Προς το περιεχόμενο

Φτιάξτε το δικό σας arcade


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις






(1) Get a used game cabinet. Try eBay, arcade suppliers or junkyards.

(2) Strip out the guts, keeping the joysticks and firing buttons.

(3) Mount a 17- to 21-inch CRT monitor behind the cabinet's faceplate (a sheet of plywood and some L-shaped shelf brackets make a nice cradle).

(4) Install MAME on an old PC (at least a 300MHz P2) and place it in the bottom of the cabinet.

(5) Connect your control panel to the PC so that each joystick motion and press of a button represents a key or combination of keys (see "Cooking the controls," below).

(6) Load the ROM data for the games of your choice. (You can buy and download ROM images (see "Sources") or get them free with gaming hardware.)

(7) Wire a button to a key on your hacked keyboard that will simulate dropping in a quarter.

(8) Destroy your old high score.




You've got a few options for wiring your control panel. The simplest is to buy a prebuilt arcade-quality panel with a keyboard cable that plugs into your PC. Slightly more complex is a keyboard emulator, which has wire inputs for the controls on one end and a keyboard cable on the other. The ultimate DIY solution is to open up an old keyboard and solder wires from the salvaged buttons and joystick to the traces for the keys that you want the PC to think you're pressing. Keyboards work by scanning a matrix of horizontal and vertical wires with a key at each intersection, so you'll have to figure out the position of the keys you want to connect to, and then tell MAME which keys represent which commands (instructions included with MAME). One warning: If you make completed circuits on multiple columns and rows at the same time, the keyboard matrix scanner may think some switches are active when they aren't, or vice versa.





Arcade cabinet: free to $200

Used PC with keyboard: free to $150

Used monitor: free to $150

New controllers, including joysticks, buttons, trackball: $50 to $350

MAME: free

Game ROMs: free to $5


xaaxaxxaaxxax fantazomai sto saloni mou ena tetoio!!! ROFL. Pantws eixa dei enan trelo pou eixe ftiaksei ena paromoio alla gia joystick eixe parei 2 etoima usb me 8 buttons to kathena kai to keyboard htan hidden kai ebgaine me surtaraki apo katw. Apo telesma: Mporousan na paiksoun 2 atoma me 8 buttons o kathenas :D Den mporouses na katalabeis oti htan home-made. To eixe kanei gamato!


egw pisteuw oti einai para poly kali idea kai fovero retro-kit gia to saloni!! aksizei ta lefta xalara. mporei kaneis na agorasei kai etoimo, ftiagmeno apo edw: http://www.dreamauthentics.com/index_mainmenu.html



kai meta pairneis kai kana-syo flipperakia kai ena mpiliardo kai darts kai....


(paw na skoupisw ta salia mou)


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