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To pontiki poy vryxatai? Episode 2


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Η Sega προειδοποιησε για μια <<εκρηξη >>που θα λαβει χωρα στις 12 Μαιου 10 a.m. και θα κρατησει μιση ωρα .


Ηδη η φημολογια δινει και παιρνει οτι η ανακοινωση μιας νεας κονσολας

By Sega ειναι πολυ πιθανη ,(αλλα κι απιθανη μετα τις 2 (+2) αποτυχιες οικονομικα της Sega dremacast -saturn- + segacd ,32x alla kai to game gear )


πραγματα που πρεπει να ληφθουν υποψη


powervr & sega για το νεο KYRO3

και καποιοι προβληματισμοι που αναφεροναι στο gamespot (ακολουθει κειμενο)

****και UPDATE 2 pics **** (

THE BEAST RETURNS αγγαζε με την AMD(uymaste tis pics toy outrun2????)


λογικα ποιο πιθανο

1)ειναι η dreamcast 2 =dreamcast 1 compatible

2) η φορητο dreamcast ,

3) ενδεχωμενως καποια παραλαγη της δευτερης εκδοχης .


source gamespot

UMOR #1: At E3, Sega will announce it is getting back into the console business.


Source: An e-mail blast inviting press to Sega's "mystery event" at E3.


The official story: "Sega cannot comment on rumors relating to its exclusive press event on day one of E3. Sega remains excited about its powerful lineup of yet-to-be-announced titles."--Sega spokesperson.


What we heard: Ever since Dreamcast production ceased in 2001, the console's diehard fans have held out hope that it would rise from the ashes. This week, hope came in the form of a one-paragraph press invitation to Sega's E3 presentation. "Learn about SEGA's 2004 lineup and hear BIG news you'd NEVER guess," read the invite, which promised "explosive news--something even YOU won't be able to guess!" (Emphasis in the original.) Within minutes, Sega loyalists were churning out messianic predictions of a new and improved Dreamcast. "Financially revitalized, finally debt-free, Sega now firmly believes it has what it takes to rule the roost," read one. But before you break out the straightjackets, consider this: Amusement-machine giant Sammy is Sega's majority stockholder, and its president, Hajime Satomi, is Sega's chairman. This year, Sammy's new Atomiswave arcade platform will replace the veteran NeoGeo format. The NeoGeo also came in a home console version, which had a customer base fanatical enough to shell out hundreds of dollars per game--in other words, a proven (if small) market. The Atomiswave's hardware is even more compact than the NeoGeo's. Sammy has announced that Sega will focus on developing games for the

****Atomiswave****. Could Sega's big announcement be a new, Sega-branded home console based on the Atomiswave? It could be, but it would be sort of redundant, because the Atomiswave is already based on Dreamcast hardware.





einai toulaxisto adiko na exoun consoles kai na ta konomane i (panasxeti apo games) SONY kai i ( pamplouti kai episeis asxeti apo games) Microsoft!!

i SEGA xerei ta arcade san tin palami tis!! (tin palami tou Sonic estw... :) )


ante re SEGA , gera!!




kai auta apo fan tis Nintendo! 8)


dc2PHOENIX::what I aspect:athlon fx49[dikia mou onomasia](dhladh ligo pio xamhlos apo fx51)

powervr pixel 3.0 compatible

double layer dvds or blue laser dvds

dsl modem or 100mbits card integated

sonic adventure 3

sega gt 3 mazi me thn consola

den mporw allo lipothimaw!


i ll be back :wink:


Δεν θελω να το παιξω σχετικος , αλλα οι φωτογραφιες δεν ειναι και πολυ αυθεντικές , πιστευω οτι καποιος χρηστης (οχι απο εδω) τις εχει φτιαξει με καποιο πακετο 3d


Σειρα μου να συμφωνησω μαζι σου φιλε dreaming123 :) Μακαρι να βγει μπροστα η Sega η οποια αν το εξετασουμε καλα, μετα απο τοσο μεγαλη ζημια που εχει παθει στο παρελθον της αξιζει να ξαναμπει στο παιχνιδι!


Προσωπικα ακομη εχω το megaDrive μου και συχνα-πυκνα παιζω κανενα Nba Jam :)

Kala einai fanero oti einai fake.H sega den prokeite na xanabgalei konsola. :(


οι φωτογραφιες ειναι απο το jeuxfrance (fake η οχι )


Υγ1 προσωπικα δεν νομιζω οτι υπαρχει χωρος για μια ακομα κονσολα

Υγ2 μια ακομα κονσολα εμπορικη- αποτυχια μηπως θα αποτελουσε ταφοπλακα στην Sega ???


ela tora poy gyrizei .....

μια ακομα <υποψηφια > φημη


apo to xbox world


""The announcement on May 12th at 10:00am PST will send shockwaves throughout the industry and will be an unprecedented first in the gaming market. Sega intends to form an alliance with a major console maker and co-develop the next generation console with them. In turn, all Sega games will be exclusive to that console and the Sega brand will be affixed to the front of the console much like a "Dolby Digital" logo. Yes, Sega is becoming a brand identification.


So no Dreamcast 2, No Alex Kidd Gamecube, No BS.






Enas filos mou prin fugei gia america prin merika xronia, mou xarise mia konsola sega dreamcast. Pisteuete oti mporw na to poulhsw shmera ustera apo tosa xronia kai poso?


De zhtaw prosfores, alla plhrofories. To pi8anotero einai oti 8a einai pleon mikrhs a3ias opote kai 8a to xarisw. Duskola poulas dwro allwste.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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