 01:56    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-02 01:57    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-02 01:57    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-01 13:09    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-01 13:09    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-30 21:18    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-30 01:19    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-30 01:13    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-29 15:57    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-29 13:33    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-27 20:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-27 06:30    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-27 06:27    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-26 15:29    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-26 14:45    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-22 18:56    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-22 03:38    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-22 03:34    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-21 13:33    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-21 12:37    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-19 20:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-14 18:10    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-14 17:54    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-13 13:47    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-13 10:15    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-11 23:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-10 22:08    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-10 22:06    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-09 14:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-09 14:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-09 10:46    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-07 21:27    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-07 06:00    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-07 05:54    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-06 10:34    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-06 10:34    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-06 10:34    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-05 02:01    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-01 19:48    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-01 18:52    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-30 10:30    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-30 10:30    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-30 10:30    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-29 16:23    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-29 01:31    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-29 01:23    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-28 02:25    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-27 22:51    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-27 20:34    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-27 17:06    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (transit)
2020-11-27 14:08    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-27 14:08    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-27 14:08    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-25 02:53    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-24 04:31    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-24 00:43    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-23 19:45    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-23 10:14    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-23 10:14    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-23 10:14    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-22 19:52    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-11-22 19:27    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-22 05:18    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-22 05:12    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-21 20:29    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-21 10:21    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-21 10:21    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-21 10:21    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-20 13:34    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-11-15 19:17    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-15 01:27    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-14 20:19    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-14 09:52    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-14 09:52    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-14 09:10    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-12 18:27    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-11 17:54    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-11 02:52    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-11 02:52    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-10 10:25    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-10 10:25    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-10 10:25    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-09 16:10    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-08 18:11    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-08 01:38    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-08 01:35    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-07 09:04    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-07 09:04    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-07 09:04    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-06 19:27    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-05 16:06    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-04 22:42    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-04 22:41    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-04 08:42    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-04 08:42    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-04 08:42    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-02 11:22    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-02 05:06    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-02 02:20    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-01 10:19    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-01 10:19    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-10-31 19:24    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-10-30 15:52    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-10-30 02:34    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-30 02:32    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-29 10:31    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-10-29 10:31    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-10-27 21:22    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-10-25 13:04    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-10-25 02:11    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-25 01:38    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-10-24 09:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-10-24 09:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-10-22 17:18    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-10-21 23:59    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-21 23:56    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-21 10:36    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-10-19 09:03    Depart [Beijing International Mail Transshipment Department], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-10-18 23:36    Arrive [Beijing Comprehensive Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-10-18 04:56    Depart [Mail Processing Center of Central Bureau of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province], next stop [Beijing Comprehensive Mail Processing Center]
2020-10-16 21:13    Depart [Suzhou International Processing Center], next stop [Suzhou Transit Center]
2020-10-16 15:44    Arrive [Mail Processing Center, Central Bureau of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province]
2020-10-16 15:38    Leaving [Suzhou Bulk Mail Receiving Center], next stop [Suzhou International]
2020-10-13 11:13    [Suzhou Bulk Mail Receiving and Sending Center] has been received and sent, soliciting investors: Kunshan-Zang Qianqian
2020-10-12 13:56    Last mile=> Destination country post, number UJ680855427CN
2020-10-11 00:53    Processing information input
2020-10-10 22:12    Yanwen Pickup scan


38 λεπτά πριν, matrixxx είπε

Τι ηταν αν επιτρεπεται;


Πάτοι για παπούτσια! 1,5 ντόλαρς.

Ήταν το δεύτερό που αγόραζα από το συγκεκριμένο πωλητή και το πρώτο έφτασε στον 1,5 μήνα. Οπότε για το δεύτερο στους 3 μήνες λέω πάει χάθηκε.

50 λεπτά πριν, matrixxx είπε

Ελα, το parcelapp δεν τα παει καλα σε μερικα. Το καλυτερο σαιτ για μερικες μεταφορικες ειναι αλλο, οριστε λοιπον το δικο σου τι εκανε και που πηγε με αναλυτικοτερη παρουσιαση και πολλαπλασιες γραμμες. Ελλαδα εφτασε 23 Φεβρουαριου λεει, απο Κινα εφυγε 16-2-2021 οποτε απο τους τυχερους εισαι στο εντος Ελλαδας κομματι! Ενα μηνα μονο.  Στο Πεκινο εκανε αυτες τις τρελες βολτες!!! Το βαζω σε σποιλερ γιατι ειναι οχι σεντονι, αλλα τρικουβερτο τρακιν!!!

Να και το προβλημα του μαλλον ουτε το γεφυρι της Αρτας τετοιο "πανω κατω": Returned, remarks: returned after security check

Τι ηταν αν επιτρεπεται;

  Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου

2021-02-23 09:59    Arrival in Athens
2021-02-16 00:50    Airline departure
2021-01-29 14:47    Airline receiving
2021-01-26 04:05    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-26 04:02    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-26 00:06    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2021-01-25 11:01    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-25 10:51    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-24 00:10    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-21 02:33    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-21 02:29    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-20 13:48    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-20 12:53    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-18 21:02    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-18 01:13    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-18 01:09    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-17 10:44    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-17 10:44    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-16 02:06    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-15 03:35    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-14 15:47    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-14 15:47    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-12 22:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-09 03:48    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-08 14:43    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-08 14:10    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-06 22:56    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-04 23:34    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-04 23:30    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-04 10:39    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-04 10:39    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2021-01-03 01:56    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2021-01-02 01:57    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-02 01:57    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2021-01-01 13:09    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2021-01-01 13:09    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-30 21:18    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-30 01:19    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-30 01:13    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-29 15:57    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-29 13:33    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-27 20:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-27 06:30    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-27 06:27    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-26 15:29    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-26 14:45    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-22 18:56    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-22 03:38    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-22 03:34    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-21 13:33    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-21 12:37    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-19 20:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-14 18:10    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-14 17:54    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-13 13:47    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-13 10:15    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-11 23:48    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-10 22:08    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-10 22:06    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-09 14:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-09 14:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-09 10:46    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-07 21:27    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-07 06:00    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-07 05:54    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-06 10:34    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-06 10:34    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-12-06 10:34    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-12-05 02:01    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-12-01 19:48    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-12-01 18:52    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-30 10:30    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-30 10:30    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-30 10:30    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-29 16:23    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-29 01:31    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-29 01:23    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-28 02:25    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-27 22:51    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-27 20:34    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-27 17:06    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (transit)
2020-11-27 14:08    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-27 14:08    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-27 14:08    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-25 02:53    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-24 04:31    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-24 00:43    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-23 19:45    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-23 10:14    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-23 10:14    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-23 10:14    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-22 19:52    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-11-22 19:27    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-22 05:18    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-22 05:12    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-21 20:29    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-21 10:21    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-21 10:21    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-21 10:21    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-20 13:34    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-11-15 19:17    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-15 01:27    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-14 20:19    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-11-14 09:52    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-14 09:52    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-14 09:10    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-12 18:27    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-11 17:54    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-11 02:52    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-11 02:52    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-10 10:25    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-10 10:25    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-10 10:25    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-09 16:10    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-08 18:11    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-08 01:38    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-08 01:35    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-07 09:04    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-07 09:04    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-07 09:04    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-06 19:27    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-11-05 16:06    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-04 22:42    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-04 22:41    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-04 08:42    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-04 08:42    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-04 08:42    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-11-02 11:22    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-11-02 05:06    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-02 02:20    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-11-01 10:19    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-11-01 10:19    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-10-31 19:24    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-10-30 15:52    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-10-30 02:34    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-30 02:32    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-29 10:31    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-10-29 10:31    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-10-27 21:22    Depart [Beijing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Beijing Post and Electronic Commerce Bureau] (Transit)
2020-10-25 13:04    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-10-25 02:11    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-25 01:38    Depart [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station], next stop [Beijing International Mail Exchange Station] (Transit)
2020-10-24 09:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-10-24 09:23    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] Returned, remarks: returned after security check
2020-10-22 17:18    [Beijing International Mail Exchange] Return
2020-10-21 23:59    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-21 23:56    Delivered to the carrier for transportation
2020-10-21 10:36    [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] has been exported and directly sealed
2020-10-19 09:03    Depart [Beijing International Mail Transshipment Department], next stop [Beijing International Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-10-18 23:36    Arrive [Beijing Comprehensive Mail Processing Center] (Transit)
2020-10-18 04:56    Depart [Mail Processing Center of Central Bureau of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province], next stop [Beijing Comprehensive Mail Processing Center]
2020-10-16 21:13    Depart [Suzhou International Processing Center], next stop [Suzhou Transit Center]
2020-10-16 15:44    Arrive [Mail Processing Center, Central Bureau of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province]
2020-10-16 15:38    Leaving [Suzhou Bulk Mail Receiving Center], next stop [Suzhou International]
2020-10-13 11:13    [Suzhou Bulk Mail Receiving and Sending Center] has been received and sent, soliciting investors: Kunshan-Zang Qianqian
2020-10-12 13:56    Last mile=> Destination country post, number UJ680855427CN
2020-10-11 00:53    Processing information input
2020-10-10 22:12    Yanwen Pickup scan


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