atx Δημοσ. 8 Οκτωβρίου 2000 Δημοσ. 8 Οκτωβρίου 2000 Network Country SMSC Number Notes <P>Mobiland Andorra +376 301 004 ( kapote estelne)<BR>Mobiland Andorra +376 301 005 <BR>MobileNet Australia +61 418 705 700 <BR>MobileNet Australia +61 418 706 700 <BR>MobileNet Australia +61 418 706 800 <BR>MobileNet Australia +61 418 706 900 <BR>Optus Australia +61 411 990 000 ( to kinito leei minima estalei alla pote den paei!)<BR>Optus Australia +61 411 990 001 >>><BR>Optus Australia +61 411 990 003 >>>><BR>Optus Australia +61 412 025 989 <BR>Vodafone Australia +61 415 011 501 <BR>Vodafone Australia +61 415 077 501 <BR>Maxmobil Austria +43 676 021 <BR>Maxmobil Austria +43 676 023 <BR>Mobilkom Austria +43 664 0501 <BR>Mobilkom Austria +43 664 0601 <BR>One Austria +43 699 000 1999 <BR>AzerCell Azerbaijan +994 not yet known <BR>MobilePlus Bahrain +973 not yet known <BR>Mobistar Belgium +32 950 025 30 <BR>Mobistar Belgium +32 959 552 05 <BR>Orange Belgium +32 486 000 005 <BR>Proximus Belgium +32 751 616 12 <BR>Proximus Belgium +32 751 616 16 <BR>Proximus Belgium +32 751 616 17 <BR>MobilTEL Bulgaria +359 not yet known <BR>Microcell Fido Canada +1 514 993 1123 <BR>China Telecom China +86 139 059 150 <BR>China Telecom China +86 139 059 1500 <BR>China Telecom China +86 139 059 160 <BR>China Telecom China +86 139 059 170 <BR>Cronet Croatia +385 980 501 <BR>CYTA GSM Cyprus +357 not yet known <BR>Eurotel Czech Republic +420 602 909 909 <BR>Paegas Czech Republic +420 603 051 <BR>Paegas Czech Republic +420 603 051 030 <BR>Paegas Czech Republic +420 603 052 000 <BR>Paegas Czech Republic +420 603 052 001 <BR>Paegas Czech Republic +420 603 052 100 <BR>Paegas Czech Republic +420 603 052 520 <BR>Mobilix Denmark +45 262 651 51 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 00 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 01 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 02 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 03 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 04 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 05 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 06 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 10 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 405 900 15 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 406 200 00 <BR>Sonofon Denmark +45 436 252 50 <BR>Tele-Danmark Denmark +45 403 909 99 <BR>Telia Denmark +45 281 870 00 <BR>EMT Estonia +372 509 9000 <BR>Q GSM Estonia +372 550 9911 <BR>Radiolinja Estonia Estonia +372 568 771 010 <BR>Radiolinja Estonia Estonia +372 568 771 019 <BR>Vodafone Fiji +679 not yet known <BR>Nokia Finland +358 405 202 999 Phase 2 <BR>Radiolinja Finland Finland +358 508 771 010 <BR>Radiolinja Finland Finland +358 508 771 019 <BR>Radiolinja Finland Finland +358 508 771 020 <BR>Radiolinja Finland Finland +358 508 771 030 <BR>Sonera Finland +358 405 202 000 <BR>Buoygues France +33 660 003 000 <BR>Itineris France +33 007 001 080 <BR>Itineris France +33 689 004 000 <BR>Itineris France +33 689 004 431 <BR>Itineris France +33 689 004 581 <BR>SFR France +33 609 001 390 <BR>Telecom France France +33 836 620 766 <BR>??? Germany +49 172 227 0342 <BR>Cycosmos Germany +49 172 227 0270 <BR>D1 Germany +49 171 076 0000 <BR>D1 Germany +49 171 209 2522 <BR>D1 Germany +49 171 599 0000 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0000 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0042 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0111 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0222 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0300 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0333 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0950 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0960 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0970 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 0980 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 1000 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 1042 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 1300 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 1950 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 1960 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 1970 Phase 2 <BR>D2 Germany +49 172 227 1980 Phase 2 <BR>Debitel Germany +49 172 227 0230 <BR>Debitel Germany +49 172 227 1111 <BR>Debitel Germany +49 172 227 1230 <BR>Dr Materna Germany +49 172 224 1265 <BR>Dr Materna Germany +49 172 227 0265 <BR>Dr Materna Germany +49 172 227 1222 <BR>E-Plus Germany +49 177 060 0000 <BR>E-Plus Germany +49 177 060 0010 <BR>E-Plus Germany +49 177 060 0099 <BR>E-Plus Germany +49 177 060 0999 <BR>E-Plus Germany +49 177 061 0000 <BR>E-Plus Germany +49 177 062 0000 <BR>IC3S Germany +49 172 227 0201 <BR>IC3S Germany +49 172 227 1201 <BR>NetCs Germany +49 172 227 0243 <BR>NetCs Germany +49 172 227 1243 <BR>Talkline Germany +49 171 076 0900 <BR>Talkline Germany +49 171 076 0901 <BR>Talkline Germany +49 171 076 0910 <BR>Talkline Germany +49 172 227 0258 <BR>Talkline Germany +49 172 227 1258 <BR>VIAG Interkom Germany +49 176 000 0443 <BR>Gibtel Gibraltar +350 not yet known <BR>Cosmote Greece +30 385 011 6005 What the hell? <BR>Cosmote Greece +30 971 000 00 <BR>Cosmote Greece +30 971 000 03 <BR>Cosmote Greece +30 971 000 05 <BR>Panafon Greece +30 942 190 00 <BR>Panafon Greece +30 942 940 000 <BR>Telestet Greece +30 935 970 00 <BR>Telestet Greece +30 935 990 00 <BR>??? Hong Kong +852 92 040 031 Phase 2 <BR>HK Telecom Hong Kong +852 90 217 572 <BR>HK Telecom Hong Kong +852 90 288 000 <BR>Hutchison Hong Kong +852 94 985 795 <BR>Smartone Hong Kong +852 90 100 000 <BR>Pannon Hungary +36 209 300 096 <BR>Pannon Hungary +36 209 300 098 Phase 2 <BR>Pannon Hungary +36 209 300 0988 <BR>Pannon Hungary +36 209 300 099 Phase 2 <BR>Pannon Hungary +36 209 300 0993 <BR>Pannon Hungary +36 209 610 000 <BR>Pannon Hungary +36 309 610 000 <BR>Westel 900 Hungary +36 309 888 000 Phase 2 <BR>Westel 900 Hungary +36 309 888 300 <BR>TAL Iceland +354 699 9099 <BR>Telecom Iceland Iceland +354 890 0100 <BR>BPL Mobile India +91 982 100 0005 <BR>Max Touch India +91 982 000 5446 <BR>GSM-XL BR Indonesia +62 818 445 001 <BR>GSM-XL BR Indonesia +62 818 445 004 <BR>GSM-XL BR Indonesia +62 818 445 009 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 124 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 15 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 150 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 155 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 16 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 25 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 88 <BR>Satelindocel Indonesia +62 816 99 <BR>Telkomsel Indonesia +62 811 000 00 <BR>Eircell Ireland +353 87 699 985 <BR>Eircell Ireland +353 87 699 989 Phase 2 <BR>Esat Digifone Ireland +353 868 002 000 <BR>Esat Digifone Ireland +353 868 002 001 <BR>Esat Digifone Ireland +353 868 002 002 <BR>Esat Digifone Ireland +353 868 002 008 <BR>pronto Isle of Man +44 not yet known <BR>Orange Israel +972 541 200 32 <BR>Omnitel Italy +39 349 200 0200 <BR>Omnitel Italy +39 349 200 0300 <BR>Omnitel Italy +39 349 200 0400 <BR>Omnitel Italy +39 349 200 0500 <BR>Telecom Italy +39 650 510 701 <BR>TIM Italy +39 335 960 8000 <BR>TIM Italy +39 335 960 9600 <BR>TIM Italy +39 338 960 960 <BR>TIM Italy +39 338 980 000 <BR>Wind Italy +39 320 585 8500 <BR>NTT Japan +81 not yet known <BR>MTC Kuwait +965 not yet known <BR>LMT Latvia +371 920 2020 <BR>Cellis Lebanon +961 348 8888 <BR>LibanCell Lebanon +961 348 888 800 <BR>LibanCell Lebanon +961 348 888 880 <BR>LibanCell Lebanon +961 390 6060 <BR>VCL Lesotho +266 not yet known <BR>Bite GSM Lithuania +370 995 0115 <BR>Omnitel Lithuania +370 989 9992 <BR>PTT Luxembourg Luxembourg +352 021 100 003 Phase 2 <BR>PTT Luxembourg Luxembourg +352 021 100 009 <BR>Tango Luxembourg +352 091 000 010 <BR>Tango Luxembourg +352 091 000 020 <BR>Tango Luxembourg +352 091 000 030 Phase 2 <BR>Tango Luxembourg +352 091 000 040 <BR>CTM Macau +853 not yet known <BR>MobiMak Macedonia +389 706 622 <BR>??? Malaysia +60 168 999 800 <BR>ADAM Malaysia +60 173 600 010 <BR>ADAM Malaysia +60 173 600 011 <BR>ADAM Malaysia +60 173 600 020 <BR>ADAM Malaysia +60 173 600 030 <BR>Celcom Malaysia +60 162 999 900 <BR>Celcom Malaysia +60 192 900 000 <BR>Celcom Malaysia +60 192 900 010 <BR>Celcom Malaysia +60 192 900 020 <BR>Celcom Malaysia +60 193 900 000 <BR>Digi 1800 Malaysia +60 162 999 99 <BR>Maxis Malaysia +60 120 000 015 <BR>Mutiara Malaysia +60 162 999 000 <BR>CellPlus Mauritius +230 not yet known <BR>MTC Namibia +264 not yet known <BR>Ben Netherlands +31 624 000 000 <BR>DutchTone Netherlands +31 628 500 561 <BR>Libertel Netherlands +31 654 088 1000 <BR>Libertel Netherlands +31 654 088 2000 <BR>Libertel Netherlands +31 654 545 000 <BR>Libertel Netherlands +31 654 545 001 <BR>Libertel Netherlands +31 654 881 000 <BR>PTT Telecom Netherlands +31 653 131 313 <BR>Telfort Netherlands +31 626 000 230 <BR>Bell South New Zealand +64 216 001 00 <BR>Bell South New Zealand +64 216 002 00 <BR>Bell South New Zealand +64 216 003 00 <BR>Bell South New Zealand +64 216 006 00 <BR>Bell South New Zealand +64 216 006 10 <BR>Vodafone New Zealand +64 not yet known <BR>Netcom Norway +47 920 010 00 <BR>Netcom Norway +47 920 010 01 <BR>Netcom Norway +47 920 010 02 <BR>Netcom Norway +47 920 8977 <BR>Telenor Norway +47 900 021 00 <BR>Telenor Norway +47 900 077 77 <BR>Globe Telecoms Philippines +63 917 02 <BR>Globe Telecoms Philippines +63 917 03 <BR>Globe Telecoms Philippines +63 917 04 <BR>Globe Telecoms Philippines +63 917 07 <BR>Globe Telecoms Philippines +63 917 09 <BR>Islacom Philippines +63 915 020 0003 <BR>Smart Philippines +63 918 000 0101 <BR>Centertel Poland +48 501 200 777 Phase 2 <BR>Era GSM Poland +48 602 951 111 <BR>Era GSM Poland +48 602 951 112 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 110 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 111 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 310 Phase 2 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 311 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 314 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 315 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 318 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 319 <BR>Plus GSM Poland +48 601 000 510 <BR>Optimus Portugal +351 not yet known <BR>TeleCel Portugal +351 931 770 077 <BR>TMN Portugal +351 936 210 000 <BR>Q-Tel Qatar +974 not yet known <BR>Connex Romania +40 920 040 00 <BR>Dialog Romania +40 945 745 74 <BR>Dialog Romania +40 949 460 00 <BR>Dialog Romania +40 949 460 01 <BR>??? Russia +7 842 5109 <BR>Beeline Russia +7 901 731 00 <BR>MTS Russia +7 095 769 9100 <BR>North West GSM Russia +7 812 960 0000 <BR>North West GSM Russia +7 812 960 0001 <BR>North West GSM Russia +7 812 960 0096 <BR>SRR Rιunion +262 not yet known <BR>??? Singapore +65 968 266 59 <BR>MobileOne Singapore +65 968 459 99 Phase 2 <BR>MobileOne Singapore +65 968 469 99 <BR>SingTel Singapore +65 961 977 77 <BR>SingTel Singapore +65 964 000 01 <BR>SingTel Singapore +65 965 000 01 <BR>SingTel Singapore +65 981 899 99 <BR>Eurotel Slovak Republic +421 903 333 000 <BR>Eurotel Slovak Republic +421 903 333 001 <BR>Eurotel Slovak Republic +421 903 333 002 <BR>Globtel GSM Slovak Republic +421 905 303 303 <BR>Mobitel Slovenia +386 410 013 33 <BR>Si.Mobil Slovenia +386 404 410 00 <BR>MTN South Africa +27 822 442 244 <BR>MTN South Africa +27 831 000 002 <BR>MTN South Africa +27 831 000 004 <BR>MTN South Africa +27 831 000 006 <BR>MTN South Africa +27 831 000 013 ( to kinito leei minima estalei alla pote den paei!)<BR>MTN South Africa +27 831 000 015 <BR>Vodacom South Africa +27 829 119 <BR>Vodacom South Africa +27 829 128 <BR>Vodacom South Africa +27 829 129 <BR>Airtel Spain +34 607 003 110 <BR>Airtel Spain +34 607 003 140 <BR>Airtel Spain +34 607 133 000 <BR>Amena Spain +34 656 000 311 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 800 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 801 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 803 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 804 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 805 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 806 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 807 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 809 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 810 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 811 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 812 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 813 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 814 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 815 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 816 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 817 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 818 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 819 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 909 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 090 999 ( to kinito leei minima estalei alla pote den paei!)<BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 093 401 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 093 402 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 093 411 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 093 412 <BR>Movistar Spain +34 609 909 909 <BR>Comviq Sweden +46 707 773 078 <BR>Comviq Sweden +46 707 990 001 <BR>Comviq Sweden +46 707 990 002 <BR>Comviq Sweden +46 707 990 003 <BR>Comviq Sweden +46 707 990 004 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 000 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 001 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 002 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 003 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 004 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 005 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 707 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 708 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 709 <BR>Europolitan Sweden +46 708 000 710 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 001 899 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 001 999 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 002 899 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 002 999 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 003 099 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 003 199 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 003 299 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 003 499 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 003 599 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 006 599 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 008 099 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 008 299 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 008 899 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 008 999 <BR>Telia Sweden +46 705 009 999 <BR>diAx Switzerland +41 765 980 000 <BR>Swisscom Switzerland +41 794 999 000 <BR>Chung Hwa Telecom Taiwan +886 931 000 099 Phase 2 <BR>Chung Hwa Telecom Taiwan +886 932 400 821 <BR>Trite Tanzania +255 not yet known <BR>AIS Thailand +66 181 108 88 <BR>WP1800 Thailand +66 144 104 00 <BR>WP1800 Thailand +66 161 104 00 <BR>WP1800 Thailand +66 161 104 01 <BR>Telsim Turkey +90 542 980 0033 Phase 2 <BR>Telsim Turkey +90 542 980 0034 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 901 0000 Phase 2 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 901 0010 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 902 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 910 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 911 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 917 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 920 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 921 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 930 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 932 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 934 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 935 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 950 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 951 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 952 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 953 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 954 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 955 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 956 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 957 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 958 0000 <BR>Turkcell Turkey +90 532 959 0000 <BR>Etisalat G2 UAE +971 not yet known <BR>CelTel Uganda +256 not yet known <BR>Cellnet UK +44 802 000 332 <BR>Cellnet UK +44 802 000 333 <BR>Cellnet UK +44 802 000 334 <BR>Cellnet UK +44 802 000 335 <BR>Cellnet UK +44 802 000 336 <BR>Cellnet UK +44 802 000 341 <BR>one2one UK +44 7958 879 879 <BR>Orange UK +44 973 008 999 <BR>Orange UK +44 973 100 973 Phase 2 <BR>Orange UK +44 973 100 974 <BR>Vodafone UK +44 385 014 306 <BR>Vodafone UK +44 385 016 005 <BR>Golden Telecom Ukraine +380 444 990 000 <BR>Golden Telecom Ukraine +380 672 020 00 <BR>Kievstar Ukraine +380 672 020 000 <BR>Aerial USA +1 281 235 0025 <BR>Aerial USA +1 813 263 0025 <BR>Bell South Mobility USA +1 704 410 0000 <BR>DigiPH PCS USA +1 334 209 0307 <BR>Omnipoint USA +1 917 907 0004 <BR>Pacific Bell USA +1 209 904 2010 <BR>Pacific Bell USA +1 209 904 2020 <BR>Pacific Bell USA +1 209 904 2030 <BR>Powertel USA +1 334 333 8200 <BR>Sprint Spectrum USA +1 410 258 953 <BR>Voicestream Wireless USA +1 206 313 0004 <BR>Mobtel Yugoslavia +381 631 001 00 <BR>Mobtel Yugoslavia +381 631 002 00 <BR>Mobtel Yugoslavia +381 631 003 00 <BR>Mobtel Yugoslavia +381 631 004 00 <BR>ProMonte Yugoslavia +381 69? ??? ??? <BR>Telekom Yugoslavia +381 640 000 900 <BR>Telekom Yugoslavia +381 650 000 900 <BR>Zamcell Zambia +260 not yet known <BR>Net One Zimbabwe +263 111 912 01 <P>+41794990000<BR>+38641002333<BR>+20122000020<BR>+20105996500 <BR>+393205858500 <BR>+6281615<BR>+62816124 <BR>+8613800100500 <BR>+352021100003 <BR>+6281100000 <BR>+70957699100 <BR>+8613800371500 <BR>+790173101 <BR>+32495002530 <BR>+34607003190 <BR>+3093598000 ( to kinito leei minima estalei kai to minima paei! alla den xeroyme akoma ama xreonei.)<BR>+62816127 <BR>+6421600640 <BR>+4540590010 <BR>+60193900000 <BR>+6596845999 <BR>+44802000335 <BR>+44802000341 <BR>+4540590007 <BR>+6618110888 <BR>+62818445009 <BR>+8536800853 <BR>+420603052000 <BR>+38163100100 <BR>+4528187000 <BR>+905329010000 <BR>+15149931123 <BR>+491722271042 <BR>+4540590006 <BR>+6596197777 <BR>+1410258953 <BR>+17045020600 <BR>+62811130004<BR>+790173100 <BR>+46707990001 <BR>+43676021 <BR>+48602951111 <BR>+491722270300<BR>+358405202999<BR>+352021100003 <BR>+381650000900<BR>+38163100100 <BR>+32486000008 <BR>
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.