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Fallout 3

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Fallout 3 perception “mismatch” due to secretive reveal plan, says Hines


Speaking to VG247, Bethesdaʼs Peter Hines has said that people may have been surprised by the level of violence in the Fallout 3 E3 demo simply because little of the RPG has been shown so far.


“I would chalk up the ʽmismatchʼ to the fact that we hadnʼt shown a ton on the game to folks up to this point, and that was intentional,” he said.


“We prefer to hold cards close to the vest and continue to put out new info on the game right up until itʼs out, rather than having tons of info out there 9 or 12 months before launch and not having anywhere else to go.


“Once you show folks gameplay, and let them play the game, thereʼs a very different dynamic from that point forward when it comes to the press and public, and what they expect and want, and weʼre very aware of that.”


Hines went on to say that the violence in the game is supposed to have a comic edge to it, despite Cormac McCarthyʼs novel The Road - a distinctly unfunny book - being cited previously as a heavy reference.


“Iʼm pretty sure weʼve been pretty clear all along that itʼs a violent, harsh world,” Hines added. “I donʼt know if people thought we were kidding about that or what. But the original games definitely had that aspect to them, and we felt it was important to preserve it. Now, the way itʼs handled in Fallout 3 is a bit over-the-top intentionally so that itʼs more comical than disturbing.


“And it isnʼt all you do in the game, so it does require context in that it isnʼt the only thing you can do in the game, as the folks who spent a half hour in dialog proved. We follow the lore and canon of the Fallout universe when it comes to whatʼs going on in the world, the violence, etc. So McCarthyʼs The Road is brilliant, but itʼs a very different take on a

post-apoc world and so while there are ideas and themes in that work you will also find in Fallout 3, theyʼre coming at it from very different places.”


Fallout 3 releases in the US for PC, PS3 and 360 on October 7. Weʼre still waiting on a European release date.

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Bethesda: 'Fallout is a better game than Oblivion'


Pete Hines, Bethesda VP, has no doubt in his mind that Fallout 3 is better than The Elder Scrolls IV.


Speaking to VideoGamer.com at a recent roundtable interview in London, Bethesda Softworks vice president Pete Hines has confidently declared that Fallout 3 is a better game than the highly praised The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


Asked directly if he felt the review scores for Fallout 3 will beat those of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Hines wasn't to be drawn on Fallout 3's review scores, but did express his confidence in the game.


"I don't have any doubts that on the whole, and I think this is a belief universally shared on the team that Fallout is a better game," said Hines. "But we're also not oblivious to the fact that we have a lot of extra baggage that we're carrying, being the guys picking up this franchise, that are re-imagining this series from 10 years ago, and there's something that comes along with that. We're very well aware of what we're up against."


He added: "I have no doubts in my mind that, at its core and for everything that it provides that Fallout is a better game than Oblivion was. For sure."


Fallout 3 is scheduled for release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 this autumn.


Fallout 4 Confirmed


Just a couple of months left for the release of Fallout 3 and Bethesda's Peter Hines has confirmed plans for other sequels.


"We didn't buy the Fallout franchise to just do Fallout 3 and then stop," Peter explained but refused to give any further info, saying: " let's get this one out of the door before we worry about the next one."


Peter also confirmed that Fallout 3 DLC will be permanently exclusive to PC and Xbox 360. "When I say exclusive I mean it is exclusive to just the Xbox 360 and PC. If you want to play the Fallout 3 downloadable content you will need to have an Xbox 360 or a PC", he reaffirmed.


Fallout 3 Dated: Post-apocalyptic RPG Hits October 28


Developer Bethesda today announced that its highly anticipated RPG Fallout 3 will hit store shelves on October 28 in North America.


The post-apocalyptic sequel will make it to European shores three days later on October 31. Bethesda noted that the PC version will be available in digital form, though no specific distributors were named.




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