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Kill Bill vol. 2 official thread - !! SPOILERS Inside !!


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  • Απαντ. 88
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Θυμίζει Ennio Morricone αλλά δεν είναι κάποιο από αυτά που υπάρχουν στο soundtrack.


Edit: Βρέθηκε :D

Ennio Morricone - The Trio (από το soundtrack του "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly")

Δεν υπάρχει στο CD, αλλά μπορούμε να το προσθέσουμε μόνοι μας... ;)


eida kapoies kritikes apo rottentomatoes

kai enthousiastika. O,ti eleipe apto vol.1

apo thema vathous stin istoria, to exei

to vol.2, symfwna me autes panta.

Leei den tha einai oso stylish,dynamic

oso to vol.1 alla tha einai pio poly sto

classic-good old tarantino style....

[kill bill vol 1: 84%fresh]

[kill bill vol 2: 90%fresh]


can't wait!!!! :D :D :D


suxw xanapei,to rotten gia dyo logous einai mistirio

a)Exei mono Amerikano(thremenous) kritikous

b)Mporei mia tainia na einai tou 65%,na tis valoun oloi 65%.Epeidh omws einai psilo psifiako(diladi i Fresh i Rotten) tote tha parei 100% epeidh oloi tha tis exounpanw apo 60%-to orio gia fresh.Epomenws mia tainia me 9 80aria% kai 1 45% tha parei 99% enw mia me 10 65% tha parei 100%

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Apsogo.....Poli oreoi dialogoi,drasi(ligoteri apo to vol1 alla ousiastikoteri),katapliktiki mousiki,Poli orees ermhnies apo Uma,Bill kai Daryl.....Psuxagogia sto maximum.


Auta ta liga...den thelo na sas to xalaso.


Oh end remeber........ Uma:" Bitch, you dont have a future"


Emina malakas se auti ti skini!!!!

  • Super Moderators

Μια χαρά ταινία - την οποία ελπίζω να δω μαζί με το vol. 1 σε ενιαίο DVD κάποια στιγμή.


Μην περιμένετε τον χαμό από splatter και αίμα που είδατε στο vol.1 - το vol.2 είναι διαφορετικό και πιο ήσυχο. Εξηγεί πολλά πράγματα (τι έγινε στο El Paso, TX - μέρος της ζωής της The Bride προ της σφαγής στην εκκλησία - πώς η Elle Driver έχασε το ένα της μάτι - το πραγματικό όνομα της The Bride που μας απέκρυπταν στο vol.1 - κλπ). Δεν λέω τίποτα για να μην σας το χαλάσω αλλά τώρα που θα σκάσει μύτη και στους κινηματογράφους θα πάω να το ξαναδώ ευχαρίστως.


Εμένα με καλύπτει απόλυτα η κρίτικη που διάβασα στο AllMovie.com (τα λιγοστά spoilers είναι με λευκό χρώμα):


Considering his uber-moviegeek persona, it is easy to forget that Quentin Tarantino is a writer. The reason he has traditionally taken so long between projects is that he hones and shapes his screenplays to near perfection. His camera movements, his editing rhythms, and his soundtracks are fully in his head before he shoots a single frame, and every element of filmmaking is utilized to serve the story - all while he remains loose enough on the set to adapt to the moment (as he did throughout the creation of the fight sequences in Kill Bill). That unique blend of passion and craft - call it freewheeling deliberateness - makes Quentin Tarantino one of the best directors of his generation. The first half of Kill Bill, released to theaters six months before the conclusion, celebrated the moviegeek elements of Tarantino's personality - specifically the geek who has absorbed every Sonny Chiba movie. Where Volume 1 offered the most visually freewheeling Tarantino work ever, Volume 2 showcases how deliberate his intentions are. Take the training sequence with Pai Mei: This looks like every kung fu movie that ever played on a Saturday afternoon on your local UHF station. The cheesy zooms, the arch dialogue, and the faux-mystical bearded mentor are all intricately planned and in place. These elements are not kitsch; Tarantino genuinely loves these genre tropes and wants nothing more than to share that love with the audience while never taking his eye off the story. This is exactly what he accomplishes in Kill Bill, and he does it with confidence. For each Perils of Pauline-like death that awaits The Bride, Tarantino has taken great effort to explain how the skills she has developed over time allow her to escape. That is never more true than in the climactic face-off with Bill. Thank goodness Warren Beatty ended up not playing the part because it is hard to fathom a more perfect choice than David Carradine, whose work here, with his deep, laconic voice and subtly menacing physical confidence, recalls Robert Mitchum. Their nearly 40-minute showdown is much more mental and emotional than physical. That the performers, the film, and the audience so easily adjusts to this new battlefield reveals the writer in Tarantino - and makes clear his remarkable achievement. Tarantino proves, as he has with each of his films, that a good story well-told will support any and all visual flourishes. He has not transcended the generic revenge story line he has utilized, he has simply made one of the best possible films of that type. While other movie geeks will spend years cataloguing the various musical and camera lifts in Kill Bill, the people who understand and appreciate fine storytelling should marvel at how - in just four movies - Tarantino has become arguably the best crime writer of his generation. -


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