Moderators GhostRiderLSOV Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Moderators Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 1 ώρα πριν, είπε Ο συγκεκριμένος server είναι hardcore milsim (military simulator). Χωρίς tags και kill logs. Συνήθως αυτοί οι servers έχουν ff off γιατί θα γινόταν πανικός με τα teamkills. Η πλάκα είναι ότι αν θες hardcore milsim, βάζεις ανοιχτό FF. Αλλιώς, τι tactical παίχτες είναι; (και τι κάναμε στο BF2 που έπρεπε να κοιτάμε πού ρίχνουμε τις βόμβες με τα jets; ) 1
Πέτρος Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 2 ώρες πριν, GhostRiderLSOV είπε Η πλάκα είναι ότι αν θες hardcore milsim, βάζεις ανοιχτό FF. Αλλιώς, τι tactical παίχτες είναι; (και τι κάναμε στο BF2 που έπρεπε να κοιτάμε πού ρίχνουμε τις βόμβες με τα jets; ) Ένας λόγος παραπάνω που το ρδέλο με skins/cosmetics καταστρέφει εντελώς το παιγνίδι (που θέλουμε). Μέχρι και το 3-4, μάθαινες στολές. Τέλος. Από το 1 και μετά, που γίνεται το σώσε, πώς να ξεχωρίσεις με ασφάλεια φίλο/εχθρό? Θα μάθεις 500 διαφορετικούς συνδυασμούς ή θα περιμένεις να κόψεις φάτσα? Εννοείται πως έτσι γίνεται και το παιγνίδι πιο στρωτό, λιγότερο αναρχογρήγορο, αφού το σκέφτεσαι 2 και 3 φορές πριν ρίξεις.
panoskatos Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δεν θυμάμαι να έχω γελάσει τόσο πολύ με bugs από battlefield ή να έχω μείνει με το στόμα ανοιχτό από την απορία του WTF!
privateer Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Summary of 2042 development: Developers started leaving during the release of BFV, as EA wanted to compete against other games (BRs and normal shooters) and their concepts internally never given a look at. EA basically gave the memo of "copy what's popular". Classes scrapped early 2020. WFH with cross-gen was a massive pain with 5 different platforms with hardware being shared remotely. Game shifted into a BF title April-August 2020 from the BR (so basically about 18 months of development time) with 128p & specialists. The games original concept got shifted into Hazard Zone. August 2020 is when production really got started and concepts got solidfied. So basically 1 year and 3 months of true production. The leaked trailer (the epilepsy one) was basically early in production in early 2021 and show to QA in early 2021 in its finished form. Used BF3/BF4 assets. "Ahead of scheudle" was a giant fib. Past & current DICE devs say it was based on baseless predictions. In March 2021 DICE was overwhelmed and admitted they need help from others. But it wasn't easy again due to engine issues with lack of experience.# Later on in the months it became obvious so many issues like UI where creeping up and causing many issues. Technical test came and ofc was unstable and used Orbital as mentioned in the video was the concept map. And made clear the game was way behind schedule. And Tom was given indications then that BF 2042 was in a troubled state and stressed working environment (not due to crunch but more management issues etc). Tom then got word that the beta & launch was going to be delayed but only a few hours later it was clear the delay was weeks and not months. And ofc the last stretch where the beta was basically an alpha and the launch being a launch. In summary vast majority of development issues was a massive lack of time, could've benefitted of an extra year or so in an era where delays of 3-6 months where common. And since so many people have left over development time the studio DICE is basically so different now it needs renaming to reflect reality. Many projects where scrapped including a BC3 which EA thoguht wouldn't sell for some reason. The future: The next BF shooter is being scoped as a hero shooter. Most interestingly it may be bands of specialists/heroes fighting against each other and not armies, even further away from BF 2042. The "connected unvierse" is basically adding depth to the specialists. A BR will come in the near future, not next 6 months but vague timeframe. That said things have not absolutely set in stone and DICE developers have been hard at work trying to fix the game to be good as possible (though personally in my eyes the game has fundamental issues of the gameplay core that can't mesh well with say the maps, least that's my opinion) and listening to the community. 1
mtifosi Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Αυτα πρεπει να δωσουν για να βελτιωσουν την κατασταση και οχι τον χαμο με 128player, ψευτικο ΑΙ, παντου hovercraft κλπ...
panoskatos Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 7 ώρες πριν, privateer είπε Summary of 2042 development: Developers started leaving during the release of BFV, as EA wanted to compete against other games (BRs and normal shooters) and their concepts internally never given a look at. EA basically gave the memo of "copy what's popular". Classes scrapped early 2020. WFH with cross-gen was a massive pain with 5 different platforms with hardware being shared remotely. Game shifted into a BF title April-August 2020 from the BR (so basically about 18 months of development time) with 128p & specialists. The games original concept got shifted into Hazard Zone. August 2020 is when production really got started and concepts got solidfied. So basically 1 year and 3 months of true production. The leaked trailer (the epilepsy one) was basically early in production in early 2021 and show to QA in early 2021 in its finished form. Used BF3/BF4 assets. "Ahead of scheudle" was a giant fib. Past & current DICE devs say it was based on baseless predictions. In March 2021 DICE was overwhelmed and admitted they need help from others. But it wasn't easy again due to engine issues with lack of experience.# Later on in the months it became obvious so many issues like UI where creeping up and causing many issues. Technical test came and ofc was unstable and used Orbital as mentioned in the video was the concept map. And made clear the game was way behind schedule. And Tom was given indications then that BF 2042 was in a troubled state and stressed working environment (not due to crunch but more management issues etc). Tom then got word that the beta & launch was going to be delayed but only a few hours later it was clear the delay was weeks and not months. And ofc the last stretch where the beta was basically an alpha and the launch being a launch. In summary vast majority of development issues was a massive lack of time, could've benefitted of an extra year or so in an era where delays of 3-6 months where common. And since so many people have left over development time the studio DICE is basically so different now it needs renaming to reflect reality. Many projects where scrapped including a BC3 which EA thoguht wouldn't sell for some reason. The future: The next BF shooter is being scoped as a hero shooter. Most interestingly it may be bands of specialists/heroes fighting against each other and not armies, even further away from BF 2042. The "connected unvierse" is basically adding depth to the specialists. A BR will come in the near future, not next 6 months but vague timeframe. That said things have not absolutely set in stone and DICE developers have been hard at work trying to fix the game to be good as possible (though personally in my eyes the game has fundamental issues of the gameplay core that can't mesh well with say the maps, least that's my opinion) and listening to the community. Όλες αυτές οι δήθεν διαρροές για bad company 3 από που βγήκαν; Το ότι η κοινότητα του battlefield ήθελε να βγει κάτι που να μοιάζει με τα battlefield 3/4 ή έστω λέω εγώ με το battlefield 1 ή το bad company 2 έπεσαν στο κενό. Δεν ίδρωσε καθόλου το αυτί τους. Απλά ήθελαν να αντιγράψουν και να υιοθετήσουν τις επιτυχίες άλλων τίτλων ξεχνώντας την επιτυχία που είχε κάποτε ο τίτλος. Δεν τους έγινε μάθημα το πάθημα του battlefield 5. Τους αξίζει καθημερινό κράξιμο. 7 ώρες πριν, privateer είπε Summary of 2042 development: Developers started leaving during the release of BFV, as EA wanted to compete against other games (BRs and normal shooters) and their concepts internally never given a look at. EA basically gave the memo of "copy what's popular". Classes scrapped early 2020. WFH with cross-gen was a massive pain with 5 different platforms with hardware being shared remotely. Game shifted into a BF title April-August 2020 from the BR (so basically about 18 months of development time) with 128p & specialists. The games original concept got shifted into Hazard Zone. August 2020 is when production really got started and concepts got solidfied. So basically 1 year and 3 months of true production. The leaked trailer (the epilepsy one) was basically early in production in early 2021 and show to QA in early 2021 in its finished form. Used BF3/BF4 assets. "Ahead of scheudle" was a giant fib. Past & current DICE devs say it was based on baseless predictions. In March 2021 DICE was overwhelmed and admitted they need help from others. But it wasn't easy again due to engine issues with lack of experience.# Later on in the months it became obvious so many issues like UI where creeping up and causing many issues. Technical test came and ofc was unstable and used Orbital as mentioned in the video was the concept map. And made clear the game was way behind schedule. And Tom was given indications then that BF 2042 was in a troubled state and stressed working environment (not due to crunch but more management issues etc). Tom then got word that the beta & launch was going to be delayed but only a few hours later it was clear the delay was weeks and not months. And ofc the last stretch where the beta was basically an alpha and the launch being a launch. In summary vast majority of development issues was a massive lack of time, could've benefitted of an extra year or so in an era where delays of 3-6 months where common. And since so many people have left over development time the studio DICE is basically so different now it needs renaming to reflect reality. Many projects where scrapped including a BC3 which EA thoguht wouldn't sell for some reason. The future: The next BF shooter is being scoped as a hero shooter. Most interestingly it may be bands of specialists/heroes fighting against each other and not armies, even further away from BF 2042. The "connected unvierse" is basically adding depth to the specialists. A BR will come in the near future, not next 6 months but vague timeframe. That said things have not absolutely set in stone and DICE developers have been hard at work trying to fix the game to be good as possible (though personally in my eyes the game has fundamental issues of the gameplay core that can't mesh well with say the maps, least that's my opinion) and listening to the community. Επέκταση Όλες αυτές οι δήθεν διαρροές για bad company 3 από που βγήκαν; Το ότι η κοινότητα του battlefield ήθελε να βγει κάτι που να μοιάζει με τα battlefield 3/4 ή έστω λέω εγώ με το battlefield 1 ή το bad company 2 έπεσαν στο κενό. Δεν ίδρωσε καθόλου το αυτί τους. Απλά ήθελαν να αντιγράψουν και να υιοθετήσουν τις επιτυχίες άλλων τίτλων ξεχνώντας την επιτυχία που είχε κάποτε ο τίτλος. Δεν τους έγινε μάθημα το πάθημα του battlefield 5. Τους αξίζει καθημερινό κράξιμο.
Tzimaras Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 (επεξεργασμένο) Εχουμε update αύριο... και επιτέλους Επεξ/σία 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 από Tzimaras 2 1
SabotazNic Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 (επεξεργασμένο) btw οσον αφορα το stream με obs, ειναι καλυτερα να χρησιμοποιω cpu (software x264) encoder ή nvidia nvenc new? Προφανως θα μου πειτε να τεσταρω, αλλα μια γνωμη παραπανω, μιας και δεν βλεπω το game να αξιοποιει τον cpu σε μεγαλο βαθμο (συνηθως 50-60%). Απο γραφικα ψιλο medium/high τα εχω 3700x / 32gb 3800 mhz με κατεβασμενα timings / 3070 oced @2025 mhz / 1440p Επεξ/σία 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 από SabotazNic 1
SabotazNic Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 20 λεπτά πριν, KilliK είπε nvidia enc αλλα θα βαζεις πιο μικρο bitrate Το εχω 3000. Ειναι οκ? Βασικα πριν λιγο παρατηρησα οτι για το downscale filter ειχα bilinear fastest αντι για bilinear 16 ή lanczos 32. Τωρα δοκιμαζω με το 2ο. Αν οχι, θα βαλω το bilinear 16
KilliK Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 (επεξεργασμένο) 720p 30fps Lanczos 36 nvidia enc max quality max b-frames 2. μπορεις να βαλεις και 1080p/60fps αλλα δεν θα δεις καμια φοβερη διαφορα. στο bitrate βαλε οσο θελεις, αρκει ομως να αφηνει ελευθερο τουλαχιστον 1000kbps απο το upload bandwidth. αν δεις οτι λαγκαρει το stream η το παιχνιδι, μειωσε το bandwidth. στο Video θα βαλεις στο canvas την αναλυση γραφικων που παιζεις συνηθως τα παιχνιδια σου (οχι της οθονης), και στο scaled την αναλυση του stream που θες, 720p η 1080p. γενικα να ξερεις οτι οι cpu encoders δινουν παντα καλυτερη ποιοτητα, αλλα στο stream ειναι προτιμοτεροι οι gpu encoders για να μην μπουκωνει το συστημα ενω η διαφορα στην ποιοτητα ειναι μικρη, ειδικα στα πιο χαμηλα bitrates. Επεξ/σία 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 από KilliK
SabotazNic Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 (επεξεργασμένο) Τώρα έχω άλλο θέμα. Φορτώνει το game και με πετάει πάλι στο lobby. Δεν ξέρω τι γίνεται. Άντε να δούμε τι θα δούμε και με το αυριανό update Τώρα έχω άλλο θέμα. Φορτώνει το game και με πετάει πάλι στο lobby. Δεν ξέρω τι γίνεται. Άντε να δούμε τι θα δούμε και με το αυριανό update Επισης στην hourglass εχω τρελά visual bugs και νομίζω οφείλονται στους ουρανοξύστες με τις οθόνες. Μέχρι να πάω κοντά τους για να φορτώσουν, είναι κόκκινη/Μπλε/πρασινη η οθόνη όταν κοιτάω προς τα εκεί Επεξ/σία 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 από SabotazNic
vassilis018 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 το θέμα είναι και τι upload έχεις. Εγώ με 300/300 αφήνει μέχρι 6200bitrate. Μόνο οι partners μπορούν να έχουν παραπάνω. εγώ στριμάρω 936/60
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