Nemo Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 RE4 E3 2004 Traile Windows Media: 320 x 240 (15.4MB) QuickTime: 320 x 240 (26.5MB) 640 x 480 (72.2MB) ==================================================== KOTOR 2 E3 Trailer Windows Media: 320 x 240 (8.9MB) QuickTime: 320 x 240 (12.0MB) 640 x 480 (30.3MB)
Tanto1982 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Spyro: A Hero's Tail (for Xbox, PS2, Gamecube)
Tanto1982 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Paper Mario 2 (for Gamecube) Europe release: Q4 2004 (xristougenna mallon...) Story: The story starts with Princess Peach on vacation, this being a Mario game she of course gets kidnapped. Mario's only clue is a treasure map that she sent to him before she disappeared. Mario follows the map to the Star Crystals, ancient artifacts of untold power, and three mysterious veiled figures who are plotting the return of the Shadow Witch. Gameplay: It will have a larger focus on the "Paper" aspect of Mario and his friends. You can turn sideways to slip through cracks, float as a paper airplane, roll up into a tube, and more. The battle system also has an update, now there's an audience. By impressing the audience Mario can build up for super moves; but, if you do poorly you'll be pelted with trash. PS: links gia kapoies apo autes tis eikones eixe dwsei kai o Nemo se prohgoumeno post, alla (toulaxiston se mena) den anoigoun pleon. postarw edw kai oxi se ekeino to topic epeidi to parousiazoun to paixnidi, simera, sta plaisia tis E3.
Tanto1982 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 ti na pw, den exw brei tipota akoma gia ti sega, ki an ontws einai explosive den mporei na perase toso aparatirito. mporei na to anevalan... mexri twra mono games exoun deiksei (Altered Beast, Headhunter kai alla) Burnout 3 (pics apo xbox version)
Tanto1982 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Dead or Alive Ultimate (Xbox) arxisoume me mia zoumeri... maksilari pou oloi oneireyomaste! kala, pantws auto to paixnidi exei ksefygei me ta grafika tou!!!!!
Tanto1982 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Suikoden IV (PS2) This particular installment of the Suikoden series tells the story of a young hero and his acquisition of the Rune of Punishment, but unlike the older titles in the series, focuses more on the naval aspects of the world and will include ship battles, island hopping, and other such conventions. Also new to the franchise is the inclusion of professional voice acting for the majority of the game's protagonists in addition to an all-new dynamic camera system and several new mini-games that include fishing and a new variation on dice.
Tanto1982 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Altered Beast (for PS2) ...8ymatai kaneis ekeino to paixnidi pou dinan paketo me to mega drive?? itan ena side-scrolling action opou o xaraktiras mporouse na metamorfwnetai se diafora terata gia na antimetwpizei...alla terata :roll: idou o apogonos tou! [/b]
Tanto1982 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Sega has announced what is presumably their big announcement - a brand new game in their popular Phantasy Star franchise ...oxi kai toso explosive telika an ontws einai auti i eidisi... anyway, 8a einai action rpg, san to PS Online kai mallon 8a exei neo battle system. stin E3 deiksan kai ena prerendered trailer me sci-fi feel. den exei anakoinw8ei gia poia konsola 8a einai to oficial site (an kai den exei tipota akoma) einai
Toufas Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 Δημοσ. 13 Μαΐου 2004 to paper mario dixnei APISTEFTO episis to metroid tha spernei :>
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