Προς το περιεχόμενο

Ένα FPS με μέγεθος 96kb


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις




1. about .kkrieger



The project was started two years ago and since then many, many hours of our spare time went

into developing .kkrieger. Still, in the end we didn?t have time for the most important thing:

gameplay. So expect some major improvements in our next releases.

However, we enjoyed making .kkrieger a lot and are quite satisfied with the end result and now we

are eagerly awaiting your comments :) So if you have any feedback, may it be acclaim, critique or

bug reports - please feel free to write us. Every email is highly appreciated!

(No, wait - don?t send us bugs until the final version - we know enough already ;)


We will definitely release an uncut "final" version with some more kb, enhanced content and less

bugs, soon. (The first thing we'll do after this release is relax for some time, though :).


.kkrieger is designed as a trilogy. At the moment we can not tell if and when we will find the

time to develop the next chapters, though. We will keep you informed on our homepage...



2. controls



W - forward

S - backward

A - left

D - right

[space] - Jump

Left mouse - shoot

1-5 - switch weapon


Press M1 - M9 to respawn at the different respawn points (also helps when caught in collision ;)



3. system requirements



.kkrieger requires a relatively high-end machine to run properly. To be



- A 1.5GHz Pentium3/Athlon or faster.

- 512MB of RAM (or more)

- A Geforce4Ti (or higher) or ATI Radeon8500 (or higher) graphics card

supporting pixel shaders 1.3, preferably with 128MB or more of VRAM.

- Some kind of sound hardware

- DirectX 9.0b


We've done some testing to ensure it runs on all hardware meeting those

requirements we could get, and we checked it runs on all major supported

configurations with current drivers, but with some graphics card/driver

combinations it might screw up. In case you have problems, please try

getting the most recent driver release from your vendor, and only if the

problem persists contact us (refer to the contact section).



:shock: :shock:


μολις ειδα το 96kb αμεσως το μυαλο μου πηγε στα περιφημα demos Fr-08 etc

τον 64kb , της theproduct.de

Ποιοι αλλoι θα αποτολμουσαν κατι τετοιο (και θα τα καταφερναν ....)


Καλα παιδια...μολις το ειδα ειμεινα μαλ*****....Ουτε τα ROMS του mame δεν ειναι τοσο μικρα!Και εχει και ωραια γραφικα το ατιμο!Ειχα δει μια παρομοια προσπαθεια παλιοτερα αλλα δεν ηταν playable...Αυτο ξεπερασε καθε φαντασια!Και εχει και εισαγωγη και μενου!Ανε ειναι δυνατον...Τι να πω, μπραβο τους!


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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