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Πέφτουν οι πωλήσεις του PS2 και ανεβαίνουν αυτές του XBOX


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Sony forecast earlier on Tuesday that PS2 sales in the business year ending March 2005 would fall by as much as 30 percent, a much sharper decline than analysts had expected. Unless Sony cuts the price on its PS2 in order to spur sales, U.S. game software makers, many of whom track Sony's fiscal year, may find sales growth targets harder to reach, analysts said. Sony's forecast that it would ship 14 million PS2s in the fiscal year to March 2005, down from 20.1 million in the year ended March 2004, came as a surprise to some analysts.


The basic PS2 sells for $179 in the United States, making it the highest priced of the three consoles. Microsoft cut the price of the Xbox to $149 from $179 in late March and saw its sales double in the days following. American Technology Research analyst P.J. McNealy said the Xbox was likely to overtake the PS2 on a units-sold basis for the first time ever in the United States in April. He estimated Xbox sales of 275,000 units this month, versus about 200,000 units for the PS2. PS2 sales have been falling in the United States this year, and in the just-ended fiscal year Sony said PS2 unit shipments fell 37 percent in North America. There has been a rising clamor from game publishers for Sony to cut the price of the PS2 by the opening of E3, the video game industry's annual trade show, the week of May 10.


indeed giati h sony exei akoma toso psila thn timh tou ps2?


vevaia mporei kaneis na isxyristei oti gia na paiksei dvd sto xbox thes 30 euro parapano, alla malakies, gia na apothikeyseis sto ps2 thes 15 ktl


malakia, an den to proseksoun tha fane ta moutra tous giati tha xasous potential pelates tou ps3


pantos tora oi analogies pos einai? 70.000.000 ps2, 12.000.000 xbox kai 10.000.000 gc?


Να μην ξεχνάμε πως σκληρός δίσκος στο PS2 = +€200 και broadband modem = +€50


Προτείνω η Sony να βγάλει ένα περιφερειακό το οποίο να είναι Xbox... θα κάθεται επάνω στο PS2 και θα μπορείτε να παίζετε όλα τα games εκεί :mrgreen:


epeidi exo kai ta dio mporo na po oti to xbox einai klaseis kalitero gia polous logous apla to ps exei kaliterous titlous pro stigmi kai kaliteres eteries pou to ipostirizoun.px den einai tuxaio pou to metal gear vgainei panta se ps.Alla kai to camecube exei ean duo games ta opoia einai trela ma trala graphics ta resident 1 kai 0 px.


To Metal Gear έχει βγει πλέον σε όλες τις πλατφόρμες. Η Sony έχασε έναν από τους καλύτερους συμμάχους της, την Konami από την αποκλειστικότητα.


PS2 forever, kamia alli konsola den exei Wipeout kai Final Fantasy.... ;)


pisteuo na afisoume tis gnomes gia tis times ton idion to konsolon kai na doume ti tha ginei me ta kolo-modchips....ta opoia paroti peftoun oi times ton konsolon , ta chipakia akoma einai karfomena sta 100euro + alla 100 (gia PS2) an exeis tis 2 protes ekdoseis....i deuteri 100ara einai gia allagi kefalis :/


eee nai alla kai ta chipakia synexeia ananewnonte me next generations me pio polla kaloudia (lcd klp) kai den paragonte apo 10 etairies... ; ) Ligoi to kanoun kai prepei na amoifthoun..arage pisteuete oti an den upirxan mods tha eixame tetoies pwliseis se consoles..eite ps2 i poso mallon Xbox?Oi etairies xarh se auta eidan treles pwliseis..Gnwmi mou panta..eimia katoxos Xbox kai an den itan gia to mod den tha eperna pote consola..eimai fanatikos pcas..alla anti gia Kiss player klp protimisa kati pou na dinei kai alles dynatotites se mena kai tin ipoloipi oikogeneia.Ayta kai sorry an kourasa.. :D


nai Fisherman, einai 1000000% sigouro pos xoris chip-akia oute 100 konsoles ana xora den tha poulagan....alla oxi re file kai to 50-70% tis timis tis konsolas...xereis poso kostizei to kathe chipaki otan to pairnoun oi "filoi" me ta chipakia?

epeidi exo kai ta dio mporo na po oti to xbox einai klaseis kalitero gia polous logous apla to ps exei kaliterous titlous pro stigmi kai kaliteres eteries pou to ipostirizoun.px den einai tuxaio pou to metal gear vgainei panta se ps.Alla kai to camecube exei ean duo games ta opoia einai trela ma trala graphics ta resident 1 kai 0 px.


Επειδή και εγώ είχα και τα 2 μέχρι πριν 1 βδομάδα... αρκεί να πώ ότι κράτησα το xbox και το ps2 το...χάρισα :P... ναι έχει παραπάνω τίτλους το ps2 αλλά δεν παύει να είναι κατώτερο... :)


O καθένας μπορεί να προμηθευθεί από το net το καλύτερο τσιπάκι για την κονσόλα του, πληρώνοντας το πολύ €50, και με €15-20 να το τοποθετήσει σε οποιονδήπωτε έχει στοιχειώδεις γνώσεις από κολλητήρι.


Τα €100 που χρεώνουν τα "κονσολάδικα" είναι ληστεία.


Nai re paidia to kserw...oloi gnwrizoume tin elliniki pragmatikotita....alla opws leei o father.."Thes fatw thes petakse to.." Opoios niwthei as to parei apo eksw kai as to balei monos tou..egw etsi ekana toulaxiston.Twra o klassikos Ellinaras arpakolatzis apo pou tha bgalei... .Isws eimai psyxros alla den ftaiw.Oloi pisteuw leme ta idia logia kai exoume tis idies skepseis.... :)


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